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Everything posted by serge

  1. serge

    Support Request Failed

    I would like to add: for all support groups in blesta, this bellow option is unticked: Allow only clients to open or reply to tickets
  2. Strange, a non-registered customer, update his support ticket, but he receive an email "Support Request Failed" with content : ------------------- Our system received your email, but was unable to process it for one of the following reasons.. 1. The email address you sent the message from does not belong to any of our clients and this department only allows existing clients to open tickets. 2. You replied to a ticket notice, and we are unable to determine what ticket number you are responding to. 3. The department you emailed no longer exists.Thank you, ----------------- But the support ticket update is well updated/imported at blesta with the last customer answer. And when we try to reproduce the "bug" using sending an email non-registered customer/adresse to our "contact" blesta support, all is fine, we can not re-create above case we always have every-time with this particular non-registered customer when he update his ticket. So any idea? We have our own mail-server on an other server than Blesta, we use IMAP & SMTP, until now we never had issue
  3. maybe check if you have PHP CLI
  4. I can not remember exactly what I did tested with mandrill, but think just SMTP was fine like licensecart said, no custom code, but you just need appropriate dns record to be the allowed sender, and to collect email just use your smtp/mandrill account detail for the given email, and that's it
  5. Error, I tested but can not really remember me, from memory all was working with blesta: - at mandrill create an email box (or sender) by blesta support department - at your domain name & dns editor add a txt records mandril tell you for allowed sender ip & domain, for me it was like this: mandrill._domainkey v=spf1 a mx ip4: include:spf.mandrillapp.com ~all - at your domain name & dns editor add a txt records mandril tell you for DKIM , for me it was like this: v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQ........................;
  6. I never tested: http://serverfault.com/questions/594059/is-it-possible-to-receive-inbound-emails-using-mandrill http://www.murrion.com/2015/01/how-to-send-and-receive-emails-with-mandrill/ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18196538/mandrill-inbound-email-routing https://mandrillapp.com/api/docs/inbound.ruby.html
  7. Why not use SMTP or IMAP at Blesta? with your Mandrill mail box
  8. If you create one blesta package by domain extension, by doing this you will be able to have the more flexibility on price, as you select the registrar you want by package/extension. and if you want order for your customer, from the blesta admin panel & the given customer, you can connect as the customer within the client area and pass the order.
  9. in case that help, here bellow is generic explanation, I never worked with gateway for blesta. -------------- about your question: What' I've found is that the "success" method isn't invoked when the client lands back on the 'success' page as documentation implies, it is actually invoked as (I'm not too sure) the gateway gets notified of the payment being successful / unsuccessful (the IPN callback). ------------------ Because payment or update transaction status can be done later and not only just after an invoice/order was created, that the reason most payments gateway at 99% use: - notification (POST OR GET or both at same time) AND - redirect/return So for update order/invoice at the Billing system, you can not rely just on the redirect because when a customer will pay an invoice x day after it's was generated or when transaction status is updated, the customer could not be online or there is no redirection to manage b y the gateway(payment validated after x hours/day, etc), so all update you do at your billing system should be at based on Notification and not just based on the returned status in the redirection. That why it's will be very logic Blesta method/function for update order/invoice status only rely on notification. Returned status in the redirection just only serve you mostly to display the appropriate message to the customer, or if you update database from "redirection" why not, but you have also to do it from the notification (listener), and update will be done from first received, as there should be a status check done at database before to decide if current status is allowed to be updated. update like : - from "success" to "pending" - from cancelled to success - from success to "sucess" should not be allowed update from pending or validated to success is allowed update from pending to validated pending to cancelled success to chargeback are allowed so for each case of returned status by the gateway there are order status check at database before to allow an update.
  10. ok, sorry I can not real help, maybe an idea if you find it's can apply, for your like IPN listener, try to see gateway returned variable value, using this php function, it's will check value from GET and POST $field1 = $_REQUEST['field1']; $field2 = $_REQUEST['field2']; $field3 = $_REQUEST['field3']; ... for test purpose. try to echo or if you cant not echo it, try auto-write these value in a test-table at database or auto-write received value in a file, test before with a request from you, and next if got your field from your own request, try with the gateway
  11. You said: -------------------- the 'capture' method which I assume should be called when new invoices are processed so we can use the payment references / tokens in order to process new payments. -------------- I think it's not that way it's work, you just have invoice/order created at blesta, and when customer paid it, your payment gateway send an notification to blesta, with the status of the transaction like : authorized, pending, success, etc....it's depend of each gateway. and at blesta you use this returned status to update blesta order status (but first you must check that the notification is authentic and really from the gateway)
  12. I not yet worked on Blesta gateway, But I do not understand were you have issue. If you want to use "capture" transaction status returned by your gateway for pass invoice as paid, using condition that check returned transaction status and in case of "capture" status returned by gateway, you makes it use the matching Blesta function for a success/paid transaction, and that's it? other, If before "capture" you are using "pre-authorization" status, when blesta receive this transaction status, should update invoice/order to a new status from it's origin status like "pending" or "on hold" but never to "paid" status, because it's just not really paid.
  13. I agree with the report, because domain management is missing that's makes blesta a 3 wheel car, so it's mean it's even not a car, but will become when being a 4 wheel car. Domains are more specific than any services and because it's MUST be considered as a CORE feature, so the current service_fields table at database can not satisfy the domain management and a domain_fields table should be added at database in place of asking x registrar modules to create their own fields to manage domain, because domain management need standardization for the whole Blesta.
  14. OK, but same here, there are free registrar plugin/modules for Blesta the free I know: enom internetbs namecheap namesilo (alpha) ptisp opensrs logicboxes
  15. you should need a registrar module/plugin to propose customer to register a domain, if not how would you register domain without using a registrar?
  16. +1 and there are thousand payment gateway in the street or specific for given country, so not just paypal. In my opinion, this feature is related to the way blesta could work as an option and not related to a given payment gateway
  17. for share session with external scrip or system, maybe have a look to extant plugin/module : the wordpress - blesta login share to get idea
  18. one of my try in my above case was to try to share session within blesta template where I included an other framework, but I had no luck with that, and I use now a framework that do not use at all existant session
  19. serge

    Custom Field Question

    no luck, I had to find it for my install, but after a lot of search today, I was not able to find in templates, and even in the java files
  20. not a lover of mod_security, but very good contribution and same kind of code can be used for custom form having specific string/syntax validation rules.
  21. for update this topic, only thing that work to use a mysql grid framework in blesta template is: http://sourceforge.n...jects/lazymofo/
  22. serge

    Release 3.1.0

    http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3894-virtualmin-module-test-stages/?hl=webmin#entry28686 but not yet released
  23. serge

    Custom Field Question

    At the base, I had same need as you, but needed in complement customer be able to edit some field in the additional settings tab in the client area. I had to use customization in template by using a grid framework. In your case as you do not need the customer allowed to edit field, certainly just custom db query is fine, let me know if you want help/material on that, just let me know. As for now, there is no native way in blesta for that or you have to create a module/plugin , meaning a bigger step for so few. --------- rectification, at re-reading you, you just need to customize the order form template by removing display of custom field there.
  24. Just an other idea, if blesta do not give HTTP 200 status code when Paypal send first IPN, so paypal is re-trying later IPN during about 4 days I think. You may check your nginx/apache webserver log to know what was the returned HTTP status code or check also error log for webserver
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