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Everything posted by AllanD

  1. Thanks! I created a vQmod to update the href in structure.pdt
  2. I have Blesta installed in a folder called /billing on our web site. I was able to change the logo from within the system and client themes, but I can not find where to change the "href=" for the link associated with the logo. Currently the link is "/billing/" and it returns to the client portal. I would like it to go back to the main site page instead: "/". Can this be configured? Or does structure.pdt have to be edited?
  3. The only customizations are via vqmod for other pages. One is the service mod to show the Service link in the menu The other is a mod for making some api queries as a user enters their host name on the order configuration page. It checks another server via an api. This mod is applied to the following files. For the Wizard template, this is the page before the page with the registration form plugins/order/views/templates/standard/config.pdt, plugins/order/views/templates/wizard/config.pdt, plugins/order/views/templates/ajax/config.pdt, app/views/admin/default/admin_clients_addservice.pdt
  4. I have two order forms, one for registering without a purchase and an order form for a service that has the normal Register or Log In The standalone Registration form displays and processes the recaptcha correctly. The order form does not display the recaptcha and then fails validation with : The captcha entered was invalid. Please try again. I have tried various settings on the Order Form Settings tab: None, Register and Purchase for the default forms. I am using Wizard Boxes template and 3.3.2. This is a fresh install of 3.3.1 with the 3.3.2 patch. If I switch to the Standard template the recaptcha shows up. Just checked the Ajax and it is not showing either even though the html is there.
  5. I am working on integrating Blesta with a chat service and would like to have a production and development environment. Is there any type of developer key that maybe restricts Blesta to 3 or 4 clients or restricts in some other way?
  6. I originally posted this as a feature request, but I am now thinking this is really a bug due to its lack of consistency. http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3637-pass-additional-values-in-service-option-urls/ Each Notice that is posted from Service Options should have the same basic data so a developer can use the data posted to retrieve other data if needed. The [_other] should be present in each type post (like Add), not just the custom fields. It would also be very helpful to include the service_id. Any way for this tweak to make it into 3.3.2?
  7. I am not using the api to update settings in Blesta. I am using the values Posted from Service Options in another api for a chat service. The list of values passed from Blesta when posting to a URL is not consistent and it would be very helpful to always pass the _other information (client_id and/or service_id) like when the "Add" post occurs. This would making looking up corresponding fields (using the Blesta api) simpler and faster.
  8. 1.Describe the issue you're experiencing. When the cron job runs it updates the renewal date for the Service but does not POST to the URL in the Notice section for Renew. This is a dev environment. There are 16 services set to a term of 1 day so they all renew every day. The "Date Renews" field is updating correctly in the Billing/Services view(screen shot) The invoices are auto debit so they are flagged as paid. There is no entry in the Log for Universal Module to show it posted to the URL. There are log entries when it adds a service or suspends a service. 2. Provide detailed steps necessary to reproduce the issue. Enter a URL to post to in the Renew section of the Service Options of the Universal Module. Set up services to have a term of 1 day and create an account to purchase the service with an autodebit . Allow cron to run for a couple days and renew the service. 3. List any generated errors. (The "Oh Noes" error pages are very helpful.) No errors found as it is the lack of an event firing. 4.Include the URL the error occurred on, relative to the installation path, ie "/admin/login". No errors found. Nothing is posted to the URL for the api at the other end to process. 5.Attach screenshots. 6. Include your configuration settings, i.e. OS, version of Blesta, version of module/gateway/plugin if applicable, version of PHP & MySQL. Blesta 3.3.0 patched to 3.3.1. Universal Module version 1.2.0.
  9. I have Service Options URL Notices for Add, Suspend, and Unsuspend working. When the Renew job runs it is updating the services renewal date, but there is nothing in the Modules log and the target URL is not receiving a POST.
  10. That worked. Thanks!
  11. vQmod is my new best friend. Very slick updating functionality without directly editing core files.
  12. There is some variation of what gets passed in the Service Options Notices in the Universal Module when using a URL For Add there is an "_other" array that contains a client_id and pricing_id. For others like Suspend only the custom field defined in the service options are passed. The only way I could find to get the expiration date of the service was to use the Blesta API to get all services from the customer id and loop through looking for the item with the custom chat_address field. Chat_address is the only key between the systems. Would it be possible to always pass at least the client_id, service_id in every URL notice? That would create consistency and make pulling other date via the API simpler. Add example ($_REQUEST shown) http://chatdemo.redhawksoftware.com/api.php?addservice=1 Array ( [addservice] => 1 [website] => www.test9.com [chat_address] => test9-com [admin_email] => allan@test.com [_other] => Array ( [admin_email] => allan@test.com [chat_address] => test9-com [website] => www.test9.com [status] => active [use_module] => true [pricing_id] => 4 [qty] => 1 [current_qty] => 1 [client_id] => 2 ) ) Unsuspend example ($_REQUEST shown) http://chatdemo.redhawksoftware.com/api.php?unsuspend=1 Array ( [unsuspend] => 1 [admin_email] => allan@test.com [chat_address] => test6-com [website] => www.test6.com)
  13. I found that the Setup Fee for a Package is billed on each renewal. Isn't the Setup Fee supposed to be a one time charge? I have only one entry for Price and it includes the Price and Setup Fee. How can the Setup Fee be suppressed on renewals? The screen shot shows an invoice generated for test data for items with a one day renewal.
