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Everything posted by serge

  1. I know, but when customer have dozen of services and dozen of invoices they can not see directly other widgets bellow, that why quick links make sense. I have some customers with hundred of services (domains), so you can better understand...
  2. In example I given only "Ticket" aka "support" do have top menu in client area, I'm not aware of menu for widget in client-area dashboard. By example what is your link for Invoices section or Invoices widget from client area?
  3. In client-area dashboard, when dashboard is a long page, quick links for widgets will be nice, see my picture. see this line at top, in my picture example: "Invoices | Services | Transactions | Tickets | "
  4. Thank You! It's work fine. Only things is : priority message, like "Your account has an outstanding balance of xxxxxxx. Please make a payment at your earliest convenience." Are no more displayed at top.
  5. ok thxs, now I see, an option enable/disable & a manual filling field can be interesting.
  6. Not certain this feature request is needed. because bank transaction date at client's bank and transaction date at the shop owner can even be not the same on each bank statement. Banks can be in different country but mostly not all bank work the same regarding date of transaction & date money is available. So really for the traceability that's the transaction reference/number that matter, date when transaction was applied on invoice as said naja7host are fine
  7. I agree on the resume. :-) I would like to add: Paid invoice sequential number must have an increment only by 1, if not there will be missing number in the time chronology, it's illegal
  8. ok, very sorry, I'm confused. At reading your comment, I had to suspect , what version of my logo I did really associate x weeks ago with my invoices, and by the way it was my best quality 1200px width. I did not realized because it was still resized fine in the PDF invoice. So I resized my picture, and your original code is working fine Thank You!
  9. you could tell to your hosting company or consider changing?
  10. I'm afraid you can not xcache require you be root for install it as well as for configure it or remove it: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14603572/installing-xcache-on-a-shared-hosting-account
  11. Thank you! I had still same issue (big logo width in html invoice) with this new version, my Blesta cache was cleared & browser cached cleared before, to try this new version, see attached pictures. and my solution to solve it: in /components/invoice_templates/html_invoice/template/default.php about line 114 Remplace: --------- <div class="thumbnail"> <div class=" text-left">'. $drawLogo .'</div> </div> By this: -------- <div class="thumbnail text-left">'. $drawLogo .'</div> N.B. --- removing only space at beginning here " text-left" in your original code do not solve it
  12. Still now mostly on my dev server not having xcache but my aspiring production server do have it & blesta working without issue. here my server config: ------------------------ root@bill:~# lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Debian Description: Debian GNU/Linux 7.8 (wheezy) Release: 7.8 Codename: wheezy ----------------------------------------- root@bill:~# php -v PHP 5.4.36-1~dotdeb.1 (cli) (built: Dec 19 2014 23:01:37) Copyright © 1997-2014 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.4.0, Copyright © 1998-2014 Zend Technologies with XCache v3.2.0, Copyright © 2005-2014, by mOo with the ionCube PHP Loader v4.4.3, Copyright © 2002-2013, by ionCube Ltd. with XCache Cacher v3.2.0, Copyright © 2005-2014, by mOo root@bill:~# ------------------------ From my install note about more than 1 year ago, I saw, it's needed last debian version, and from my test, xcache was not working with an older OS version. I also saw your xcache version is very older than me, that could be the first thing to try: update xcache try also upgrade the distro Maybe try also with more recent php version, see from dotdeb repo , it's in my opinion the best place for that
  13. ok good, there is this option "Invoice Suspended Services" ever existing at menu: /settings/company/billing/invoices/ I believe it was ticked by default (and if confirmed), I think new Blesta users will better Enjoy the software if it will be disabled on an initial install
  14. The 6 hours lock from Blesta can be found here, Line 1909 in : /app/controllers/cron.php : ----------- if (strtotime($last_run->start_date) < strtotime(date("c") . "-6 hours")) --------- so it's does make sense to lock still runing cron task, but what will be the chance they end if there are not done in a couple of mins, I think, even in case of hundred of thousand of operations that should never be very long ? 6 hours is maybe excessive in my opinions, I will be more confortable with something like very max 1 hours or even 40 mins seem still to me very very fine.
  15. Testing, learning, testing, and only after PRODUCTION?
  16. ok, that's an interesting idea, following your idea, I just started to look at the documentation
  17. I should do 2 poor man's script (cron) & put it in the contribute forum section: 1st cron/ - cancelling expired services since "X" days from "date_suspended" - cancelling pending service since "Y" days from "date_added" 2nd cron/ - cancelling pending order since "Z" days from "date_added" Does it make sense?
  18. Mostly, my enemy was parameters in Blesta admin area & menu: /settings/company/billing/invoices/ , "Invoice Suspended Services" was ticked by default, It's was confusing me a lot, I just disabled
  19. I have been reported dynadot work fine an have maybe more available extensions. I personally know hexonet work fine, but can be expensive, and they had account security issue hack lately
  20. serge

    Confuse About Currency

    if you want default currency be IRD, please do it here: here admin area & menu: /company/currencies/setup/ On previous picture it's was USD your default (the default currency is the one you can not remove) Next Do manual cron, here: menu : /settings/system/automation/ your default currency will stay at 1 (like it should stay) and other currencies will have their own rate
  21. serge

    Selling Domain Names

    yes, for now, only order form, seem really specific for domains,
  22. serge

    Confuse About Currency

    You setup a default currency here admin area & menu: /company/currencies/setup/ The default currency you chose is the reference for the other currency you could have, so logically default currency do have exchange rate of "1" because it's your default reference for other currencies. and if you want the rate be auto-updated, see admin area & menu : /settings/company/automation/ there will be here option to tick for include the update of rate within the Blesta CRON Blesta Cron: menu : /settings/system/automation/
  23. if you find extensions you want at internetbs.net there are very good at price, api, support. & Blesta module ever exist. and yes NETIM seem very better than OVH (OVH: 5 year after, I still receive every month email from their system saying they will be deleting x inactive domains, when these domains was ever moved to an other registrar 5 years before, it's just creazy).
  24. serge

    Selling Domain Names

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you create one package per price range per example, then if you ever need to change the price, you can simply untick a domain in one package and tick it in another, no? For promotions you could create a new package with just that domain. not certain of what will happen with existing orders (activated service), because it's like part of package migration, best you try with existing service (activated domain) how the switch will happen. and imagine in the same range price you could work with different registrar modules, but because you can only use one registrar module by package...so at the end what will be the more flexible for you? and TEST IT. By the way I was prefering full domain extension separation by package, because my business need on Blesta is to setup a domain registry (not registar), so even the description of extension (package) , will be specific VS create package by group of price of domain extensions.
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