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Everything posted by activa

  1. Coupon for terms or bundled coupons is what really blesta need to add . As mentioned in the above issue , with some case the coupon system is waste of time .
  2. Download can be made from the first page http://translate.blesta.com/
  3. I Have see a plugin for this in github . You can try it .
  4. Awaiting staff or client reply is a good status and already requested but not yet implemented in the core.
  5. Product can switch after x term from term A to term B .
  6. I can agree with you in term of blesta at the moment is so far from hosting industry, and this was mentioned several times in this forum. But we can say BLESTA is a good replacement of other billing system in term of security and available code source and pricing, they have the chance to make more success if they can implement the spirit sense of hosting industry specially in order form. And we believe in blesta team capacity to achieve this task .
  7. Use the core support manager instead.
  8. I Have upgraded and the add annoucement has back again Worth other donation
  9. We have this auto in our production , we have hire @Blesta Addons to make some changes in logicboxes module to support potection privacy as configurable option, and to support the new transfert policy, support suspend and unsuspend domain, support manual renew from admin side, resend transfer request, restore domain, forwarding and dns manager, and i believe other modules can add such feature as well.
  10. I Love the way how the Quote plugin show the listing page, left side a list of status and right content the quotes list, make a look at it, fantastic and we love to see something like it in packages, clients, transactions, invoices ... ect
  11. I Think this can be done via event , i found the fallowing request is designed for such cases http://requests.blesta.com/topic/events-for-gateway-manager
  12. THey have only added a new authetification methode. All the old API request is the same.
  13. I Have opened one file of support manager , and i found they use date('c') in var injected in database.
  14. This request was posted some days ago in blesta feature website by @Blesta Addonsso it need only our votes
  15. IN admin side. Go to the registration form , edit then resave it and try again .
  16. I think we have a bug with root directory, all the links are without separation for default language. We love the knowledge base article patch you have made, users can switch language and the KB article are switched with them . I think this should be default in support manager .
  17. A Lot of plugins show successfully message but nothing added to database, that was occured only in v4, the same plugin work perfectly in v3. So i'm asking what was changed in v4?
  18. What you are doing for v4.1 ? Domains as plugin or refactor the domains modules?
  19. If you are logged in you can see it in the client dashboard how it change langauges . Anyway. you can see it clear at this pages http://blesta-addons.com/fr/client/login/ http://blesta-addons.com/es/client/login/
  20. Not correct . The most provider offer it, cloudlinux based server have this also .
  21. The yearly price is so small to support monthly term . But i suggest to add monthly term with a fees of 5 or 6 usd .
  22. PM or contact @Blesta Addons By experience They are the best of module creation .
  23. For resselers you need privilige . Csf has option for that, ask your hoster to add csf option for you
  24. SHare your solution for others ...
  25. I Think is better to cancel it and ask your client to make new suscription . The old subscription didnt has the service id or the callback url for blesta.
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