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Everything posted by serge
Thanks for explanations. All is matching to what I did observe, and for info, my TTL is matching to 1 day (in second unit). Licence data & Public Key & licence Key are stored on client side. With call home once a day. From memory, only thing that do not match to what you describe is when location change I think it was the "unknow" status echoed at client side, so I will be re-testing that today
I tried mod_security few year ago, but it was very "boring" by unpredictable issues that came
It's seem debian 8 (Jessie) adoption to systemd was very controvertial as no choise to keep sysv was proposed during updrade process when some users can have very custom config they will preffer to keep. From my personal experience systemd is certainly good but impose such switching is certainly not good, I believe debian will lose a lot of people with that.
if your email adress is new/fresh, you have maybe to wait up to 24 hours for google mail server syncronize between them, or if you are using google with your own domain, you still need to wait for DNS MX records propagation time
I upgraded to debian 8 one of my server, and only issue were 5 services like ssh, php5-fpm, mysql, nginx, etc was not started after reboot, but I was only able to start them manually like this "systemctl start MY-SERVICE" and because now debian come by default with systemd, it's mean you need to enable service you want that start at boot, doing this command line way: systemctl enable MY-SERVICE but in my case even by doing this above did not do the trick, so I went back to sysv following this instruction: http://without-systemd.org/wiki/index.php/How_to_remove_systemd_from_a_Debian_jessie/sid_installation As after that & reboot server, my services still not started, so doing this done the trick at my next reboot: sysv-rc-conf --level 345 SERVICE-NAME on
Bump I know the reported error only come when there is PHP error reporting enabled at client side, but it will be fine to do not have such warning
ok, thank to Vetal confirmation, I found strange no other found the same. I even saw the place in the code where I think it's wrong, it's the way a conditional is doing, it's will be always giving the default "unknown" answer when license Key is not "active" VS giving a detailed status like expired, etc..
if you create a hello.txt file having as content: Hello and place this file at the root of your blesta install folder are you able to load above file with http and https. and see the hello in the loaded page if you have issue on that, it's mean it's not related to blesta config/parameters, but from your webserver ----------------------------------------------- above test is for static content and next you do same kind of test for dynamic content (php). info.php having as content: <?php // Show all information, defaults to INFO_ALL phpinfo(); ?>
+1 , as for now I do it from direct database writting.
but the client has a condition that the every app should has only one row , so no duplication of app in the table . also we need detailled data about every version of the app . like Ok, so I will say, you could use serialized way, wp is using that way also: so it could be 4 columns: id (primary key) / app_id / app_version / app_name / data so in "data" column (texarea format) you use serialized way like : ----------------- a:14:{s:7:"enabled";s:3:"yes";s:5:"title";s:46:"Dragonpay | Secure Payments in the Philippines";s:11:"description";s:105:"Pay over-the-counter with Cash Payments (you will receive email instruction from Dragonpay) OR Pay Online";s:11:"license_key";s:16:"gggggggggggggggg";s:14:"license_status";s:5:"valid";s:18:"license_public_key";s:272:"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDA99fZAvRTsSMQR6qIFgT9PahD elWG6DR/oHhDVZkToZAbJJxTfeyaRSGARgu8eFq03LqFnJzB/C0uQ6hmxX1e5chm uWRTQbTuGnKNNUV9hFq8uGaJcXwl9/wcxcfrFr+JORo1jDmQQM+bMapBPi619jQX ToKV8yar5K4DmSS14QIDAQAB -----END PUBLIC KEY----- ";s:12:"license_data";s:985:"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$p7fTw9F0al4Lm+3lIDsxOxskl4O5wMN9zRoVK16MaEFlIjdQpHPeLzHTBu1IUWvuMWIhDthaP63d6ftv2UK7H14DPKpsQZLF/8um67W4FcB2rCjvnEsHwzrj04+cvIAIv7Art1SZkgQjPlhBmCizS45P97qtJqF+SVuRBbfWWEw=";s:11:"merchant_id";s:10:"yyyyyyyyyyy";s:22:"dragonpay_api_password";s:8:"xxxxxxxx";s:9:"test_mode";s:3:"yes";s:5:"debug";s:3:"yes";s:16:"shopping_cart_id";s:0:"";s:18:"display_return_url";s:0:"";s:20:"display_postback_url";s:0:"";} ----------------------
not a specialist but here my idea: only one table, having 4 columns: id (primary key) / app_id / field / value so in "field" column you will have something like: app_version app_name app_this_data1 (you will choose name that really match to your data type) app_this_data2 etc so it's flexible as you create any kind of "field" you need, and the "value" column can be "textarea" format so you can even store very long string if you need, I saw this type of storage in Magento, wp, etc
What Is The Cost To Add Additional Companies?
serge replied to Jonathon's question in Pre-Sales Questions
I Bought it from Licensecart. As it's an addon I believe you need first your core blesta lisence bought at the same place? -
What Is The Cost To Add Additional Companies?
