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Everything posted by serge
regarding sending of email & this error I had in blesta email log at using my mail-server: "Unable to connect with TLS encryption". I had feeling my ssl certificate (being self signed) was no more accepted since my php version update, as before that all was fine. So I bought a ssl certificate, and installed it (my mail-server is on an other server than blesta). And now it's just work fine!!!
there was maybe a learning step at mandril , delivery now is made on 5mins vs 30 mins before, so I will stay with mandril,
ok, thxs for info, never heard of that. In my last try I was switching to mandrill vs my mailserver, and it was working but it's make 30mins for mandril send the email, I done few try , it's always the same, that is so bad
download ticket is now working fine, BUT it's send email, from ticket updated that still not send email email log say "Unable to connect with TLS encryption".
Hello, since I updated to PHP 5.6.7, download ticket never end at Cron task. If I clear these unfinished cron log, & check again cron task, still same issue. at Blesta email log, I can see email are not send & detail say "Unable to connect with TLS encryption". I ever uninstalled PHP Mailparse PECL extension and reinstalled, because since i saw it was not working, I edited support department in Blesta and there was error "PHP Mailparse PECL extension" was not installed when it was really ever installed. So now there is no more sush error when editing Blesta Department, but download ticket cron task alway fail to be acomplished. I ever rebooted server, I as before php updrage all was working fine, I do have no more idea
maybe you could include a variable conversion list like $original-variable1 = $variable1; $original-variable2 = $variable2; etc... in adition function like preg_replace(); can remove the dash from a given list, but it realy depend if you need something dynamic or just like above static list is enought
is your blesta cron in place?
yes: I think I pointed this before in a simillar post.
agree on this: I like the idea. But -1 for saving images in database . I prefer save them in upload directory outside the public_html .
yes, off topic, I found Blesta use a lot of mysql reserved terms
if you realy do not want to use a control panel, you can take inspiration from existing cpanel or interework blesta module to create your own using ssh, as it's will depend what king of provisionning you want, it's to create dedicate or virtual server or contenair & using what hosting provider or distro as backend ... But if your users want to change later parameters, or resources, etc, you will be like writting a full control panel, that can be a big work, there are other control panel than cpanel, I personaly use webmin/virtualmin and it's very solid not like bugy cpanel that make make you not rely on a true linux distro. I think most control panel, have a way you include script to run whem the virtual host is created, so it's not really in relation to a blesta customization, it's has just to be done at hosting control panel software. I know there is project to make a webmin module for blesta, but other forum members was also very satified with interwork control panel, and not certain about it, but I think I was reading interworx have a way to include ssh script execution.
mostly for this last point, is solved by archiving the pdf, as saying it's impossible to change detail in invoice after being paid can never be solved, as even direct database access can change it, so I think it's more the method of archiving and stamp the pdf (sign it with certificate), that can solve this last point, but it's maybe out of the scope of Blesta.
maybe my oposition can be solved by just using the second authentification factor method. but if email account is hacked, reset password, from a link or not is not so good in my eyes. I do preffer just do it from database direct access
yes, your right, I was prefering mysqli in place of PDO, because coding syntax are more close to mysql, and I'm not willing to work with other db than mysql
Some of my custom script use mysqi I was preffering to pdo , do I have to worry ? Do you think mysqi will be still supported on the long run with PHP7?
think also at joomla, there is existing integration with blesta http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/extension/miscellaneous/misc-bridges/j-blesta
yes, I confirm, you can use any domains you want, just do A records to point to IP of your Blesta install & edit/create in Blesta each company & their hostname, that's it
maybe edit : - company in blesta to check domain & path - system setting like for above
ok, I got it, I well made update at client email template subject VS staff version, but I done my test by sending email from a client's email software & using same email account as blesta admin, so when re-doing the test from an other email, it's was working as expected, or maybe my cache was a little persistent before that.
ok, thank you for explaination. So it was normal, good! Strangelly I tried with same subject field as you (without Licensecart of course) but it's still using previous value even after clear Blesta cache, when even in database at table email It's well the update value in the email subject but that is not a real issue
It's normal to receive Ticket by email having this kind of structure reference in subject. ------------ Update to Ticket #5131426 -aa73- ---------- and at every ticket update last 4 string change slightly. I'm surprised because from Blesta interface (admin or client), the ticket reference is shorter, only this: 5131426 It's normal?
from admin area, go in menu, Settings / emails / email template there edit appropriate template to check it
try to edit email template to correct it, go at system/email/....