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Everything posted by activa

  1. I dont see proxmox reloaded in your list !! We need it updated with the latest release. Count us for sponsoring the module .
  2. I use proxmox reloaded .
  3. I dont think so . I recieve emails with just the package name no service name included. Also fo service creation error a get client name instead of service name . There was an error provisioning the following service: Domain xxx International Where xxx internation is the client name !!!
  4. Tested blesta 4.1.1 and this has been fixed.
  5. I see the benifict of this request . Specially the links to be available only to clients . nice idea +1
  6. I think blesta do this natively .
  7. This issue related to Unicode chars in gateway names not related to loading graphs.
  8. activa

    Ioncube Error

    You can use online encoder it will cost just some dollars.
  9. If @Licensecartreading this we can negociates the aquire of licensecart brand . We are serios just send me a PM .
  10. @Blesta Addons has a epp module . PM him to get in touch . We use it in our cctld country and is working like a charm .
  11. If your app is for mobile is complicated,you have to use another approuch away from license manager .
  12. I have the same issue, i have aplied your patch and is working, after the upgrade it return to show ascii char. I need to patch the file again . This small fixes/patch should be added in the new release. I even not seeing any task for it, if it was a issue with a simple latin letter it was fixed !!! To be multilanguage you should take care of all languages chars , The world is not only latin letters !!!!!
  13. This can be related to $this->base_uri ?
  14. Firstly check the email template. Maybe the spanosh version has the english text.
  15. So our custom module is related with this case, when we create package we found no module name listed. This is only if no module row selected in the package .
  16. Sinse we used multi language plugins we have forget about multi language in blesta , this plugin really a well though plugin, we have ranked for other language in google .... is master chef
  17. I cant imagine you can use blesta without any third party plugin . We use third party plugins both free and paid, if paid has the option for open source version we opt for it . Bakkery has released all thier plugin in open source . @Blesta AddonsHas a good reputation in term of third party addons.
  18. After a test it has. The privacy price is for the remaining years to expiry .
  19. I think exist another release . You r release is old.
  20. Wich module? No registrar module core support the addons .
  21. activa

    Migrating Virtualizor

    When importing from whmcs the imported services are added with universal module?
  22. Previosly i had this behavior with cpanel core plugin , the email body was included the package name twice in the creation error notice , for suspension error notice not tested. But i think they are related as the same issue are in the email notice . For suspension notice email the message body has the package name + service label correctly set.
  23. No way in API call of blesta resellers?
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