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Everything posted by activa

  1. The report can be done in blesta. Blesta has a option to exempt taxe per Clients basis. Blesta has the option to setup taxe per province/states , and to have multiple taxe applied .
  2. You need to change language file and difinitions .
  3. In majority of countries if a invoice was not paid on time , and it was due date we have the right to reclaim the payment via juriducus level . The client pay the invoice with late fee plus the fees of our laywer and any others fees related to it . So basically we cant wait 24 mounth ... after just 4 or 5 mounth we take the juridicus road .
  4. A Lot of users has abandoned proxmox when they dropped support of openvz . I think it was a big mistake .
  5. The design of listing child service are not good, it should be changed to a new listing design . 1+ for the pricing listing on service table.
  6. FOr resellerclub exist three module now , two of them free of charge . Logicboxes module - free Logicboxes reloaded - free Logicboxes extended - paid
  7. Totally required for our private project .
  8. Who execute the send email is the server not blesta . Blesta only send request to the server .
  9. is really a pain for me. If every thing need a manual intervention , and sometimes we need to pay for other dev to accomplish with this .
  10. I Have another case . We cant delete module rows and we are sur all the module rows are unused or used by a canceled service. We are in b3 not tested in v4
  11. WHich module you are using ?
  12. Modules has it own log in logs . You can see cpanel module or any other module they log request as input/output . For plugins i never found a logs for them .
  13. if i remember we never created the cache directory manually . It was thier when we installed blesta , not sur uf it was from the begginning or it was created later by blesta, as the directory needed to store nav urls i think .
  14. IF you running blesta v3 you can change module from packages . If blesta v4 is now way from admin UI you need to change it from database .
  15. I Is geeat news. But i still found the lock of events for pre action, like preaction users.add or edit , We miss this function from whmxx, a simple exemple, we prevent client of groub XXXX from changing passwords or info , with the pre edit event we can chech the client group belong to it, then se return a error message that prevent the info from bieng changed , we really miss this events .
  16. If i remember will , already requested and exist a task for it . And we strongly vote for it.
  17. activa

    Download Manager

    @Blesta Addons Is working in our project based on blesta with memberships levels via clients group, every group has a access for a variety of product , they can download them as thier membership active , once the renewal fees not paid the is resticted from accessing and using services .
  18. THey will have two invoices, that is normal , we cant accept adding late fee to a existing invoice. THis is the same workarround in majority of providers.
  19. Exist some cool dev here , cyndrak and @Blesta Addons is another great team that has released a lot of addons, you can contact them.
  20. You have the open source files ?
  21. The cron stuck only if a error occur, from a previos post you said the problme come from upgrade downgreade service , so it s something related maybe to module ... a plugin or module can be the siurce of this probleme .
  22. Normally the service change should check the entered info before proccess, wich module and what is the change made to block it ?
  23. check the $var in addservice() function , it has the whole vars needed.
  24. His plugin is commercial , you can order 1 month and test it .
  25. I Can confirm this in FF windows 10. After a refresh page the graph are showed correctly .
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