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AllanD last won the day on July 18 2015

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  1. My fault. After extracting from the command line I was expecting the hotfix5.5 to be in the ./blesta directory with all the other files but it is in the current folder and the content has to be copied. Sorry.
  2. I tried applying the patch for 3.5.1 and got a blank screen. I realized it must be the hotfix 5.5 app_controller.php so replaced it with the one from 3.5.0. I was able to upgrade after that. Then I found that that the version number was still 3.5.0 so I had to download the full version and pull the hotfix 5.5 app_controller.php from it and replace it on the server. I replaced app_model.php too but not sure if that was needed. Just checked and the 3.5.0 and 3.5.1 are identical. Does anything else need to be updated? The version now appears as 3.5.1 and it appears to be working OK. Can the hotfix 5.5 be included in patches so we know it needs to be updated? Or better yet, could there be a standard and hf5.5 version of the patches so a site can be updated quickly?
  3. AllanD

    Coupon Reporting

    Will there be some sort of guide for building custom reports? Maybe just a general description of what resides in common tables?
  4. AllanD

    Coupon Reporting

    This was all very helpful in understanding the relationships. Since the coupons can be deleted or changed, I am taking a slightly different approach. My coupon codes contain the id number of the Client record used for the reseller or sales person (part of my work around config is to add a Client record in Blesta for each sales person or reseller and assign them to a Sales category). I added a hidden field to the service options in the Universal module to hold the id for the sales person record. I spliced in some code (via vqmod) into the page with javascript functions to parse the coupon code for the client id and add it to the hidden field. This way the coupon code can change or be deleted but the sales person id will remain associated with the service via the options field. And with the sales person (or reseller) information present in the system the commission report can contain the sales persons name. I should be able to create a query to pull it all together. Thanks for your explanations and help. I am still looking for any type of logical entity relationship diagram for the database (for the core at least), if available.
  5. What are the "changes to pricing" that need to be made? Are you referring to code changes in the product? I am not sure I understand the business logic behind not including all fees on an invoice in the price before applying a discount. Or at the very least make it configurable. I checked through the open issues and did not find anything specifically addressing coupons and setup fees. Are there plans to address this? I guess what this comes down to is we have to change our business model to fit Blesta software as opposed to Blesta handling our business model. Any suggestions on potential a work-around is appreciated. Thanks!
  6. AllanD

    Coupon Reporting

    Hmmm.... I think having the coupon associated with the service may make it easier in my situation because there are very few products and coupons only apply to the initial service not renewals. Please clarify: "if the coupon on the service was changed or removed after it had been used". If a coupon is deleted from the system, is the coupon code removed from the service? In my case a coupon would only be added after the fact the customer did not enter it themselves (or it did not work). This should be ok since the coupon code is still tied to a sales person. I am not anticipating So the one thing I might be missing here is 'date paid'. I am using date_closed, but that does not confirm an item was paid. Is there a field for the date paid? Here is what I have so far: SELECT s.coupon_id, ls.description, ls.qty, ls.amount, ls.invoice_id, i.paid FROM `services` as s Left join invoice_lines as ls on s.id = ls.service_id Left join invoices i on i.id = ls.invoice_id WHERE s.status = 'active' and i.date_closed >= '1/1/2015' and i.paid >0
  7. Is a coupon supposed to apply to a set up fee? Example: service is $49 set up fee is $120 User enters coupon for $100, but system only applies a $49 discount. Is there a way to apply the discount to the set up fee?
  8. AllanD

    Coupon Reporting

    With the new custom reporting in 3.5 I would like to report on where coupons were used. I checked the docs and did not find much. I looked at the sql table structure but need a little help understanding the relationships. Is there any published entity diagram? 1. When a coupon is used, is it captured as a line item on an order and/or invoice? What table holds the coupon id or code used? 2. Is it possible to generate a report showing the coupon code and the paid invoices or are the relationships not there? Here is a little background in why I need to track the coupon usage: The coupon codes are being used to track resellers and sales people. Each code has an id embedded in it that refers to a client id. Each reseller, or sales person has an client record that is assigned to their respective group. When a new customer uses a coupon, it ties the order back to the reseller or sales person. I'd like to generate a report to pay commissions. Ideally the report will have the customer, service, invoice amount, coupon code and sales person name. Thanks!
  9. If a 2.5.x release was available I would definitely update to that version.
  10. I was not able to resolve my issue: never got it to save. I switched to using vQmod.
  11. What gets a feature into development for a point release?
  12. I think "on renewal" rather than "Cancel at end of term" can work as long as the initial item and the new package can have different terms (2 weeks to monthly or annual). Or maybe there can simply be a "Switch at end of term" and when that is selected the list of available packages appears. The only thing is this ties a trial to a specific package. Would it be much more difficult to designate a package group and allow the prospect to select at order time? A scenario: There is one basic service with 4 different sizes/terms (so each could be displayed in a wizard box on the order page using the Universal module): 2 user monthly; 2 user yearly; 6 user month; 6 user yearly. If a trial can only be associated with one package there would need to be 4 different trials for each of the 4 packages. If it could be associated with a package group, perhaps there could be a way for the user to select the "switch to" package and just have a general trial. Overall the "Switch at end of term" seems to take care of the flip from trial to paid service, but from a business perspective I would still like to see the ability to require a credit card capture to take place for a new customer on the order of the trial item even if it is $0. Some may not agree with this approach but in certain sales situations this weeds out prospects that are not serious and changes the decision to purchase (already made) to a decision to cancel (the trial) if it does not meet their needs. Along with this it would be great to have an auto-debit on the renewal date for the new package. Then the new customer would need to do nothing if they want to keep the service. I am not sure how these two features (CC capture and auto-debit switched product) need to be tied with the package switching or they should be set up separately. The reminders may not be needed if the renewal approach is sending an invoice anyway. They user would only need to act if they wanted to cancel.f I still think this needs to go hand-in-hand with the "Single Purchase" idea so a user can not order a trial more than once. A second package for an "Extended Trial" could be created if a specific prospect needs more time and the first trial cancelled. But that would be a special situation. Is the package switching going to make it into 3.5? This is the biggest sore spot for our sales department at the moment. Thanks!
  13. In my case the Order and Service is tied to a domain and the API is used to check if it has already been provisioned on the server. So the user would have to enter a new domain to get the free trial again. Detail: I added an option field to the service for the domain name and used vQmod to insert some javascript to check the domain against the server (a chat service) using API calls when exiting the field and returned a message that the domain is already in use or is available.
  14. This feature request is for only allowing a Service to be ordered once by a customer and cancel at end of term. Along with this "one time" service I'd like to be able to designate another Service for the "one time" service to roll over to and send the customer an invoice or auto debit. This would work great for a trial service that rolls over to a paid service. Here is how I would like to see this work: A Package/Group/Order form are created for the introductory service and roll over service. (The only difference between the two are term and cost) The introductory service could be a Trial with a predetermined term (2 weeks, 1 month, etc.) and $0 or a introductory (discounted) price. It can either "Cancel at end of term" or "Roll over at end of term". If "Roll over" the second service can be selected. When the customer selects the introductory service (trial) the service is provisioned. Also credit card information is captured to create an account (in my case authorize.net with the customer data stored there) and set up auto debit when the trial or introductory period is over. A Reminder Notice is sent to the customer before the end of trial that the introductory period is over and the Service will be charged to their card. I think this could help sell a lot of new services for anyone using this billing system. Sales people would love it. I've been trying to figure out how to get blesta to do this now without much success.
  15. +1 for this feature.
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