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Everything posted by activa

  1. so is a missed language phrase .
  2. this is not possible with blesta now , you can use naja7host plugin for it http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4352-add-language-selector-in-client-side/ then toy can use urls like ?set_language=pl_pl
  3. normally you can't delete a category that has articles inside or sub categories .
  4. Thank tyson again ... this query has nothing with the transactions table . is our own table . can you post a converstion using using the Record component. .
  5. normally for the cron you should use another controller rather than the admin controller , so the admin controller need to be the admin logged in to work .
  6. Hello Tyson the grouping by date to get what my client need . my code work perfectly and give me what i'm really need . the my question was is possible to convert the sql query to the normal query recod used by blesta . $this->Record->where() , $this->Record->order() , $this->Record->select() .... also i noticed that the Record class didn't support the operator "between" , like $this->Record->where("date", "between" , $From AND $To ) ;
  7. Hello i have a mysql query code work perfectly , but i want to convert it to a blesta query standard . SELECT date_transaction, IFNULL( SUM(amount), 0 ) AS daily_sale FROM transactions WHERE date_transaction BETWEEN DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) and NOW() group by DATE(`date_transaction`) something like $this->Record->select(array('date_transaction , IFNULL( SUM(amount), 0 )'=>"daily_sale"), false)-> from("transactions"); $this->Record->query(" WHERE date_transaction BETWEEN DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) and NOW() group by DATE(`date_transaction`) ")->fetchAll(); ​
  8. That is not a client issue . is a module limitation . let say you have already in your cpanel server a account with "domain10.com" . a new client order a new hosting with the same domain "domain10.com" , the module should check if this already in the server or not . is simple !!
  9. that it will only hide the link from client !! i use admin tools to edit links instead of changing core file . it would be nice to se a option in the support manager to enable/disable the Knowledgebase .
  10. setHtml() is your friend .. $fields->setHtml(" <script type=\"text/javascript\"> $(document).ready(function() { //your jquery code here }); </script> or you can put your html code hare ");
  11. look interessting see how licence will be integrated wil themes !!!!
  12. if any new feature we need to wait to a major release it will be a pain . where is the "Automated Billing" notion here ?!!! we can't life with this philosophy .
  13. any chance to view this in the next release 3.6.1 we need now to void all the invoice manually . before we go to suspended services and list them , then we remove the service and invoice , with the new plugin , we can't determining wich account has a unpaid invoice to delete them . and now we have more task than before . the cancel plugin hs no sense for us without this task . we preferer disabling it ....
  14. maybe i get what idea they have . thier release version was 11.50 , 11.51 , 11.52 ; 11.53 ... they have eliminate the leading number 11. and just keeped the secondary numbers 54 ..ect ... they have a huge modification in thier core files , and i like the most of them ... specially what they are doing in users management and server optimization , i hve not yet tested plesk 12 , but i'm tottaly satisfied with cpanel at the moment .
  15. in our case , domain and hosting are a separated package . i don't remember why we have not go with addons in that case . note the domain can't be a addon of hosting or vice-versa . i believe blesta should think well in the hosting industry architecture . as now we can't provide a complex bundled package with terms .
  16. is thier any TAsk for this feature ?
  17. naja7host has wrote a plugin for that , it's free .
  18. +1 ...
  19. i have a code that i can convert a currency to another currency , now i want to get the exchange rate $amount = $this->Currencies->convert($amount, $from_currency, $to_currency, $company_id) ; now i want to get the exchange rate for this conversion ? is possible from the model it self ?
  20. not sur , but in the end of the file add another condtions like this to use header or blesta function redirect() // Capture the IPN status, or reject it if invalid switch (strtolower($this->ifSet($response['status']))) { case "successful ": header('Location: http://www.example.com/'); break; case "error": header('Location: http://www.example.com/'); break; }
  21. you need to make some change in the database to add the status "Pending Capture" to the status column , then you need to change the transaction model to add the new status in the queries . and the language file & the template files . for a normal user is not easy , bur for a developer is easy and can take just 10 mins of code customization . you need to save the files for upgrade case . some gateways return status that is not exist in blesta , so is better to adjust the gateway response to the status's blesta .
  22. you need to create/develop a new non-marchent gateway .
  23. via API or in your plugin ?
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