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Everything posted by serge

  1. Thxs to have confirmed, so it's was not fixed in CORE-1148. and in my opinion it will worth a fix/improvement (should be easy to do) +1
  2. have you service free, or if your customer have money in credit, because if your parameters say activate product when paid, that mean they will be auto-paid and next auto-activated. in admin area see: /settings/company/billing/invoices/ & - Enable Auto Debit - Automatically Provision Paid Pending Services
  3. maybe an inspiration from here: in /app/views/client/bootstrap/structure.pdt & line 51 <div class="logo"> <a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->base_uri);?>"> <?php if (!empty($theme_logo)) { ?> <img src="<?php $this->Html->_($theme_logo);?>" alt="Logo" /> <?php } elseif (!empty($blesta_logo)) { ?> <img src="<?php $this->Html->_($blesta_logo);?>" alt="Blesta" /> <?php } else { ?> <img src="<?php echo $this->view_dir;?>images/logo.png" alt="Blesta" /> <?php } ?> </a> </div>
  4. I like idea for having option in Blesta config file (only allow update from CLI): and Blesta admin will enable or disable it depending of what he prefer.
  5. Thxs, yes I know. My concern is to understand why in above case I said: - date_renews from J+1 just after service activation switch after to J day+7 when I think it's should stay at J+1? - date_last_renewed is at day+6 when I think it's should be empty ? or what really mean this field?
  6. Thxs, I do not know what's wrong on my install (Blesta 3.4.0) a Paid Invoice from a Paypal transaction, have "8" as transaction number within the invoice when the transaction number from paypal was "5ND0132358817940D", so, I believe the "8" is internal id from Blesta database transactions Table, but it's payment gateway transaction number I would like to have within my invoice and this without manually enter it. And good transaction number "5ND0132358817940D" is well displayed on admin area & transaction or invoice tables & line detail, but not within an Invoice when opening it.
  7. For test purpose, I was shortening the duration of package I will sell. 1 day product duration I wanted to check how will happen the service suspension if the service is not renewed(paid) for the new period. at /settings/company/billing/invoices/ I had this parameters: ----------------------- Invoice Days Before Renewal: 5 Suspend Services Days After Due:1 I know the invoice should be created 5 days in advance, when my product duration time is only one day (but because we can not have different "Invoice Days Before Renewal" depending of package, I was letting 5 days like above, as it could be more better to send invoice 5 days before product expiration for most of my other package. So at the service activation (few mins after order was created & paid), I was checking Table service & date_renews column, and date_renews was well at day+1 of activation. Today at J+2 when no new invoice was paid for renew this service, I can see date_renews is at day+7 of service activation and date_last_renewed is at day+6. (so it's date in future) -------- So I'm hard to understand, it's a bug or what do that mean?
  8. +100: it's very confusing word service/product should have an expiration date, 200% of people understand that "renewal date" word should be removed, it's mean nothing or so many different meaning (renewal date for invoice creation, date of service renewal when invoice paid, etc)
  9. why not using things like that, they do have freemium plan: https://anturis.com http://www.monitor.us and if you have a lot of servers to monitor, this free open sources software is very reputed, even for thousand of servers: Xymon (old name Hobbit): http://sourceforge.net/projects/xymon/
  10. +1 : transaction reference from Payment gateway should be show on the Invoice
  11. open your csv in Excel, next open Blesta table clients, see the column tittles, and write same column tittles, remove the id column at very left side, and all columns that do not match, and next export this file to csv, this last csv file could serve for an import through an sql query.
  12. "Client ID" are unique number so in what it's differ with "client account ID", as it's ever what it is or mean by now. What's your need behind the word "account", may you develop more?
  13. what is preventing you (features) to make by now both cases you said, with current Blesta version?
  14. oh my bad it's a feature request from 2014, I was thinking it's was from Today!
  15. I do not understand your way, DRAFT invoice are only for staff, it's Draft invoice project only, it's not to send to customers. When an Invoice is created (opened in the Blesta vocabulary), it's what is commonly called a pro-forma invoice (unpaid Invoice). All blesta "Open" invoice are always unpaid in fact. "Closed" Invoice in Blesta are always paid invoice in fact. In my Blesta Client area, I updated : "Open" invoice tab to "Unpaid" "Closed" invoice tab to "Paid" This is done that way: - open YOUR-BLESTAl/language/en_us/client_invoices.php change this: $lang['ClientInvoices.index.category_open'] = "Open"; $lang['ClientInvoices.index.category_closed'] = "Closed"; by: $lang['ClientInvoices.index.category_open'] = "Unpaid"; $lang['ClientInvoices.index.category_closed'] = "Paid"; ------------------- For OPEN INVOICE: in the Invoice template (with conditional display), and email template : you should say to customer, pro-format Invoice or formal quote. For CLOSED INVOICE: in the Invoice template (with conditional display), and email template : you should say to customer: paid Invoice. and that it. What is missing is a sequential number only for paid invoice, see my last post here: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3306-pro-forma-invoices-numbering-are-not-sequential/page-3
  16. Thxs, I missed that also.
  17. Thank you for feedback! Yes all is using 100% Blesta CMS I missed wrong link for support, I will be correcting that Here is master company presentation, still using same Blesta CMS single install: http://hello.expired
  18. All is using Blesta CMS http://expired finished at 90% Please check : --------------- Home page Top menu "More" button & "pricing" tab "Try-it-Free" button "Order now" button Thank You!
  19. Have you an existing staff group in Blesta, if not you could add one, & re-try
  20. I was re-reading this entire post & http://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-1287 At the end I think in Table "invoices", we could: 1/ keep "id_value" as PERSITENT number, this is the sequential number of pro-forma/unpaid-invoice. It's should never be over written like it's by now by allowing old used number to be re-used again and again for new pro-forma. 2/ for paid Invoices, we use a new column "id_paid", this number is sequential and only created when invoice is paid, and it's will be displayed in place of "id_value" when printing the Invoice. In EU accountability that require unique sequential number, what to consider is only paid invoices, accountability have nothing to do with quotes, pro-forma invoices or unpaid invoices. So having very rare or not, same numbers for "id_value" and "id_paid" is not an issue, as there are very different things. It's ever that way most billing system work
  21. Will be glad to have feedback on that from people using the license manager plugin/module
  22. if that's not too hard to implement: + 1 for be able to define the sending rate, because it's too easy to be banned by free email providers, and a lot of customers are using them. or a just generic csv exporter, can be fine, as there are soo much different email gateway providers
  23. maybe check what is filled in admin area at: Setting/System/General at field "Root Web Directory" fill path up to (including), your directory or sub-directory (if you are) of Blesta install. And other, have you created custom Blesta route in the Blesta config? if yes, double check your syntax case there.
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