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Everything posted by serge

  1. I think one line (row) is better, and not certain the tittle like "My Account" serve something, as when you are login you are de-facto in your account, so why lose space with something that serve nothing? . just my personal view to share with other in case a new "standard" arrive.
  2. For info, this was what I did in my custom theme, at SiteShop(dot)ph It was for : 1/ removing the very top blue part with blesta logo 2/ add my responsive logo in place of "My Account" in the header at left side,etc in structure.pdt file : <div class="nav-content"> <div class="nav"> <nav class="navbar navbar-default" role="navigation"> <div class="navbar-header"> <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#bs-example-navbar-collapse-1"> <span class="sr-only"><?php $this->_("AppController.sreader.navigation");?></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> </button> <div class="img-mobile"> <a href="/"> <img style="float: left; margin: 25px 50px 20px 45px;max-width:70%;height:auto;" src="<?php echo $this->view_dir;?>images/logo_header.png" alt="SITEShop . ph" /></a> </div> </div> still in structure.pdt <div class="header-mobile"> <ul class="nav navbar-nav"> <li><a href="/"><small>HOME</small></a></li> <li><a href="#" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#products"><small>PRODUCTS<span class="caret"></span></small></a></li> <li class="dropdown"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"><small>COMPANY</small></a> <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu"> <li><a href="/about-us"><i class="fa fa-map-marker fa-fw"></i> About us</a></li> <li><a href="/member/plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/departments/"><i class="fa fa-ticket fa-fw"></i> Support Departments</a></li> </ul> </li> in style.css file @media screen and (min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 620px) { .mobile-hide{ display: none; }; } @media screen and (min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 800px) { .img-mobile { max-width: 70%; height: auto; } } @media screen and (min-width: 850px) and (max-width: 1200px) { .header-mobile .nav > li > a { font-size: 1rem; padding: 20px; } } @media screen and (min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 849px) { .header-mobile .nav > li > a { font-size: 1rem; padding: 9px; } }
  3. 1/ flush all blocks 2/ At csf allow all ip block starting by 54 by using this line: 3/ Add this in: - Firewall allow Ips (csf.allow file) - In section "lfd - Login Failure Daemon" edit : csf.ignore file 4/ restart csf
  4. can not remember exactly but I think I done some "cleaning" like you did in my custom theme
  5. I know Mollie IDeal is popular Payment Gateway in NL but I recommend you to list what you would
  6. serge

    Eu - New Vat Rules

    i se a lot of providers in europe show the price net with out any tax , and then put a message that all price are excluded from (tax) that show be aded (20% ort other percentage ) , others show the price include the tax . and putting a message the prices tax included . maybe not in this EU tax context, but tax can be inclusive or not, so display of price should depend of this option. Other: -------- I think EU vat number can be checked from online registry and or key check, I ever saw some billing system controling that automatically
  7. it's tipical webserver issue, what webserver are you using? 1/ can you create a info.php file with this content: <?php // Show all information, defaults to INFO_ALL phpinfo(); ?> and place this file at the root of your blesta install, and and can you load it in your Internet browser like: http://my-domain.com/info.php 2/ can you create hello.txt file with this content Hello my test and can you load it in your Internet browser like: http://my-domain.com/hello.txt ------------------- and let us know if you are able to lod both pages in your internet browser
  8. I had to test mandrill & blesta last week, it's was working fine
  9. using port 465 for SMTP was revoked technically By the end of 1998! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMTPS So yes since it was revoked 17 years ago, it's VERY OLD FASHIONED ;-)
  10. your issue is just port blocking at your host, because most smtp provider only work with TLS & port 587 VS 465 using port 465 & SSL is mostly for not compliant email client like old fashioned microsoft software, and not all smtp gateway will allow you to use port 465 & SSL
  11. in your php.ini file there one parameters for "max upload size" you could check it and if you change value, restart your php service & webserver. in same idea you could be limited by allowed memory use in your php.ini
  12. at Blesta admin interface : settings/company/emails/mail setting have you selected TLS at SMTP Security and by the way only port 587 should be used And also double check you done DNS records requested by smtp provider like TXT records for 1/ DKIM & 2/ TXT for allowed sender
  13. serge

    Duplicate Order

    there was all separate orders having each only one single package and the same package for second order that was following very close, so it was certainly done from "touristic" customer approach that wanted to see how ordering is working.
  14. thxs, one question. example I have these groups: - TRIAL_aaaaaaaaaaaa - PAID_aaaaaaaaaaaa With your proposal, will it be possible makes customers be allowed to upgrade from package being in TRIAL_aaaaaaaaaaaa to package being in PAID_aaaaaaaaaaaa ? if yes, that is fine
  15. thxs, one question. example I have these groups: - TRIAL_aaaaaaaaaaaa - PAID_aaaaaaaaaaaa With your proposal, will it be possible makes customers be allowed to upgrade from package being in TRIAL_aaaaaaaaaaaa to package being in PAID_aaaaaaaaaaaa ? if yes, that is fine
  16. serge

    Release 3.4.3

    merci beaucoup!
  17. serge

    Duplicate Order

    prorata is not enabled. and it's a free 14-day trial license (package). there is no real incidence with this "duplicate" order I know in the country my product are targeted, internet connection can be sometime very very bad quality and very low, and my idea was: - a like double click is done from connectivity issue OR - customer was just curious to order twice
  18. serge

    Logicboxes Domains

    same line as you ;-)
  19. serge

    Duplicate Order

    Not a long time now we are in live production using blesta, just few days. I found my customers are each ordering twice the same package (a trial licence for software we made), it's one licence by order but both order are following very close. While when we test order process we never had this, it's very strange customers order twice the same package. Have you ever got this similarity? Is there a way to prevent it?
  20. merci beaucoup!
  21. serge

    Logicboxes Domains

    ok, good idea, disable/enable some display/feature using code hack in client template :-) I suppose this kind of option should be allowed from blesta admin interface as it's more something being native-needed in essence than custom
  22. I think Blesta use PHP Mailparse PECL and certainly since I updated my php version, as my mail-server is on a separate server than Blesta and had for my mail-server a self signed ssl certificate, this type of certificate was certainly no more accepted by mailparse And regarding PHP Mailparse PECL I do have no idea if there is config parameters for disable checking ssl certificate, so that why I bought one ssl certificate and it's solved the issue. But it's right that do not accepting self signed certificate is very restrictive and for example, my email client software "thunderbird" on my computer have no issue to send or receive email from using account on my mailserver. And yes, supposing there is a novalidate-cert option in mailparse, it will be fine to have this option from the blesta interface.
  23. serge

    Logicboxes Domains

    what you said is interresting, I personaly do not work yet with domains even if the setup is ever in place and like you said one extension by package for having flexibility to change price by extensions. For my need I removed possibility to upgrade package, I sell software licence and my customer can not upgrade from trial to paid, they just order appropriate licence, as I was not 100% certain Blesta manage well such upgrade, I do not want issue for later And yes upgrade package (domain) should not allow makes confusion to customer, you are correct. I think the upgrade package option (enable/ disable) should be allowed at package level and not only for the entire Blesta system (all packages) like it is by now
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