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Everything posted by activa

  1. this is wanted feature
  2. also interested in this .
  3. i have a client that upgraded his service from client area, the client has not payed the generated invoice and want to cancel the upgrade . what is the safe method to cancel it ? just void the generated invoice ?
  4. nice work
  5. this has resolved one issue we have , it remain the option to change the service module row id if no group available . we hope to see this in some new releases . it's very very useful and will save us a lot of time by editing the database directly .
  6. if the licence can be transfered to blesta . i can purshase it .
  7. using latest tcpdf class will reduce pdf size . but i never test it in blesta .
  8. this behavior has affected another user 'naja7host' as i have read from some post earlier about suspension and due date .... i'm not a professional or developer to talk about advantages/disadvantages of saving date/time in different date/time of actual setting .
  9. when we edit transaction ,we can't edit date . it so useful when we record payment , and we put a wrong date . mark transaction s error and ad another one just to fix date transaction is a pain .
  10. why not ....
  11. 1 big + for this . have you tried to edit it manually and test it ?
  12. +1 . i want the errors displayed only to admins .
  13. it will so useful to show the complete note if the note is sticky . and add a inline button to delete it near to unstick .
  14. Good catch . we do it like this now , transfer the site to new server . cancel the service in client side , create new service without use_module , with the same old info (domain/login/pass) , and then we change the renew date !!! to step for us, and with your idea we will do it with 1 click .... complete the favor and try to make a temprory fix for us
  15. you can custumize the query to fetch only the client that has the company_id = X .
  16. you hve made it as plugin ?
  17. we have the fallowing case , Client A , has service A , Invoice A auto generated for renewal service A . we have moved Service A to Client B , but invoice will be paid by Client A . the system suspend the Service A as the invoice A was not paid for client A . we want the the system check if the due invoice is belong to the client that has the service and not any invoice in the system that is attached to the services .
  18. big thanks again .
  19. 1 big plus for this .
  20. you have any firewall ?
  21. i think navigation , events, task need the upgrade process to see the change . we have the same issue, and naja7host has send me a tips to avoid this , just increment the plugin version , then upgrade the plugin from manager , you will see the change .
  22. we have 2 clients that we will theme monthly for renewing services (domains) . we change the invoice date to end of month , and then we renew the domains for him outside blesta . for not making the blesta renew domains , we have edited the logicbox module to not do anything . nowadays , the more clients we have , and we need every time make the renew manually for all . if we enable auto renewal domain by the module . how we can make the domain already renewal not renewal a second time if the invoice is paid at the end of month ?
  23. that is a point of view . i believe there are other points of views . as the industry market support all things
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