serge replied to Jonathon's question in Pre-Sales Questions
I bought it at $90.00USD (one company addon) all company in blesta will have his own domain you set, but all relly on one unique physical blesta install. At dns record you just create A record to your Blesta IP -
will be glad bug report be followed/answered
Warning: array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array in /home/demo-woocommerce/public_html/wp-content/plugins/xxxxx-for-woocommerce/class.php on line 184 it's the third Blesta license server integration I do and each time at client side, when license key is wrong, there this php warning; it's come from this below part in the original file /plugins/license_manager/dist/license_manager.php Note that in my integration this file name was changed. unset($data['status']); return array_merge( array( 'status' => $status, 'label' => null, 'time' => null, 'allow_reissue' => null, 'addons' => null, 'version' => null, 'custom' => null ), $data ); // THIS IS LINE 184 IN MY RENAMED FILE } As having a customer using a wrong license key is just one of common case, i expect not having any php warning.
it's not very explicit error. are you able to echo each of your variable, it's will help you to check the value of each
have you enabled in your paypal account the IPN url? You need to enable it and fill an url, and payal will take in priority the IPN URL submited by Blesta when doing a transaction request, but if nothing is enabled at paypal, paypal will not be doing any Communication back to Blesta. http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4356-paypal-transactions-not-recorded-invoice-stays-open/?hl=paypal
great you got it working :-) sorry if you missunderstanded my bad English as it's not my native language the 5mins to wait come from blesta default cron frequency. to hack blesta cron task frequency if you would, see my hack at the end of post http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2990-email-not-being-sent-on-invoice-creation/page-2
do carrotpay offer custom parameters you can send, and they will return you intact/unmodified in their answer? because, supposing blesta is requesting the amount in the answser, use in adition an availaible custom parameter from carrotpay to send amount in the "blesta curency", and use this parameter when back as the "blesta amount", because in general custom available parameters from payment gateway are send back same as there was send. so transaction succesfull at carrotpay will be always considered as paid invoice at blesta. And only use above solution if carrotpay do not allow partial payment, as by the way using above idea mean you chose to always believe that a successful transaction at carrotpay will be always complete.
it's very common the gateway only do a redirection, nothing prevent you to use it as the blesta postback/callback ending point for update order status in blesta and after that you just do the internal blesta redirection for customer get his display page. For your info, if I was you, I will only create one function to manage the gateway response and will do the check/validation within just using a condition "if" "else"
no issue if carrotpay only use a redirection (return url) can you give us a real return URL from carrotpay, I mean the url having all parameters within
I think if you want to get data result, : - you can remove "COUNT(*)", because if not your query will just give you the number of line that match to your query (just the number like "3") - you will need to fletch the result, and Blesta do have maybe his own data base communication abstraction to do it, you could check in the code how Blesta is doing it
my answer could be very generic but I believe there is 2 ending points in Blesta, and same way for most CMS gateway integration: - the return url ( for html customer display), & saying success transaction or failled etc depending of transaction status after customer is redirected back from payment gateway to Blesta here most of the time ist' only GET data, meaning you can see data in the URL structure like .?param1=xx¶m2=yy, etc - the callback url, is here for update the transaction/order status in Blesta, it's only server-to-server communication (no html display), it's most of the time POST data, it's depend specifically of the given gateway., when it's post data, data can not be seen in the url structure. example: -------------------- function gateway_response(){ ## Get data response (GET & POST) from gateway $gateway_response_txnid = $_REQUEST['txnid']; $gateway_response_refno = $_REQUEST['refno']; $gateway_response_status = $_REQUEST['status']; $gateway_response_message = $_REQUEST['message']; $gateway_response_digest = $_REQUEST['digest']; $gateway_response_param1 = $_REQUEST['param1']; $gateway_response_param2 = $_REQUEST['param2']; etc... ------------------------- here in the example it's using $_REQUEST vs $_POST vs $_GET, request will take data from any method (post, get, cookies, etc) and you need to have a condition (if) to check response authenticity by cheking the digest or key depending of your gateway regarding 2 url to use: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4339-payment-gateway-redirect-problem/#entry32356 http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3530-ipn-listener-in-pesapal-gateway/
yeah best is to create you own theme directory, just do a copy of the bootstrap & rename it, and best to place your custom java in the java dir, etc, so you keep the same structure logic
as inspiration to transpose, have a look at this link for stripe gateway, this use also javascrip in a form <form action=" method="POST"> <script src="https://checkout.stripe.com/v2/checkout.js" class="stripe-button" data-key="pk_test_G5YhIkq2PEq84lwU064TZENT" data-amount="2000" data-name="Demo Site" data-description="2 widgets ($20.00)" data-image="/128x128.png"> </script> </form> http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-accept-payments-with-stripe--pre-80957