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Everything posted by serge

  1. serge

    Daily Admin Email

    maybe in other logs, but at least in syslog & using keyword search like imap, smtp
  2. Austin said: Blesta only has a few developers and therefore things take longer than said competitor which has a whole team behind it By the way WHM** had maybe since only last 2 years more than one developer, so it's just because they not started on a MVC model or multi-company CMS when Blesta did, that why they have added/build more features when Blesta team builded at this time still the core, but for about last 4 years I do not see really more feature added to WHM** , in my opinion they are now limited in their evolution and module garden company makes plugins for so many variant of things but not so great in my opinions... so remember you AWBS they had all you wishes to sell/manage domains (and had the whole market share), and WHM** by adding web hosting feature was able to take most of the whole market from them, but now the really next things is Mutil-company, and strong core to extend feature/extension, and WHM** can not do that, it's just a matter of time (few years), for they become what is AWBS today, an old dying king without kingdom.
  3. We are all waiting module for domain management, DNS editor, and not only for a given registrar. Regarding enom registrar, I recommend you to use in place internetbs as their API is better (particularly for EU cctld and their requested fields) as well as their price. But if you are in EU, they are now using/charging EU VAT (I think UK VAT rate). I had feeling the Blesta domain management, dns editor is coming with Blesta 3.5
  4. cPanel certainly "saved" WH**S after they was hacked
  5. ok, even as them being UK company, and selling in USD. If we check rate GBP vs USD it's about no more than 10% conversion rate change over last 5 years, so the explanation of such increase is not there
  6. Incredible increase, for yearly support & update, just 2.2 factor yesterday price X 2.2 = new price they said they never did increase in 8 years, but doing now such jump, is just crazy, better to have yearly increase than do more than double price from a day to an other.
  7. I agree, I started an other post few months about it, and found that with Blesta if you want automatize provision of LXC it could be done (not tested) with webmin/virtualmin panel, an other person in the forum is doing the blesta webmin module and webmin can work fine with LXC. For LXC it's seem ubuntu or core-os distro is best. Thxs for your link
  8. for hide completelly service table to given group(s): this not tested code should work, it's use bootstrap theme but you should do a full copy off the boostarp theme and remane it, and in blesta admin interface, select this custom theme...if not at each blesta update if there is change in bellow file, you will be losing customization file to customize: BLESTA-INSTALL/app/views/client/bootstrap/client_services.pdt if ($package_group->id == "4" OR $package_group->id == "10" OR $package_group->id == "12" OR $package_group->id == "14" OR $package_group->id == "16" ) { // nothing to display }else { // Display service table // START SERVICES TABLE <div class="table-responsive"> <table class="table table-curved table-striped-alt table-hover" id="services"> <thead> <tr> <th><a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->base_uri . "services/index/" . $this->Html->ifSet($status) . "/?sort=name&order=" . ($sort == "name" ? $negate_order : $order));?>" class="ajax<?php echo $this->Html->safe($sort == "name" ? " " . $order : "");?>"><?php $this->_("ClientServices.index.heading_package");?></a></th> <th><?php $this->_("ClientServices.index.heading_label");?></th> <th><a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->base_uri . "services/index/" . $this->Html->ifSet($status) . "/?sort=term&order=" . ($sort == "term" ? $negate_order : $order));?>" class="ajax<?php echo $this->Html->safe($sort == "term" ? " " . $order : "");?>"><?php $this->_("ClientServices.index.heading_term");?></a></th> <th><a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->base_uri . "services/index/" . $this->Html->ifSet($status) . "/?sort=date_added&order=" . ($sort == "date_added" ? $negate_order : $order));?>" class="ajax<?php echo $this->Html->safe($sort == "date_added" ? " " . $order : "");?>"><?php $this->_("ClientServices.index.heading_datecreated");?></a></th> <th><a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->base_uri . "services/index/" . $this->Html->ifSet($status) . "/?sort=date_renews&order=" . ($sort == "date_renews" ? $negate_order : $order));?>" class="ajax<?php echo $this->Html->safe($sort == "date_renews" ? " " . $order : "");?>"><?php $this->_("ClientServices.index.heading_daterenews");?></a></th> <?php if ($this->Html->ifSet($status) != "canceled") { if ($this->Html->ifSet($status) == "suspended") { ?> <th><a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->base_uri . "services/index/" . $this->Html->_($status, true) . "/?sort=date_suspended&order=" . ($sort == "date_suspended" ? $negate_order : $order));?>" class="ajax<?php echo $this->Html->safe($sort == "date_suspended" ? " " . $order : "");?>"><?php $this->_("ClientServices.index.heading_datesuspended");?></a></th> <?php } ?> <th><?php $this->_("ClientServices.index.heading_options");?></th> <?php } else { ?> <th><a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->base_uri . "services/index/" . $this->Html->_($status, true) . "/?sort=date_canceled&order=" . ($sort == "date_canceled" ? $negate_order : $order));?>" class="ajax<?php echo $this->Html->safe($sort == "date_canceled" ? " " . $order : "");?>"><?php $this->_("ClientServices.index.heading_datecanceled");?></a></th> <?php } ?> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php // List all services for ($i=0; $i<$num_services; $i++) { ?> <tr class="expand service_info"> <td><?php $this->Html->_($services[$i]->package->name);?></td> <td><?php $this->Html->_($services[$i]->name);?></td> <td> <?php if ($this->Html->ifSet($services[$i]->package_pricing->period) == "onetime") $this->Html->_($periods[$services[$i]->package_pricing->period]); else { $term = $this->Html->_($services[$i]->package_pricing->term, true); echo $this->Html->safe($this->Html->concat(" ", $term, ($term == 1 ? $this->Html->ifSet($periods[$services[$i]->package_pricing->period]) : $this->Html->ifSet($periods[$services[$i]->package_pricing->period . "_plural"])))); } ?