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Everything posted by Allan

  1. Allan

    install error

    I am trying to install Blesta and I am getting this error message. Any help would be great.
  2. I have always needed the remote access key when setting up servers for packages whether it was WHMCS or Blesta.
  3. I have had this issue when I changed servers, you have to go into your blesta account and reissue your key. This si what I was told to do and hope it helps.
  4. Allan

    Test Site

    How does someone go about getting a Dev license.
  5. Allan

    Test Site

    I was wondering if it was possible to setup Blesta on a test site that isn't live. I wanted to play around with the themes but not on my live site.
  6. No problem I am still learning as I go and like to help when I can.
  7. Allan

    Accepted Payment Type

    Thank you I googled and found and old post here on how to do that, I believe it was you that replied to the person to help them.
  8. I had the same problem at first I went and did some digging around and found that if you add /local between /usr/bin it worked. /usr/local/bin/php /home/
  9. Allan

    Accepted Payment Type

    understandable, I was just thinking that I have clients that just pay in paypal and not through the invoice so I have to manually make the payment under their account. Even though that has nothing to do with this topic lol
  10. Allan

    Accepted Payment Type

    OK so as an admin I won't even see this option?
  11. Allan

    Accepted Payment Type

    I have gone over everything as stated and when I go to make a payment I only have the two options.
  12. Allan

    Accepted Payment Type

    No Sorry I don't, sorry took so long to get back was at work.
  13. Allan

    Accepted Payment Type

    Thank you both very much I was asking in the section that is labeled Accepted Payment Type which has a drop in for clients to choose when paying in the client portal, I have PayPal standard already setup but it only shows Credit Card or Automatic Clearing House.
  14. I was looking and I see that paypal is not listed as accepted payment type, how can I add it to the list?
  15. Allan

    Theme Tutorial

    Thank you will come in handy.
  16. Allan

    Theme Tutorial

    I was looking around and I wasn't not able to find any tuts on making my own theme, looking what templates need to be modified and can you make a duplicate of the default theme and work on that.
  17. My experience with forums though is just about everyone connects differently.
  18. Problem I can see is there are so many different forum software, IPB, Xenforo, VBullentin are just the top three paid, then you have the free software like PhpBB, Mybb, Smf and a couple others. It would be great but also a lot of work.
  19. Allan


    I just went through the 3.6.2 files and Massmailer is not listed in the plugins folder, I will get it from Git and install, thank you so much.
  20. Allan


    That's what I read but the plugin isn't listed in the available or installed.
  21. Allan


    I was looking everywhere in the admin panel to send an email to all clients, when I couldn't find it I found but the page is 404 on Git. So I am where in and admin panel it is or the plugin to install. I feel like I am missing something that is obvious.
  22. I tested last night and it worked after I cleaned up the packages and servers with the ones imported and the ones I created. Thank you though for everything.
  23. After digging around I think I found the problem but not sure. After install I set up a server, group and packages then I imported clients from WHMCS which made another group and packages. I went through tonight and made some changes. Testing it now again with just one server and group being used.
  24. I am using the Cpanel module.
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