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Everything posted by activa

  1. blesta won't allow changing a invoice has a partial payment . this feature is need when a client request a more time to complete the payment . at least allow changing the due date .
  2. we have some trouble in registering new domain , the module retur a rror message https://httpapi.com/api/domains/register.json {"status":"ERROR","message":"Required parameter missing: reg-contact-id"} after a profound look ,we have found that logixbox reject adding contact with illegal caractere , the dresss contain "N°" . and logicbox only acept ascii caractere . no utf-8 caractere . https://httpapi.com/api/contacts/add.json {"status":"ERROR","message":"{address1\u003daddress1 contains invalid characters.}"}
  3. today i have looked to this in profound, we have never make attention to this . and yes, the suspended service are always 1 day from the day it should be suspended . from our system , invoice due date 01-04-2016 , the service still active, and i suppose it will be suspended today 03-04-2016 at 00:00 . and that is not ideal for us . client pay 1 year , the service should be suspended at the selected time set in cron settings for the next day . if service due date is 01-04-2016 , so next calendar day is 02-04-2016 . the time setting for running cron is 00:00 , the service should be suspended in 02-04-2016 at 00:00 .
  4. i prefer to see this status rather than see "in progress , open ..."
  5. +1 for this . when we have 1 server, it was no problem, but as now we have 2 servers , we should always check in wich server the cpanel was activated to change the domain dns . is a more task for our staff . i want also a possibility to attach the name server of domain with the cpanel activated account .
  6. when a staff make a reply is also open ...
  7. activa

    A Case To Test

    just a opinion , if i want to give my client a more time to pay , should i change the invoice date and unsuspend the service manually . simple question : where is marked the suspension is by cron or manually ?
  8. if last reply by client status should be --- Awaiting Staff Reply . if last reply by Staff status should be --- Awaiting Client Reply . this make sense for me than just showing a open status !!
  9. Hello have you enabled HTML in mail setting .
  10. professional website . the wonderfull is the integration with blesta ... multi-languages contents/url is a dream . 1st fun for this plugin .
  11. showing the amount we owe to a client is a good addition in proformas or invoices. so +1 .
  12. maybe the cron key is not defined in settings .
  13. +1 . we have the same request ... change status to "Awaiting Reply" should be auto marked !!!
  14. your cron in CLi ?
  15. activa

    How To Redirect ?

    normally , if no portal installed , it redirect you to the /client/login/
  16. activa

    Database Access

    won't work .. why you need to decrypt a password ? you must tell us what you need to other users can help you . if you want just to decrypt a password won't get a help .
  17. +1 but this is not against customer rights ?! what if he didn't want to renew ?
  18. @tyson , thanks for this info .... now is all clear , and time to code and test .
  19. regarding to this thread about order-id . i think blesta staff should stop working with order-id in the logicbox module . anyone has imported domains from whmcs can't manage module anymore in blesta . and can give confuse to any new client . logicbox already has a option to fetch the order-id for any given domain , so this will not take a huge modification in the module . i found some thread talking about the same probleme and i ask why blesta staff has not updated the module to correct this behavior . i have found a module by Naja that worked ; but i prefer to see in in a supported core module .
  20. so in our case there are no options/way to check if is ordered/paid or not ? we can can check at least if the option is activated or not (added or not) ? the fact here is we wouldn't show some tabs if the option is not activated . but how blesta check if a package options is added and it will calculated in the renewal ? a small question regarding package options , client can order this option when the services is already activated from client area ?
  21. activa

    Logicbox Questions

    1 - no sync for expiration date . 2 - yes , you need just to update the module .
  22. My question was exactly what naja describe , maybe a bad explain about addons/package options . so our registrar is now selling privacy that was free before , we will make a package option , but we want to give access to it only for people who have selected and payed this option . let say the package option name is "privacy" , how i can know that this service has this options activated (true as default is false) .
  23. as the title, the client registration order type only support the standard template . i suggest to make it support other template if the template ar made for that . we need to make our own registration template and we need to preserve the default standard without touching it .
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