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Everything posted by tenaki

  1. Thanks Paul, is that ok do you think from a client point of view?
  2. This is happening on both paypal and 2checkout. Before I have completed an order the client is getting an invoice and I am getting notification of a new service being ordered and copy of the client invoice
  3. Looking at this for automatic backups of my clients websites, I don't have root access to WHM so this looks promising https://whmeasybackup.com/ Anyone use it?
  4. Thanks both
  5. Being new to this hosting malarkey I wondered if there are directories, review sites and such that you should list yourself on. What ones are the best or the ones every host should be on?
  6. I have found the support on this forum to be excellent from the team and the mods
  7. Not sure if this helps but I had what I think is a similar problem and Tyson put me right I was using /home/user/public_html/services/ which was wrong
  8. Stripe looks really good, thanks for that. Do you know if you can take orders over the phone with them?
  9. I know good and cheap don't always go together but I am looking at merchant accounts and wondered what ones people recommend
  10. Thank you Tyson so easy after all
  11. Gave up searching last night, hopefully Cody or Tyson may have some ideas
  12. What about company host name? Should that be campsitehosting.com or campsitehosting.com/services
  13. No its the same Paul I did notice that Provision Paid Pending Services hasn't run, would that affect it?
  14. Yes Paul /home/username/public_html/services/ for https://campsitehosting.com/services/ Should it not have the / at the end?
  15. This is my fault I think as I previously changed the directory from client to services I thought all the urls were ok except I noticed today the url in the client email This invoice has already been paid, so no payment is necessary for this one, but your account may have other balances. To login to your account, please visit http://mysiteetc.com/client/. Should be http://mysiteetc.com/services. or /services/client/ maybe Actually it should also be https? Any ideas please, I have looked in config but couldn't see anything obvious
  16. Thanks My info > Notices > Payment received. I have that and Welcome email, they help indicate an order. Worked a treat
  17. Am I missing something obvious. I would like to get an email to say a purchase has been made but at the moment I don't. Am I not ticking something somewhere PS payment are via paypal test site. Customer is getting emails ok. Also I am having to manually approve a service despite manual approval not being ticked in the order form
  18. I got this http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3885-sqlstate42s22-column-not-found-1054-unknown-column/ but it turned out that I was not running the install script correctly eg /admin/upgrade
  19. Many thanks for your offer but thinking about it I have changed tack to something I was thinking about anyway. I am now offering 1 template with 4 colour options included so no need to have 4 templates available to download
  20. No but I can set it up when I get home or give you access to the control panel?
  21. Yes selecting the package coloured templates from right to left. Within that package should be 4 colour choices which are in the options Attached is what is available after purchasing the blue template, as you can see all templates in that cat are available http://screencast.com/t/qn37em8Fc I have a feeling I am not linking the color options with the associated download but can't see what I am missing
  22. Hi are you saying each coloured template would need to be in its package own group
  23. I have a category in the downloads manager called templates with 4 templates available Blue Red Green Brown In Packages I have a package set up using the universal module configured to member group Coloured Templates In Package groups I have a group called Coloured Templates with a Type standard In options I have 4 Colour Choices Basic blue template with value of basic-blue etc etc Group membership Coloured Templates. However when you purchase a template and using the dropdown select say basic-blue on the order form all the templates in the category are made a available instead of just the basic-blue option chosen when purchasing. Any ideas what I am doing wrong
  24. tenaki

    Pp Sandbox Questions

    Thanks for your help, sorted I think.
  25. tenaki

    Pp Sandbox Questions

    Could you elaborate on what you are doing? It sounds like you have a file available for download only to users that have purchased a particular service (package), correct? Yes If there is no error regarding the payment, there should be a transaction in the client's account regarding the payment. No error in the logs Does the transaction cover the full amount on the invoice? Is the invoice marked 'Closed'? Regardless of whether you receive an email notification, if the invoice is fully paid and closed, and assuming you have setup the download manager as I just described, the client should have access to the file. In services it says 2 pending In transactions it says 2 approved Checked in the email logs and there are 2 waiting to be sent but when I try to resend I am getting and The email failed to send due to a configuration issue.
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