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Everything posted by serge

  1. serge

    Cron Not Working

    Have you created the cron task at your server or webhsoting control panel? What the blesta log are saying, see from menu blesta /tools/cron and see if there are cron task without date end.
  2. I do not understand 3) You say "unique ID form payment gateway" but I have felling it's a transaction status like (success, pending, VOID, etc). Maybe you mean "from" vs "form" ------------ I think Blesta orderID or invoice is just what you need to use as order identifier to send to payment gateway. and transaction identifier is originated from the payment gateway not from blesta. So when an order status back from gateway to blesta, gateway send back order ID + gateway generated transaction identifier So when you submit a transaction creation order to gateway, you just need blesta order or invoice id. and when transaction status is updated by gateway, blesta receive notification from gateway. And blesta ever have storage of receive transaction id, So I do not understand why you could need to create new database table
  3. for your mail server hostname (domain at mx record), have you set: - Reversese DNS record (PTR): ask to your webhosting provider - SPF record - DKIM record Because at the end you need it for not be taged as spamer, and at your blesta server the firewall or spam software (like spam assasin, etc...), can have rules that check these and maybe reject when it's do not match or is missing. Also for each of above 3 records, after DNS propagation time, use online tool to check there are fine
  4. Thank you for the confirmation on my setup. Regarding issue I had just once until now, I will be following how it's happen for other client at renewall being same condition (invoice past due & never paid)
  5. No, I think blesta route is for redirection within blesta CMS mechanism only. I think you should just edit blesta template in : /app/views/client/YOUR-THEME/ there, see within structure.pdt file there is header menu section when being not login and also an other section when being login So just modifly the link for the support
  6. Thanks for info, It's just happen once for my first paid customer that buy monthly license to use (my blesta is using for that universal module + license module), and customer did not paid for renewall. I will be checking other following customers in the next weeks as none other paid package expired yet And just to be certain to understand the meaning of package option "cancel at end of terms" - My free service (14-day trial) do have this option ticked - My 3 paid service (monthly or yearly or lifitime) do have this option unticked (I was thinking when not paid they will be suspended, but still will be able as admin to unsuspend, or if customer paid late it's will be auto unsuspended) I have one package by terms, there is no option to swich from one to an other (I did not wanted as not certain it will be working fine), and customer can not cancel service from client area. So I suppose such kind of above parameters/setup I did should be very neutral as customers can not upgrade from one to an other (I wanted safety at blesta side) but customer can just order an other package.
  7. yes invoice is voided, no manual operation was done for that, and customer can not cancel service. that why I also try to understand how is working the regular invoice voiding process and if it's can comme from the automation and how, that why I also asked for this point here : http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4907-how-unpaid-invoice-auto-voiding-is-working/
  8. Thanks, no manual operation was done. I use universal module + license module only, and no customization on that at blesta install side
  9. I agree with that "I recall, that how Blesta handles the setup of domain names etc. could do with a revamp"
  10. maybe have a look here: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4168-support-department-imap-not-working/
  11. look like your mail server is rejecting connection. I think your mail server is wanting TLS and not SSL, because your mail server opened an TLS session. and TLS is very better than SSL according to standard, as some SSL protocal are poodle vulnerable
  12. what ports are you using to connect with your mail server, I remember some port are only used by very old protocol being no more supported by true standard but for about 15 years microsoft software are still using outdated port/protocol and most mail server or php library do not support such very outdated standard. Ay any of my blesta support department, here is my parameters: email handeling: imap security: TLS box name: INBOX port: 143
  13. ok, so I have no other idea, sorry
  14. at blesta admin panel, have you check at setting, company, automation, if import ticket task is ticked?
  15. you could use online tool to check ssl certificate on your mail server hostname (the domain you used in your mx record), because it's look like issue I had https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html
  16. Here a strange thing: A service that was automatically suspended for good reason : invoice not paid and after x day of past due was logically suspended by blesta/cron. But strangely 7 days after this service is automatically unsuspended but there was no invoice paid: - Aug 03, 2015 5:00:03 PM License Suspended - Aug 10, 2015 6:06:03 PM License Unsuspended My cron is running fine and cron logs are fine. Any idea?
  17. are you running your own mail server? is the mail server on an other server? I personally found mail server need ssl certificate, if not there is issue with working with blesta and also check that apropriate ports are opened at firewall also some control panel have option to disable all email sending from the server, so check if this option is not ticked. Also blesta cron can look like working but could not work, check cron log at besta, & check the "download" ticket cron task do have an end date after running, if it's empty it's can explain your issue also at blesta log, check the email tab, and click on task line to really see detail
  18. I see, But my test server have no clients or only test clients and not have cron enable for not having such issues
  19. ok, Thanks, I see now, By the way, this option was not on my Blesta live server being runing an older Blesta version, but on my test server with last blesta version I can see this option is there.
  20. Thank you, I was ever checking there before but by the way there is no "auto void invoice" option. But you maybe mean it's match to existing option "Suspend Services Days After Due" ?
  21. I can see Invoices not paid are automatically voided, but after how many day from being past due? I can not found options/parameters for that but would like to understand how blesta is working on that?
  22. Interesting, Do you think the way it work by now by having a cart cession for each order form vs only one single cession for the cart, could not be in relation with configurable option there is by order form? But that true at the end of the buy process, any item added in cart and ever configurated though their specific order form, could in my opinion be merged at the very final checkout step.
  23. Dejavu font supported the philippines peso sign but given invoice PDF file more than 20 X weighted like (700 ko), so at blesta currency parameter I removed sign and used international currency code as prefix (PHP) as it's also well know/accepted by people there. with now using Helvetica font, and invoice are 10-20 ko only
  24. Hello, when I want to view pdf invoice, total do have "?" in front of total, like: Total ?438.00 I suppose the curencies should be there, The curency set in blesta is Philippines Peso: PHP with format ₱1,234.56 and my invoice template is just the default one with Helvetica Font
  25. serge

    Custom Field Question

    ok found that in my case this template was the place to remove some code that displayed the custom fields /plugins/order/views/templates/wizard/signup.pdt
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