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  1. Where should I add this?
  2. I have a pretty comprehensive support ticket system that has a great API. Is there a way that I can create a custom page within the client area that can run javascript (e.g. angularjs)? If it does exist, would the page be initialized in PHP (so that I could get access to things such as the current client's email address)?
  3. What's the quickest way to change some CSS which would remove the rounding on the text boxes and other non-header UI elements? The header is pretty flat, but a lot of the body elements are not, and I believe the UI would have a lot of continuity if everything was flat
  4. I used to know how to do this, but I can't find the old thread with the instructions! Also, just to check - as of now - there's no way in blesta to do this without hacking my files?
  5. As a user, it would drive me absolutely crazy if I couldn't immediately tell which fields are required, and which aren't (e.g. fax). Is there some way in Blesta I can show this? Or do I have to manually modify some templates? If so, which ones/where are they? Thanks!
  6. Couldn't manage to figure it out. I don't plan on adding any articles, so how would I go about removing it? Thanks!
  7. I remember hearing awhile back that blesta 3.4 would add some degree of control over registration fields - e.g. optional, mandatory, hidden. Did this actually happen? I used a 3.3 trial, and ready/willing to purchase if that functionality was indeed added. Thanks, Sam
  8. Hi folks, waiting to purchase Blesta until the ability to mark fields as mandatory/hidden comes out. (3.4?) I didn't have any luck with the plugins that enable such behavior. Best, Sam
  9. Awesome. Is there an ETA on that version? Waiting for this before I buy a perm blesta license, but I really want to do that soon.
  10. Any updates on CORE-547 ?
  11. Any updates on this, friends at Blesta ?
  12. how do they initiate payment for a credit? do they need their CC info stored in the system? doesn't that violate PCI compliance?
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