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Everything posted by serge

  1. I think 2 possible issues: 1/ this folder "blesta" is not writtable ? /home/user/web/domain.com/public_html/blesta/ 2/ how did you created the hosting account (user), I recommend you to use a control panel to create the hosting account so all of these will automatically come fine: vhost,user,folder,permission..... note webmin control pannel is free and fine, but up-to you for any other
  2. @tim-xtr you said blesta-new.php was set to 666 but install was still not allowed. so you have to try with bigger permission for this file and up to 777. IMPORTANT: after install you will set/check permission for these 2 files: blesta-new.php and blesta.php and set it to same permission as other .php file in blesta (I believe 644)
  3. From licensecart I thought blesta-new.php stayed there. I have both blesta-new.php and blesta.php. But I suppose I just copy the files over when upgrading so that's probably why. Blesta key for encryt/decryp some database string is in your blesta.php, that why any blesta (from initial to new version), or patch never have this file but only blesta-new.ph for not over-writte the existing one( because you will be losing your key ...) blesta.php is created from blesta install script that check if this file ever exist... wordpress do have also same way but not only By security I copied my key in my external password manager
  4. This is not only for blesta context: return_url , $options['return_url'] ? after checkout customer are redirected to gateway website, and after they pay there, they are redirected back to the merchant website at the given return url. as blesta can be multi-company, multi-domain, that why the return url is passed in the parameter you send to the gateway when asking gateway to create the transaction cancel_url , ?? not certain, I suppose, at gateway website, when customer was coming from the checkout, and if customer do not want to pay but want to cancel, so it's will be pointing to this url to back at merchant website notify_url , callback_url ? This is the url for the payment gateway post transaction update like paid, on hold, cancelled,... -------------------- so it's depend of each gateway, but in general, from checkout, if customer pay quick, : - from the gateway, the transaction status update will be sent to the notify url and just after - customer is redirected to the return url if customer pay later, there is only a notification send to merchant website, and there is no redirection/return to the merchant website ------------------
  5. If I understand: so nginx is in front of apache? and apache manage php? ----------------- so your issue is related to php, and as from above it's managed at apache, it's mean any nginx conf you find here on blesta forum are not related to your type of setup. In your case, it's apache for php, so it's there you have an issue. --------- For info I use both nginx with one being the reverse proxy and all work fine
  6. after config change & php related, always restart php, and next nginx (or restart the whole server) other: ------- if you are on a VPS or dedicated server you have to edit the php.ini of the given virtual server and not the global php.ini: Global -------------- /etc/php5/fpm /etc/php5/cgi /etc/php5/cli Virtual host ------------------ /home/MY-HOSTNAME/etc/php5 and in the php.ini set this: cgi.fix_pathinfo=0 ------------------------------- also in this file: /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf the "listen" directive must match to what you have in your nginx vhost or nginx conf example: listen = /var/run/php5-fpm.sock OR listen = ---------------- as you have apache in front also check that you "forward" php to what port from apache, and make this port is same in the "listen" within the nginx vhost file, and this port opened at your firewall for tcp
  7. The line I given you is not in your file.....
  8. I think your blank page is returning HTTP OK/success code 200 answer, and from memory, it's tippicaly due to a nginx misconfiguration, Try to edit this file: fastcgi_params in debian it's this path: /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params add this at the first line and save and restart nginx: ------------------------------------------------------ fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
  9. by the way, I was not in the good template for my goal, the good one was: client_services_manage.pdt and this code was working: <?php echo "Service ID:" . $service->id . "<br>" ; echo "Client ID:" . $service->client_id . "<br>" ; ?>
  10. Thank You, Naja7host and Tyson!
  11. I think this will be logical, upgrade/downgrade or any new order are automatically set with price in the client default currency, but allowed to be changed with the currencies dropdownlist
  12. The above rodrigo Hack do not work with last blesta version, and my need are slightly different as I need text boxs customer can edit when managing a service. So will try to do it with custom code
  13. In this client template: client_services_serviceinfo.pdt I would like to get value for: - client_id - service_id all my try did not work, any idea?
  14. I understood now the configurable option needed to be set in the package option VS universal module where I was. But there is no configurable option having text input type where customer can type text, I think this type text of input is missing, it's can be helpful in some case I was looking for
  15. Like this post title, it's exactly what I want: Option fields to show up once a package is activated. Or to add option fields to show-up on the client and admin section but not the order page I saw there is 2 ways: ---------------------------- OR In the description for the http://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-1449 there is: ---------------- A client add permission means that clients will be able to add the config option, and it will appear on order forms. A client edit permission means the client can change it within the client area as part of config option upgrades - CORE-1447 -------------- But after installed Blesta 3.5.0b4, I do not see how to get such possibility or what parameters to check, and please note I'm using the universal module, but in client area, customer still can not see the config option for the given service.
  16. re-uploading the whole blesta solved the issue
  17. using apache on my dev server and yes to this ------------ You should have /app/client_controller.php that begins class ClientController extends AppController { ----------------
  18. I do ever have this file: app/controllers/client_main.php and also re-uploaded it, but still the same, and for you at doing "login as clients" from admin interface?
  19. using Blesta-3.5.0-b4 From admin interface and when for a given customer we go "login as client" give this error: ---------------- Oh noes! Class 'ClientController' not found on line 11 in /home/MY-USER/public_html/app/controllers/client_main.php ---------------- above error is when having this url http://mydomain/client and when I shortter URL to http://mydomain I can see I'm login as the customer, so I suspect above "bug?" is route related
  20. I think GPG key is not about being legitimate email or not, as this is more related to having SPF or DKIM DNS records and reverse DNS record. But GPG is related to encrypted content in the email, so you need to share key/secret with customers, it's will be hard to ask them fo follow or adopt it
  21. ok, my "upload" folder was just on level above my blesta install, so all is logic/fine I forgot this from my first install
  22. I never installed this "upload" folder before. being on debian, my public directory is /home/MY-USER/public_html/ my blesta install is at the root of above path, so not in a sub-directory install What's is hard to understand is while from the .zip, the blesta folder content is to copy and overwrite all in my public_html folder, and here that's ok. But regarding the "upload" folder it's not clear where the upload folder should be, do it's should be one level upper the public_html ? or if it's has to been in public_html/upload , why this folder was not included in the "blesta" folder when ziped?
  23. In this archive Blesta-3.5.0-b4.zip, there are these 3 folders: - uploads - hotfix-php5.5 - blesta I do not understand what to do with the "uploads" folder ? look like something "dirty" that serve nothing but would realy know
  24. I think when selling physical product, having addresses for : - billing and a possible other for: - delivery is very common, but such shema could also apply for service when an agency manage service for someone else so +1
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