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Everything posted by rain

  1. Ok, but I just suggest using this feature not with <select class="form-control"> (not like in CORE-1320 now). I think it is more usefull if this looks like text links with country flags in bootstrap modal like on screenshots I attached on my previous post
  2. +1 Hello, It will be nice to switch language without going to client settings. For example, my main language of Blesta portal is English. Some client find me on google search, but this client don't know english at all. I think it must be some language switcher on Portal without need of client register. I think users must switch they language by links, for example in bootstrap modal window. For example, somewhere (may be in footer) in Blesta Portal you can insert the button or link "Switch Language". When users wants to switch they language, they push this link or button, and they can chose prefer language from avaliable system packages in bootstrap modal (with flag image of Country and language name). When this feature will be done? Example:
  3. Thank you! But this task is already in work from Jun 28 and now it is without any work versions. May be some one knows any quick-fixes or php code to do this?
  4. Hello, It will be nice to switch language without going to client settings. For example, my main language of Blesta portal is English. Some client find me on google search, but this client don't know english at all. I think must be some language switcher on portal without need of client registering. Tell me please, how can clients to switch their language before they are register? May be some php code?
  5. Ok, but not all of Blesta users have a company, many of them are sole proprietorships. And most of them not needed in some reports what are you saying for. I think if number of clients will be big and each client, for example, have a many closed tickets, so the MySQL base will be so huge. I think that admin must have the feature to delete old/closed tickets, canceled services, transaction and invoices not only from MySQL base, but he should doing it from Blesta admin panel. It will be very usefull for many Blesta users, I think
  6. Hello, thank you so much for this fine community, it really helps to users of Blesta to transfering from another billing softwares. I have another question. How can I delete ServiŅes/invoices/transactions/tickets from the client? For example, client have some canceled services. The cron don't delete this as I can see. And I can't find any button to delete the canceled service from the client. The same thing with the Invoices. If client have many closed invoices, how can I delete this? Of if client have some declined transactions and many closed tickets, how can I remove them from the system? Of course I can do this in phpmyadmin by deleting some lines in specific tables of Blesta MySQL base, but if I'll have many clients I'll need to automate this process, for example by cron running it should delete canceled services, closed invoices, declined transactions and closed tickets. So, if Blesta have some way now to delete canceled services, closed invoices, declined transactions, closed tickets automatically or manually?
  7. Thank you for your answer! I will try this way
  8. Thank you very much!
  9. Hello, Tell me please, how can I add RUB currency (Russian Rubbles) in PayPal standart gateway (non-merchant)? I added this in system currencies and all is ok, but in PayPal gateway I can't see this currency. Before Blesta I used W***S and my clients could pay me via paypal in RUB and all was ok, so I know that PayPal works fine in RUB currency. Help me please, how can I add RUB in paypal gateway?
  10. This way can be very useful in bussiness if you offer differet products to other client groups. For example, Skrill offers a payment methods to persinal and bussiness, and they accounts must be different, so Skrill offers for example product "A" only for personal account clients and only product "B" for bussiness accounts. And it would be not convenient to assign a separate product individual client manually. I find in communiny, that the same question was a 1 year ago (http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1178-access-to-restricted-packages/) and Paul said that "...Having restricted packages be set on a per client group basis might be a good feature request". So, it will be a great feature.
  11. Hello, How can I assign product or product group to some clients group? For example, I have client groups "developers" and "users". And I have products, for example, "A", "B", "C" and "D". After client registration (depending on "order form") client assigned, for example, to group "developers", and he can see and can order only products "A" and "B" (or order forms). But clients in client group "users" can see and can order only "C" and "D" products. I believe that this is a very useful feature. How can I do this?
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