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Everything posted by activa

  1. we miss the combo coupon , as hosting company , sometimes we offer a coupon to get the package X free if you purchase the package Y . as now is not possible to do this with the actual coupon system . also e miss the option to offer free domain with YY package . no one talk me about addons , we are selling hosting and domains not a products .
  2. is the token field missing in your form . is better to create it as a plugin .
  3. in other countries is not problem to delete old invoices or invoices . also who use proforma type, why we should keep old proforma invoice that has more than xx month ? for me is not a problem to delete a invoice if i want (if the law accept also) . if the plugin is not feet your need don't use it .
  4. very important plugin ... can the clear order list cron clear also the completed accepted orders after XX days ? no need to store completed accepted orders after some months . we receive a email about the cronjob but no orders has ben cleared or cleaned , so i think is better to send email only if the a orders has been cleared or cleaned .
  5. we have a plugin that has a cronjob, the cron was lanched in 12:00 and until now is still show the running icon in automation . normally after 6 hours it should be killed and reunning again ,!! The 6 hours lock from Blesta can't detect this cron !!! ,
  6. why not a notification message say that this already a payment and the account will be revised in x minutes . x minute time left to the next cronjob .
  7. +1 for sublinks in dropdown ... our navlinks is totally full , no more for new navbar links now .
  8. never inmy life i see the lve limit in the modify account page !!!
  9. yes , completly with blesta . i will check now the modify account page . edit ; there is no modify account in list account . modify exist in Home »Account Functions »Modify an Account , when i click in it , i didn't see any lve limit in this page . the lve limit i see it in Home »Server Configuration »CloudLinux LVE Manager
  10. i have tested , created a new package in whm , created a custom lve settings for that package , then activated a new account from blesta . in the account cpanel, i see the lve limit that i have set for that package . so no issue for me .
  11. maybe something like Configure::set("System.error_reporting.display", true); // enable/disable display error reporting Configure::set("System.error_reporting.admins_only", false); // true : display error reporting for admins only, false : display for all
  12. something is already requested , and that from thing that should be exist in native , i vote with all my force to have delete invoices option .
  13. where should i look to see the lve limit is applied or not ? i can test .
  14. the cron update need a helper plugin . not possible with the modules now .
  15. we have some service , and we want to convert them to addon service . is nice to have such feature . we have already created the addon group and included the package in it .
  16. try to print_r() your variables , that was you can view the value and what is doing .
  17. you need to create a plugin that will be a intermediate between your licence manager and the resell module offered to your resellers .
  18. in the cronjob we add another field for suspend reason . blesta only suspend service if unpaid or if is manually suspended .
  19. i'm talking about the suspension made in blesta system, not outside blesta .
  20. when the staff suspend a service, is annoying for the other staff or the admin to know the suspend reason , we now working with the notes, but we prefer to ad a suspend reason box , and also include it in the email template , that way the client recieve a suspension email including the reason of suspension like "spam" , "DMCA" , "unpaid service" ect ...
  21. Well Done .... after the Naja7host website , your website is second best blesta related website for me . some errors i have found : cloud vps , the cloud vps 2 price is 21$ , cloud vps 3 price 10$ !!! some domain extentions is available in the domain checker and not available in your order form .
  22. great design and work .
  23. the upgrade not done unless the invoice will be paid . so unvoid the invoice will do the jobs and cancel any pending upgrade ?
  24. i remember this was already talked several times , but i don't know if a task exist for it .
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