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Everything posted by serge

  1. sorry I did not figured it was in the developer section. I believe you can grant blesta access using key & api
  2. users certainly do not come from same host or other specificities, you can track also that way, if not like you said, you can create 2 users
  3. yes, only way I found was to create 2 groups: Trial and Paid
  4. I do not understand your issue, one database user can have multi-connection.
  5. http://www.core-admin.com/portal/features/demo It's seem interesting by the way it's manage domains, it's very clear display/menu. and has his own bulk dns operation functions. Maybe because display templates are not done in php, customization will be harder for me, when interworx seem easy on this matter.
  6. there are different possibilities, I was most thinking how package it when selling container. But not certain how is their reseller plan
  7. No firewall, blesta is hosted on our own servers Really a server without firewall? Maybe you should get a firewall, abuser ip should be banned, etc, it's very unsafe a server without firewall. You have maybe one active without being aware, if not this free "CSF firewall" is really good
  8. IMAP working fine for me but I'm using my own mail-server. Check : - your firewall to see if port you need are open - read google documentation about protocol to use & port
  9. serge

    0 Dollar Hosting ?

    I had to hack files to get it. It's rely also on changing label of "offline-payment" to "Free Trial Only" add make if there is trial package at checkout, after client submit order, page is redirected to client area dashboard. you can test here with trial product (need registration): https://siteshop.ph/
  10. Have a look in file /language/en_us/client_login.php and change this : $lang['ClientLogin.index.field_username'] = "Username"; TO $lang['ClientLogin.index.field_username'] = "Email or Username"; Do not forget that at any Blesta update, this file could be over-written, so you will lose customization
  11. an extension is an extension being old or new nTLD, so just add it here: /components/modules/enom/config/enom.php Until you list there only extensions supported by enom that should work
  12. serge

    Webserver Setup

    I do not know Webuzo but at checking it's seem to me more suited when you want to supply a light control panel for container you suplly to your customer, than being really a panel to fully administer your own server, just my opinion. regarding : MemCached : I think you can only gain in performance when your software is using multi-server, cluster, if not you will be losing performance. varnish: rule are not very flexible, and in a multi-domains application, environnement, I found it's not possible, flexible to use. nginx: good! Other: have a look to haproxy: it's can be as well only reverse proxy (why not of nginx) vs being just load balancer for better php performance, HHVM from facebook look interresting, I tried with blesta (easy install all is automatic installed & "integrated with nginx or apache" and seem well supported with Blesta, as xcache give bug with Blesta
  13. same opinion than interfasys & WebHostCentral UK: I agree it should be removed from customer view if disabled.. What i would impose also is instead of separating merchant and non merchant just having a list of available options My customers find the current way a little confusing It's allowing customer to enter in a dead end way (when option is disabled at admin side), and it's use unwanted losing place for being displayed in the left side of the dashboard. Not using at all this option, I hacked code to remove it from the dashboard. But in my opinions this removing should be done in the native Blesta code.
  14. Just curious, any feedback on serverpilot.io control panel, it's seem interesting not to administer a server but just administer a website, so it's more an end customers perspective as it's very basic by design but still do have API for integration
  15. maybe it's related to check availability on whois vs checking first in blesta database?
  16. hacking latin word is so good for branding (it's given like hidden/evident sense), you're right
  17. serge

    Blesta Cms Issue-Bug?

    Thank you, all as been solved cross reference links here: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4152-blesta-cms-issue-bug/ http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2943-blesta-32-how-to-make-static-pages-by-modifying-portal-plugin/?hl=static+page
  18. There an issue in case of multi-companies, in one company non existing URL are not redirected to base_uri. http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4158-cms-plugin-multicompanies-missing-redirection-for-non-existing-url/ As the company that had this bug in my case was a one page company (and no more page used), I fixed it that way, by adding this just just before the closing of " else { " at bottom, : ------------------------------------------------ if ($this->company_id == "2") { // REDIRECT TO BASE URI $this->redirect($this->base_uri); } } // END of "else" -----------------------------------------------
  19. Ok, I found the issue in the above link (Rodrigo hack) I given: Rodrigo said: 1.1 Creating a static page with custom HTML 1. Open plugins/cms/controller/main.php Find: else { $this->redirect($this->base_uri); } Replace for: else { switch($uri) { case 'services': $this->structure->set("page_title", "*** INSERT PAGE TITLE ***"); $this->structure->set("title", "*** INSERT TITLE SHOWN ON PORTAL TEMPLATE ***"); // Placeholders won't work with this method, so let's use variables $url = rtrim($this->base_url, "/"); $blesta_url = $this->Html->safe($url . WEBDIR); $html = <<<EOT <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 portal-box"> <a href="{$blesta_url}services> <div class="well"> <i class="fa fa-cogs fa-4x"></i> <h4>Foo</h4> <p>Bar.</p> </div> </a> </div> EOT; $this->set("content", $html); break; default: $this->redirect($this->base_uri); } } You can repeat the php case for making all the static pages you want, putting HTML between the EOT marks (There should be no space or characters after EOT; mark). If you don't like the broken indentation you can try another methods for doing multi line strings in PHP, but I think using nowdoc is more easy when you need to insert html. BUT Just before the closing of " else { " at bottom, you is still need to redirect for other (unknown URL case) to base_uri --------------------- // IF NONE OF ABOVE CASE OR COMPANY REDIRECT TO BASE URI $this->redirect($this->base_uri); } // END: ELSE ------------------------
  20. ok, using this original (no customization) file, remove the "bug" /plugins/cms/controllers/main.php Sorry, for false info. will be nice if next plugin like admin tool & add page can create meta tag by page, it's will prevent me to hack in the code of CMS plugin. I will be re-checking my customization, and if not will be doing a redirection / or rewritte rule at webserver
  21. thxs I missed your answer on support forum section. no admin tool used. Maybe it's because Blesta is physically installed at public_html (no sub dir) ? And Yes there is customization in template as well as in the CMS plugin: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2943-blesta-32-how-to-make-static-pages-by-modifying-portal-plugin/?hl=static+page in above link I was saying how port Rodrigo hack, for it's work on multi company. I could try to remove that to re-check again, how "bug" is reproduce or not, thxs
  22. The bug was explained here: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4152-blesta-cms-issue-bug/#entry30717 --------------- all pages are 100% powered by Blesta CMS on a single install. This company work fine: ------------------------------- http://siteshop.ph/ BUT this company have an issue: ------------------------------------- http://netpublica.com/ because if you type anything at the ending of url, like this: http://netpublica.com/MY-RANDOM-STRING "MY-RANDOM-STRING" will stay at end of URL, it's do not redirect to netpublica.com like it do well for the first company if you try same way. -------- The bugs was reproductable on 2 servers (production, dev), To reproduce the bug, just create 2 companies configure them, use the portal plugin on both, & check URL same way as described above.
  23. serge

    Blesta Cms Issue-Bug?

    I'm just using portal plugin for this single one page company: http://netpublica.com I had also admin tool installed on the other company http://siteshop.ph but by disabling & removing it have no effect on the "bug" As naja7host said as both companies are using 100% same config & "resources", that why I was thinking more to a bug because all is running fine with siteshop.ph. I will be waiting other idea before reporting in the bug forum section.
  24. serge

    Blesta Cms Issue-Bug?

    ok, thxs, I will check into that. Blesta physical install is at public_html, and not within a directory. by the way, the company having issue is a single presentation page (home page), there is no other page in this company, and we are not willing to want more on this one. As there is one only one Blesta conf file by install, yes route are same but as company having issue is not for allow customer account or willing to use client-area. So only common plugin for both companies is the portal plugin
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