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  1. You should totally license the first theme (http://fotos.subefotos.com/b4154aba2434a8056339e76221db6df0o.png) would be highly interested in purchasing!
  2. Would be nice to have the ability to use universal CSS for the email templates!
  3. Quick question, does anyone know if this plugin supports additional domains being added at the time of purchase / at all?
  4. You were given the free bump up to the gold plan, and yes in order to have the API work you'll need to add funds to your account.
  5. I'm smiling at how nice and how simple it looks! Much love
  6. Some pretty good ideas!
  7. Glad to hear
  8. Not a problem man knew you've been busy with other things. Looks amazing! Thanks so much!
  9. Hey Lukes, Know you said you were a bit busy, but was wondering about the status by chance
  10. Other requests where maybe a simple "renewal" button that will lead them to the order page for the same product.
  11. Yeah I'm really hoping, but there's no ETA and being that it's a limited (very limited group) I don't see it being on top of the plate for them.
  12. Hello, I'm seeking a developer who's familiar with Blesta and wants to take on a job of overhauling a module (Blesta developers don't have enough time to really dive into it as it's a low priority). The module is for GoGetSSL and what I'm wanting to do at the moment is to switch it so you don't have to submit your server details (csr/domain/ect) until after purchasing the certificate. Along with I've got some slight requests that I'd like to make to help enhance the module. Please feel free to get in contact with me via PM
  13. Same, sounds like a really good product.
  14. Understandable Tyson, hopefully this will soon be accomplished
  15. Hello Paul, Was wondering if you guys thought about the possibility of switching it over to being able to purchasing without having to submit the details for the certificate right at checkout. Reason for this is most of the time the company who assigns people to purchase the "SSL" have no clue about what it is, but they just know it's tasked upon them to get an "SSL" renewed/ordered for the company. Later on however, once paid they'll alert the technical team about the purchase, and they'll often take over when they have time. The way above is better not only for the customer, but also the business as they're getting the money from a customer who might not know how to get an SSL, and will need guidance. Versus that of turning them away because they see another language on the checkout form. Overall just feel it'd be better to switch it over to asking for them to "Generate" the certificate after purchase, and if that could be implemented that'd be awesome Edit: Along with maybe having the order inputs when checking out pre-populated with an example of what is expected to be put in the order fields, would be another great idea. As for some people they're not aware they're supposed to use "US" instead of United States.
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