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Everything posted by Sam
Preach brother
My SMTP settings seem okay. How can I troubleshoot this?
Can't seem to find this anywhere. Thanks!
What's the difference between this plugin and the one that was recommended above?
I most certainly am
This plugin isn't inserting the CSS Tax ID still present. Any ideas?
Fear not. The user, of course, will still provide this information at registration. The only impacted areas would be, if the user selects that checkbox, the business name is used anywhere that would display the user's first and last name. The best option would be 3 options: use personal name, use business name, use both. Blesta could also be smart and eliminate irrelevant options by adding a "personal / business" account checkbox, which would then display the company name field, and the selector that I just specified above. Oh how wonderful that would be
Thanks folks. Now how do I use this to disable the email/username selection and to use email addresses at registration by default? How can I add the ability to add descriptions to each field? I am going to add my own "required" tags for now, even if Blesta won't support them until 3.4. Is there any way that I can populate a blesta hidden field from a get variable when someone accesses my page with that variable set? This is to tie in another system. I have a client bootstrap that shows a progress bar for a customer. I need to use this hidden field to check to make sure that a user has actually registered.
Some business clients do not want their personal name on invoices whatsoever. These clients, at registration, should have the ability to elect whether they would like invoices sent in their name, or the name of their company. E.g. "use company name in invoices - checkbox". Anyone who checks this invoice - blesta should put their company name (instead of their personal name) in all business headings (control panel, invoices, you name it). A few of your competing titles do this, and I would say that it's pretty important. What do you guys think? Sam
I'm editing a 'registration' template here: /home/my_blesta_dir/public_html/plugins/order/views/templates/standard/signup.pdt My signup form here: https://my.hostingchoice.com/order/signup/index/register is not updating. I checked the cache folder, but no luck. It seems like cache only handles nav elements. I'm tryin to remove the Tax ID section to no avail. Any ideas?
Dude, you are the freaking man. This behavior should be default. Why complicate matters by allowing customers to choose a username on TOP of their e-mail address, when both must be unique? Usability, man. There's no substitute. Thanks again. EDIT: The code has changed a little. Can you specify the line I am changing FROM?
Just so anyone else knows - make sure to clear your blesta cache after doing this, as nav elements are cached (and this is related to nav). Thanks again. Sam
Is there an ETA on this?
Perfect. So helpful. Much better this way. Thanks!
My friend, when someone sends you several thousand dollars to function as a deposit, they usually want a receipt
So just to be absolutely sure - creating an invoice and marking it as paid automatically adds credit to a customer's account? Or must I manually add the credit after the invoice is paid?
Alright, and if I do it that way, it will result in the same amount of credit showing up in for that client? Eg i want to take a deposit for 2k. Give 2k credit. Then charge 4k for services, less the deposit, so that when the customer pays the final invoice, he only pays the adjusted cost.
Could I change client route to simply "/" or would that break blesta?
But what I'm saying, is that for my purposes, the "intermediate area" should just simply be the client area. People don't go to the client area, to then go to the client area. It just seems so backwards.
And I don't think that you should be deprived of that. Which is why I think letting the client choose ought to be a configuration decision.
? Because some of us hook our invoices into other systems, which blesta excels at. I give my salespeople varying commission depending on whether the service was hourly or flat rate. Why wouldn't I want a way to differentiate?
What if I've got the check and I simply want to add the credits and gen up an invoice?
Right now, if you manually add an invoice, there's no way to assign a category to it. If you're hooking into invoice payments, it's really tough (impossible?) for an external system to quantify what the invoice is for. E.g. You may invoice a client for 2 hours of work at 60/hour. You may invoice a client for a cash deposit. You may invoice a flat fee for a particular niche service which is impractical to create a product/service for. Hope this makes sense, Sam