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Everything posted by me_faisal7

  1. Hello, I have used Are You Human , human verification system on my hosting site, and got Publisher Key and Scoring Key from them to put some where on blesta, but i have forgotten where did i put that either using a Module in admin section or modifying a php file? please help me as i want to disable this feature because it is no longer supported or have discontinued their human verification service. With kind Regards to all ! M Faisal
  2. Ok Licensecart thanks, i will do what you told, now i have installed iDevAffiliate_blesta in my Plugins, (uploaded idevaffiliate dir contents) Enabled it and gave Installation URL as: eg: http://www.mysite.com/idevaffiliate/ as on settings page but nothing is coming up on my site, i am using blesta as : www.mysite.com/billing ie in billing directory, so what will be the URL to put in idevaffiliate settings?
  3. Hello guys, I am back with the results yes i have done Upgrade successfully from 3.3.2 to 3.6.1 few moments ago, but now how can i remove /admin/upgrade page ? to avoid any accidental upgrade from somebody? if there is any advise for me to do after upgrade process, then please let me know, there is no any plugin or modules Upgrade buttons on my settings, so i think its OK. Also i have changed admin route from Configure::set("Route.admin", "admin_home"); in route.php file. Thanks again !
  4. Yes Licensecart i deleted old files and put new ones, that was my mistake which i have realized after watching your video, thanks for this video link, i will do the process today again and then inform you what happens. No i did not delete Old database fortunately. Tyson unfortunately i couldn't be able to take a screen shot of those errors page, i think that was due to putting all New files instead of Overwriting old ones as Licensecart advised me. Yes Paul i do have blesta License. Regards to all !
  5. Hello guys, thanks again for help but few moments ago i uploaded blesta 3.6.1 to my server, all files were in 'billing' folder, then i used this URL: www.myhostingsite/billing/admin/upgrade but there were only errors and missing codes notices on the page, i did not see any 'Upgrade' link (as shown in your upgrade video), there was only a link to Install a Fresh copy of blesta, thank God that i did not proceed with fresh installation and i had backed up old directory of blesta 3.3.2, so i put it again as before, nothing wrong happened and old system worked as before. But please guide me why the new Upgrade did not go well and why there were errors and notices on Upgrade page. I did not see any Upgrade Link on that page.
  6. Nice Nelsa and Licensecart for help, but if i upgrade by overwriting all files then what will happen to its related database? will it be upgraded automatically with new package? and what about db data? is there any issue or problem with db contents? i have downloaded iDevAffiliate zip file from this url: http://blog.idevaffiliate.com/affiliate-tracking-for-blesta-new-plugin/ so is it free to install and use in blesta?
  7. i c, so how can i upgrade from 3.3.2 to 3.6.1 ? give me link for guide to upgrade blesta. Thanks
  8. Hello guys, I do hope you all are fine there, well i was looking to add an affiliate system in my Blesta 3.3.2, so i found iDevAffiliate page for instructions, please guide me can i use in my Blesta 3.3.2 ? and will it work for my web hosting services i am providing? Thanks in advance M A Faisal
  9. Thanks mrrsm !
  10. Hello Paul, Yes there is logs sections and it has some records but i think it should be more functional, if i need to have this for my website i will suggest it to developers.By the way, i have web hosting service and need to provide domain registration service, so which service is best ie Namecheap or enom? i have seen lots of issue and problem posts in this forum about Namecheap so i am having doubt about it. Thanks!
  11. Hello, I like to have something what i think is not available in blesta versions to my knowledge, is that there should be some facility for super admin (owner) to see which staff member has did some job, if in case something went wrong(by mistake or by any mischievous staff member) then there should be a notification, alert or some mark with the service or action a particular staff member has done.This way admin or owner can have idea who is doing what and whats the progress of some staff member. In a growing business and lots of orders handling some mistake might be done, not only mistakes but also for any action a particular staff member has done some specific job like sending emails, enabling, cancelling, suspending accounts, services there should be a mark for the owner or admin to see what staff member has done what? so i think it will be good feature if you create it in your next versions, and i hope it it will be a good addition. Regards!
  12. Hello Licencecart, Thank you so much i appreciate your knowledge and support, yes that worked for me.
  13. Hi! will you please guide me how can i disable(remove) credit cards information storage system from client's billing area? i am going to use 2checkout credit card payment system, so do i need to disable(remove) that default credit card information feature from blesta? Kindly help. Thanks!
  14. Yes that works fine, i mean a user can create an account without first choosing any service, good ! he can order services later if he likes, but one thing i like to have that after the account has been created, the ORDER link should be on client navigation Menu like: Dashboard | Payment Accounts | Contacts | Support | Order while actual Menu doesn't have it, it is located under Drop-down menu of user's name as 'Return to Portal'. So how can i put extra Menu Item 'Order' like above?
  15. Hello, When i chose Standard Order Form i found it here: /order/signup/index/standard and its OK now.That is a final 'Checkout Step' where that Regidtration Form without Order Form is located, so till now its fine, let me test it. I will be back !
