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Everything posted by serge

  1. there are popular in Germany, but when I tested them 5 years ago, it's was not for me and my country island extension..., but each case is different.
  2. Blesta do have addon feature, And as per licensing manager, it's will depend how you will implement license check in your script/software code. I'm not using Blesta addon, but had a like similar case where I wanted a single license key, can be used at no price supplement with 2 woocommerce payment gateway plugins: - so there is the standard payment gateway plugin (install always needed), customer fill their license key in parameters and - micropayment payment gateway plugin (optional), no license key to fill, but there is an automation in my script to check if standard plugin is installed and have valid license status. in my case when stored license status is not valid, it's always do a remote check with license server. License status come also from a dailly check with license server, and also at each admin login (this last case is usefully to force on demand a license check), so for your given case, just implement the best logic that suit for you in your script, and you could need to store license check result locally at your script install or local database. In my opinion you should stay away of Blesta addon as it's will add a layer of complexity and I'm not sure how expiration date will be managed by Blesta as each addon can start at different data than the "master" item they are coupled, etc ....so, in a licensing case I feel Blesta addon should not be used, but would like to know other opinions.
  3. from a light custom code, you can makes the order form link, will only display (in a product menu, etc..), for a given customer group
  4. what kind of code, and from origin? , can you paste here?
  5. could you elaborate more?
  6. I suppose only direct writing in DB is the way. So you should change : - package ID (id_value) in "package" table an if I well understand Tyson, you should not update other table like "services" as Tyson said package id is only for display
  7. I tried both (google & yahoo) and BTC exchange rate is not updated, I will try from an other allowed currency at the payment gateway (here coinpayments they have blesta plugin). By the way as per bitpay, I was not able to get their compliance answer or support answer as, when your registered company name is a domain name say my-comp-domain.com Corp. (US registered Corp.), they are not able to understand my-comp-domain.com website could be just a portal, but your stores are on other domains, depending of markets targeted.
  8. BTC (bitcoin) is not our default currency, and when I try Blesta native feature to update exchange rate (yahoo or google finance) it's serve nothing for BTC. Is there a way exchange rate for BTC be auto-updated from a daily task?
  9. I do not see why you should afraid of allowing exec , it's maybe do have a sense in a shared server, but when you use container or VPS or cloudlinux...it will be like not allowing you ssh command on your own server...and why would you such restriction, you just need it like you need exec.
  10. On other things, I never had answer from their support, so not a way for me. Are you aware the transaction cost is one of the more expensive, up-to 20% for mobile payments, depending of countries
  11. Before to register with them, & do the settings for the gateways at Blesta, Few questions, - Will customer by selecting bitpay gateway will be able to send money to a bitcoins address ? or money can only be send by customer from a bitpay wallet? - Customer pay in BTC or any bitpay accepted currencies or both are possible?
  12. I also use client custom fields, in a way like you want. In database table "client_fields", id are manually modified for having a given display order like for each service type n°1 (from 100 to 199) servive type n°2 (from 200 to 299), etc.. see picture 1, picture 2 Each service type have his own package group for trial or paid version A mysql trigger set the custom field status ( 100 , 200, 300) for have automatically the service status (active /suspended, etc...) from the "services" database table automatically after each update: CREATE TRIGGER update_connectors_status AFTER UPDATE ON services FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF (NEW.status <> OLD.status) THEN IF (NEW.package_group_id = '18' OR NEW.package_group_id = '19') THEN IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM services WHERE (package_group_id = '18' OR package_group_id = '19') AND status = 'active' AND client_id = NEW.client_id) = 0 THEN IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM client_values WHERE client_field_id = '100' AND client_id = NEW.client_id) = 0 THEN INSERT INTO client_values (client_field_id, client_id, value) VALUES ('100', NEW.client_id, NEW.status); ELSE UPDATE client_values SET value = NEW.status