  14. I did not realize the form action calls the URL directly. I thought it was a cron job. It was indeed an error in the api wrapper I am writing for the service provisioning. Once I cleaned that up both suspend and unsuspend work properly. Thanks!
  15. The module failed communicating with the remote server when attempting to suspend the service. Using the Universal Module and tried to suspend a users service and got the above error message. Could not find anything in the logs. The "Change Renew Date" Action works ok. It just seems to be the "Suspend" Action. The installation is still in testing mode. What does it mean "communicating with the remote server"? Is this referring to the Service Options URL for Suspend? What steps does the system perform during a Suspend action? Where can I start looking?
  16. Thank You! This works great. I wish I had found that "isEmail" a few hours ago.
  17. I am trying to understand how the examples in Error Checking (http://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Error+Checking)relate to the JSON formated version of Input Rules in the Universal Module. All the examples in Error Checking are php arrays. The simple examples seem obvious, but how would the ones with functions be done in Input Rules? What is the correct way to validate an email address given the Service Option of admin_email? { "admin_email":{ "valid":{ "rule":["filter_var",["admin_email","FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL"]], "message":"Please enter a valid email address." } } } The above fires but fails with a valid address in the field. Why aren't there more examples in the docs for the JSON formatted Input Rules?
  18. So after 4 hours of frustrating search I came across this post and it is still only a vague and partially incorrect answer. It would be very helpful to explain in the documentation what gets POSTed under the Service Option when using the Universal Module. I figured out the following by posting to a php page to print out the results to a file. First, how I have the product configured in the Service Options Notifications: I have two Options (fields):, website and chataddress In the Notices I have the following. I found you can pass parameters in the URL (not explained anywhere). The chatdemo is just a test/dev site separate from where Blesta is installed. The http or https is required to flag is as URL. Add -> http://chatdemo.mydomain.com/api.php?addservice=1 Suspend -> http://chatdemo.mydomain.com/api.php?suspend=1 Unsuspend -> http://chatdemo.mydomain.com/api.php?suspend=0 I have not tested "HTTP code" or "Response Contains". As far as I can tell this only is useful if not successful. I don't know what happens in Blesta if it is not. In the api.php file is the following. I used REQUEST to also get the parameters $fp = fopen('file.txt', 'w'); fwrite($fp, print_r($_REQUEST, TRUE)); fclose($fp); return "OK"; In the admin panel I added a service manually for a user and activated it. This is the response: Array ( [addservice] => 1 [website] => www.test2.com [chataddress] => [_other] => Array ( [package_group_id] => 2 [pricing_id] => 1 [module_row_id] => 1 [qty] => 1 [client_id] => 2 [status] => active [use_module] => true [meta] => Array ( [website] => www.test2.com [chataddress] => ) [coupon_packages] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [date_added] => 2014-10-25 18:30:10 [date_renews] => 2014-11-25 18:30:10 ) ) The "addservice" was passed as a parameter. The "website" and "chataddress" are two fields in the Service Options The "other" was passed by the system. When I used the admin panel to Suspend a service this is all I received. Array ( [suspend] => 1 [chataddress] => [website] => www.test2.com ) The "suspend" was in the url. The other two fields are the Service Options. NOTE: If you have a service for a user that is still Pending (maybe had an error) and you Activate it, the "Add" URL does not get called. If you are using a call to that url to provision your server (like my api.php) it will not be provisioned. I guess the Activate only changes the status and sends an email (if checked). Activate can on be done once as far as I can tell so not sure why it works this way.
  19. My original intent was to return to a configuration page after purchase (need to provision service via an api), but I guess I can put one or two service options at that point and the remainder after purchase success. Are the user input values from service options passed in the post available once returning from purchase (authorize.net CIM)? Within the Universal Module would I use the "Add" under Service Options? Not sure I am being clear. How do I land on a custom page with the configuration options after purchase?
  20. Sorry, I found the upload under More Reply Options
  21. This editor does not allow pasting of images. The image button just asks for a url. How do I upload a screenshot?
  22. No. No addons.
  23. I have a simple service that does not need any configurable options. Yet the page (using Standard template) or section (using a wizard template) continues to appear with the Term and price as a selectable option that does not do anything. I have no Options or Option Groups created. How can the options be disabled or removed so they do not show when ordering?
  24. So if this is stored locally, does that mean our site would have to be PCI compliant and scanned periodically? I thought part of the point of CIM was to move the critical card information storage off to authorize.net and remove the need for proving compliance (even though it may be compliant)?
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