  16. Hello Licensecart, Thanks for your help, but that is ORDER FORM, i don't need it, what i am looking in a Sign Up (registration) Form if a new client don't need to Order a service or package.ie a registration Form where there is no 'MUST HAVE TO CHOOSE' some Service or placing something in cart. In Blesta a new client first have to choose some service package like a 'hosting plan' of my company then he creates his/her client account. In Standard Order Form it asks first to choose a Plan, if not then user will not be proceeded to next step, i want the user (customer or client) to make his/her account without needing to choose a plan and continue to register their account.I hope its clear now. Regards!
  17. Hello, I am designing my custom website where i have 'Sign Up' link, i need to take the user to account sign up(registration) form in blesta without displaying any order forms, it means that i like someone to create an account if he/she doesn't like to Order any service from my web hosting company for the time being, but if he/she likes they might order some service if they really need, in future.Where is that account Sign up page in Blesta which i should make link to? Thanks in advance!
  18. Hello Licensecart HQ, yes you are right, it worked for me. So will it work for sending to any email server, like yahoo, hotmail, gmail users etc?
  19. Hello, Please help me regarding Company>Emails>Mail settings , i have enabled SMTP authentication on my cPanel in PEAR Packages, and have set SMTP as Delivery Method in Blesta, used SSL as SMTP Security, but don't know about SMTP host, user and password it requires, where can i find these? I tried to send 'account activated email' for client in blesta but it says ' The email failed to send due to a configuration issue.' i used my billing department email address which i created in my cPanel.
  20. Hello guys, The language problem was resolved , that was not paypal issue, in fact the paypal payment page's language is set automatically based on the location (country name) of client which he has set while ordering any package and making his client account on blesta, i created a test account and set its country as GERMANY, so when i logged in and tried to pay outstanding balance through paypal, the whole payment page was converted to GERMAN language.So i guessed it was the user's country or location which is changing the language of his paypal payment page, that's simple ! Thank you both guys for helping me with your guides.I will be here again with some new topic and issue soon ! M Faisal
  21. Hello guys, Yes that worked for me which Tyson suggested, for paypal standard payments page, BUT !!!! it is NOT working on 'paypal's Subscription button' (and in paypal classic payment pages) and i am still seeing my paypal email address instead of my logo, also another problem is that when a user pays through paypal standard and reaches on payment page, it displays all page content in GERMAN language ! what's what? it should display it in ENGLISH, which was fine before using and designing custom payment page, but what happened after i used 'page style name' in Blesta? payment page is converted to GERMAN Language! there is no any language selection while making paypal custom page, also i did not select GERMAN currency when customizing blesta paypal module. where is the problem now? Thanks !
  22. After reading 'paypal custom design pages' as Tyson suggested, i think that will work for me, so let me test it, and put it in Blesta Paypal module, if it works then fine, otherwise i will get back to you. Thanks!
  23. This is what i need, Tyson your link tutorial is fine and in some cases it is helpful, but that is not what i need, in that guide of paypal you design custom paypal page which applies to all your paypal pages if you have suppose 3-4 different websites and different products to sell, your custom design is applied to all those pages, or if you only have a single website then you may design your custom paypal page to look like your own custom website, and that's fine! But here my case is different, i can assign my secondary email address to show on paypal pages (as Licencecart suggested above) but that's not what i need as well ! I have attached a snapshot of what i am looking to do, i don't need to design 'custom paypal page' , as i don't need to apply that custom design to all my other websites and products, i just need to have it only for my HOSTING website, but the problem here is that there is no any 'paypal form' code to put in blesta (to my knowledge right now), because when you create a separate 'button code' or 'form code' in paypal , you can add that code to your own website page and even paypal let you customize that single code to design for your separate websites, and your other websites and payment pages are not affected with it.In Blesta it did not asked me to make a 'button code' or 'item price form code' , so there is no way i can customize it in paypal, as Blesta is only accepting or asking for API keys to access my paypal. Now i hope you get more idea what i mean to say.If you still think i am forgetting something to do in Blesta customization, then please guide me how can i do it in Blesta? Thanks !
  24. Hello , i think my question was clear, anyway let me explain again, when someone purchase any hosting plan from my website he goes to checkout with paypal, on paypal payment page instead of showing my actual paypal email address (as paypal account holder) on top, it should display my own hosting company logo instead of displaying my actual paypal email address. i am unable to find any image on internet, and even unable to upload my own to show you what i mean. I hope you understand now. Thanks! M Faisal
  25. Hello there, I am new to this forum and i hope everyone is fine, i have installed Blesta on my reseller hosting and configuring some settings, i have installed Paypal Payments standard in non-merchant, now when someone goes to paypal payment page he sees my email address, how can i change that email address with my website logo, i have been doing this for paypal forms made in paypal to use custom 'image_url' but how can i do it in blesta? Thanks in advance ! M Faisal
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