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  1. sirrocky


    Hey just wanted to say a big thx again, tested today and all working fine. I am getting this emailed to me though, not sure what it means: /bin/bash: line 1: 24806 Killed /usr/local/bin/php /home/website/public_html/blesta/index.php cron > /dev/null 2>&1 Merry Xmas m8 and thx for assisting me so promptly.
  2. sirrocky


    just sent you a pm I also seem to have lost my cron task, Automation, says there are no crons task.tion c
  3. sirrocky


    Hi, Dont have manual approval ticket option on also password must be ok as I can suspend an account through blesta which stops it on WHM I notice you helped some other people out via teamviewer, any chance of you having a look now if your free?
  4. sirrocky


    Hi Look for some help with Cron, everytime an order is placed it goes into pending mode on services, will only set the account up if i manually activate the service which then sets it up in WHM, likewise with the invoices, wont send then automatically. When I first installed this it worked fine. Would be grateful for some assistance. Regards Alex
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