> </td> <td><?php echo $this->Date->cast($this->Html->_($services[$i]->date_added, true));?></td> <td> <?php echo (empty($services[$i]->date_renews) ? $this->_("ClientServices.index.text_never", true) : $this->Date->cast($services[$i]->date_renews));?> <?php if ($this->Html->ifSet($status) != "canceled" && !empty($services[$i]->date_canceled) && $this->Date->toTime($this->Date->cast($services[$i]->date_canceled)) > $this->Date->toTime($this->Date->cast(date("c")))) { ?> <a href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" title="<?php $this->_("ClientServices.manage.text_date_to_cancel", false, $this->Date->cast($services[$i]->date_canceled));?>"><i class="fa fa-clock-o text-primary"></i></a> <?php } ?> </td> <?php if ($this->Html->ifSet($status) != "canceled") { if ($this->Html->ifSet($status) == "suspended") { ?> <td><?php echo (empty($services[$i]->date_suspended) ? $this->_("ClientServices.index.text_never", true) : $this->Date->cast($this->Html->_($services[$i]->date_suspended, true)));?></td> <?php } ?> <td> <div class="btn-group"> <a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->base_uri . "services/manage/" . $this->Html->ifSet($services[$i]->id) . "/");?>" class="btn btn-xs btn-default"> <i class="fa fa-cog fa-fw"></i> <?php $this->_("ClientServices.index.option_manage");?> </a> </div> </td> <?php } else { ?> <td><?php echo (empty($services[$i]->date_canceled) ? $this->_("ClientServices.index.text_never", true) : $this->Date->cast($this->Html->_($services[$i]->date_canceled, true)));?></td> <?php } ?> </tr> <tr class="expand_details" id="services_<?php $this->Html->_($services[$i]->id);?>"> <td colspan="7" class="subtable"> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> // END SERVICES TABLE } // END of "if" all code between // START SERVICES TABLE // END SERVICES TABLE is same as in original file, so you have to locate this block in the original file Other, you have also to specify just before this block what group number you want service table be hidden, you can know group number from blesta admin interface when editing a group, in the URL there will be the group number.
  9. if you want hide the whole table, you can do like in example I given, but how customer will manage product/service they have? and if you want keep the whole table but not dispay line when is related to a given group it's harder as from memory there is a loop in code and maybe javascript.
  10. so it's 2 differents products/groups. how could the 2 be displayed if customer have not ordered it? and if they ordered it, that fine if they see it? But, supposing you need to hidden blesta core display to certain group or product, this can be done within the template code with a condition code example: if ($package_group->id == "4" OR $package_group->id == "10" OR $package_group->id == "12" OR $package_group->id == "14" OR $package_group->id == "16" ) { // LICENSE TRIAL CASE: nothing to display } else { ?> </br><p><right><font color="#2b356e">We accept payment by major credit and debit cards through PayPal | PayPal account is not required.</font></right></p> <?php } ?>
  11. dedicated DDoS protected DNS service I suppose you would customer be able to change/update protected domain, so it will be a customer side a domain field cutomizable? If you want ofer protection for external domains, there is no so much relation with DNS management module
  12. Not certain if this should really be part of core or not, I have fealing this could be a part of a given payment gateway extension. But for a lot of gateways I know, it's makes a lot of sense if customers can go direct/select a sub-payment channel as you would
  13. other, even if you removed the row in DB, it's look like the previous ID can be still re-used at next insert? or new entry will be inserted using the next ID? Normaly I think it should be second case, but you could double check in real for you. Not certain about it but it's like if the module id is not really a primary key, you could double check that
  14. I will say like Licensecart, it's ever in DB, but maybe if you removed in DB it's still in the cache. (mysql, php, webserver, etc...) It's look like you did an action (click), that was like a double click, I found it's can happen but being rare
  15. Good you got it working. I think you are using debian or ubuntu, and debian is the OS on my servers, I tried cpanel and webmin/usermin, and found webmin is very better & robust, there is even a bootstrap theme so it's look fine. But nevermind if you have a control panel, I found that in generall for things related to php or webserver config, it's very better to use command line than use feature in the panel. and regading php config & debian OS, I found the only files that really matter to check are: - /etc/php5/cli/php.ini -/etc/php5/fpm/php.ini -/etc/php5/cgi/php.ini
  16. I also think mailparse "mailparse.so" should be added in your php.ini file and next restart php, and restart apache
  17. I saw you installed some packages, and restarted apache, but I think you should restart php, and next restart apache
  18. I would like to recommend you to check at your firewall parameter if you allowed your IMAP port(s), By the way if you have a firewall, what is it?
  19. I never used it but I think using a hook or what blesta is naming event handlers: http://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Event+Handlers
  20. ok, I see your point, I was more in case we supply our own hight added value service/appliance as a software and on backend it's relly on one container by client, so using cloudmin for our backend provisionning seem ready to use (not yet tested)
  21. yes, for information "alpha ssl" : https://www.alphassl.com/ssl-certificates/resell-ssl.html is a sub-branch from global-sign, they sell cheap global-sign certificate at $10 /year for reseller just check certificate from them on our website as an example: siteshop (dot) ph
  22. ok, great explanation, thanks. I was wrong in my today test, there were data (licence_data, license_key, public_key) stored client side, but as my script alway call home once after a no active status is get from local license_data passed through the license check function, I was no echoing the license status before the call home, but my script had ever this option I missed to enable today. And when doing it, it's well returned the invalid_location status. THANK YOU!
  23. Just tested, and it's the "unknown" status returned client side when location changed
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