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  1. Thanks guys. I will try to upgrade database tables manually. Hopefully that should sort things out.
  2. Yeah i ve done that but upgrade is broken with SQL error. I am not sure how i can correct the issue now. i upgraded from 3.5.1 to 3.5.3 so i am not sure how i managed to miss a database from 3.5.0-b2 :-/
  3. After upgrading to 3.5.3 i seem to have problems with managing packages , editing packages or adding packages. My biggest mistajke was not backing up before i have upgraded so i think i am doomed. Looks like there upgrade script failed to modify some tables Oh noes! SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'quickly_blesta.service_changes' doesn't exist on line 124 in /home5/quickly/public_html/manage/lib/model.php Printing Stack Trace: #0 /home5/quickly/public_html/manage/lib/model.php(124): PDOStatement->execute(Array) #1 /home5/quickly/public_html/manage/components/record/record.php(689): Model->query('SELECT * FROM `...', Array) #2 /home5/quickly/public_html/manage/app/models/service_changes.php(116): Record->fetchAll() #3 /home5/quickly/public_html/manage/app/controllers/admin_clients.php(4018): ServiceChanges->getAll('pending', '43') #4 /home5/quickly/public_html/manage/app/controllers/admin_clients.php(3755): AdminClients->getQueuedServiceChanges('43') #5 /home5/quickly/public_html/manage/lib/dispatcher.php(111): AdminClients->editService() #6 /home5/quickly/public_html/manage/index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/manage/admin/c...') #7 {main}
  4. Thanks for the link. I noticed that post earlier but not sure how he achieved what he achieved without doing core changes
  5. Will you be able to post details of what you have done?
  6. That wasn't what I meant. I want to have a domain search form in front page of my site for example. A prospect customer enters domain in the form and click on search then my form posts this on to order from. But problem is that domain order form will expect a csrf value as well.
  7. I want to create an domain search boxes to allow custoemrs to search domain. So how can i pass this the domain and tld with a form to domain order form from an external page. Also i would like to do this without modifying core files of blesta if possible. A help on this will be greatly appreciated.
  8. How can i add domain names to shopping cart manually? I messed around with resellerclub API to get search results from resellerclub with domain name suggestions but i want to be able to give the option to add this domains to shopping cart with one click. Do anyone know a way of doing this with Blesta?
  9. It is reseller club
  10. That didn't seem to resolve the issue. Si had to register the domain manually and that added in to blesta.
  11. I can't seem to register .uk domains with logicboxes module. I get folloing error {www.xxxxxxxxxx.uk=TLD .repzmusician.uk is not in GA phase. Please pass 'phase' argument.}
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