WHERE client_field_id = '100' AND client_id = NEW.client_id; END IF; ELSE IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM client_values WHERE client_field_id = '100' AND client_id = NEW.client_id) = 0 THEN INSERT INTO client_values (client_field_id, client_id, value) VALUES ('100', NEW.client_id, 'active'); ELSE UPDATE client_values SET value = 'active' WHERE client_field_id = '100' AND client_id = NEW.client_id; END IF; END IF; ELSEIF (NEW.package_group_id = '20') THEN IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM services WHERE package_group_id = '20' AND status = 'active' AND client_id = NEW.client_id) = 0 THEN IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM client_values WHERE client_field_id = '200' AND client_id = NEW.client_id) = 0 THEN INSERT INTO client_values (client_field_id, client_id, value) VALUES ('200', NEW.client_id, NEW.status); ELSE UPDATE client_values SET value = NEW.status WHERE client_field_id = '200' AND client_id = NEW.client_id; END IF; ELSE IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM client_values WHERE client_field_id = '200' AND client_id = NEW.client_id) = 0 THEN INSERT INTO client_values (client_field_id, client_id, value) VALUES ('200', NEW.client_id, 'active'); ELSE UPDATE client_values SET value = 'active' WHERE client_field_id = '200' AND client_id = NEW.client_id; END IF; END IF; ELSEIF (NEW.package_group_id = '22' OR NEW.package_group_id = '23') THEN IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM services WHERE (package_group_id = '22' OR package_group_id = '23') AND status = 'active' AND client_id = NEW.client_id) = 0 THEN IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM client_values WHERE client_field_id = '300' AND client_id = NEW.client_id) = 0 THEN INSERT INTO client_values (client_field_id, client_id, value) VALUES ('300', NEW.client_id, NEW.status); ELSE UPDATE client_values SET value = NEW.status WHERE client_field_id = '300' AND client_id = NEW.client_id; END IF; ELSE IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM client_values WHERE client_field_id = '300' AND client_id = NEW.client_id) = 0 THEN INSERT INTO client_values (client_field_id, client_id, value) VALUES ('300', NEW.client_id, 'active'); ELSE UPDATE client_values SET value = 'active' WHERE client_field_id = '300' AND client_id = NEW.client_id; END IF; END IF; END IF; END IF; END ; In the customer area & template for display client custom fields, I use the custom field id to order regroug display/hide field by block of service and only display if they are active or not (custom field id (100, 200, 300) value). see picture 3
  13. If you can use group id, if your group can match your logic
  14. all other things work fine, and even for Cron for any other things at checking in database for unfinished cron, there is no data retuned: SELECT * FROM `log_cron` WHERE `run_id` !=0 AND `end_date` IS NULL ORDER BY `start_date` DESC; No data returned If I look in email logs for "suspended service" it's very rare I find one, and I suspect it's was from admin manualy suspended service, but seem no email to customer come from automation when service are suspended.
  15. I have free package, that cancel at end of term (14-day Trial), blesta ever send email to customer : - New Service Activated But I would like it's also auto-send email to customer when service is canceled, a such way I can instruct customer to order the pay service (license).
  16. do you used what google app given you for port, authentication, etc? have you set, txt dns record as google asked you to create?
  17. I never used this gateway, it's just general recomendations/thing to check
  18. you can get this from : - plugin - template - API but the method to get it differ depending of case, and even between templates it's could be not be the same way, so please give more details
  19. I can not say from concrete experience, but check parameters for gateway at both sides: - paymentwall parameters/settings at blesta - explore your paymentwall settings at paymentwall website (your account)
  20. the instruction typo error you found is from payment gateway website for the upload at your blesta: 1/ open the unziped archive, go up to : /paymentwall-for-blesta/upload/ 2/ next upload "components" folder to the root of your blesta install
  21. serge

    How To Force Ssl?

    check that Apache have mod_rewrite installed
  22. get an new option for client custom field: Get unique custom field string value accross all customer, so when this option is enabled, the custom field form reject an update if this client custom field value ever exist with an other customer.
  23. at blesta admin panel, check: - enabled currencies at your order form - enabled currencies at each gateway: /settings/company/gateways/ Both Must match
  24. serge

    How To Force Ssl?

    at your cpanel, check that Apache do have the URL rewrite module enabled
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