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Darin last won the day on December 11 2015

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  1. The strange thing is the card is still being successfully charged. It's not just that Blesta keeps charging the card, Stripe is also approving the charge and I'm getting paid. The Stripe portal lists the payments, clearly showing the expired date of the card that was charged. Now, I'm happy to continue getting paid, so I'm not going to complain. But I find it odd behavior.
  2. Thanks for clarifying how it works. The reminders definitely did not go out. I've set Blesta to cc me on these reminders, and I've never received one. My clients also said they didn't receive the reminders. The next one isn't for another month, so I'll watch for it then. Perhaps the upgrade to 3.6.2 will have fixed my issue. Any thoughts on the second part of my post?
  3. Blesta has never sent any credit card expiration reminders, and the Automation settings indicate that the Card Expiration Reminders task has never run. All of the other Automation tasks run regularly. I use the Stripe gateway, and have set it to store card information offsite with Stripe. However, Blesta still stores the card expiration date and the last 4 digits of the card number, so I don’t know why reminders wouldn’t be sent. What is most strange is that I have a customer with an expired card stored as a payment account for auto debit, yet auto debit continues to successfully charge his card through Stripe whenever payments are due. How can this be happening? Observed mostly on Blesta 3.4.3 with Stripe gateway 1.2.0. But I recently upgraded to Blesta 3.6.2 with Stripe gateway 1.3.1. So far, no difference in behaviour. Any insight is appreciated.
  4. Another option would be a link that pops up a window with the original/suggested template contents, so that you can review it and then copy some or all of it as needed. This way, you don't have to completely wipe out your current template in order to cherry pick a few lines from the original template.
  5. +1 Or replace the existing date created column with a rate column. For my purposes, seeing the rate, term and renewal date at a glance is far more important than the date created. I can always drill down if I need to find the date created (which is almost never).
  6. For now, I've added the phone number as an additional line on my address in the company settings. Works great for my purposes.
  7. What I would like to see added beside or below that attachments checkbox is a listing of attachments, if any, that would be included if the box was ticked.
  8. The previous billing system I used showed PayPal Subscription as an option to clients when they were setting up their equivalent of a payment account. If they selected it, they were advised that a subscription would be initiated when they paid their next recurring invoice. That way, the client was informed of all their options and felt like they were in control. Currently, in Blesta's client portal, the client isn't even made aware that PayPal Subscription is an option for future automatic payments. As far as I can tell, the only times the client sees the option for PayPal subscriptions is on the order page or when they actually go to pay an invoice. It would be better to show this an an option on their payment accounts page (if you choose to allow it).
  9. I agree! It may make sense to separate these on the backend, but on the client side a payment method is a payment method. Clients should see a simple list of payment options and select the one they want. For them, there should be no apparent distinction between choosing credit card, PayPal, etc.
  10. That's what I thought. Too bad. Thanks for clarifying.
  11. In the Invoice Delivery email templates, how can I test if a client has a payment account on file, but has not selected anything for auto debit? I'd like to be able to automatically present a custom message in the invoice emails sent to these clients, because I think they are assuming that adding a payment account to their profile is enough, when in fact they also need to designate it as auto debit (as has been discussed in other threads). The default Invoice Delivery templates already test if auto debit is enabled for the client's profile and, if so, if the client has a payment account designated for auto debit. However, unless I'm misunderstanding the logic, the templates aren't currently testing if a payment account is available but not selected for auto debit.
  12. @Paul I would love to see the ability to restore defaults, as long as we're given the option of doing it on a per template basis. I wouldn't want to wipe out all of my customizations for the sake of restoring a single template. Until then, I will backup the templates before editing them, as you guys suggested.
  13. Does Blesta store all of the original email templates somewhere? Before I make any dramatic changes to the email templates, I'd like to know if I need to manually save each original text, or is it all safely tucked away somewhere I can later retrieve it if necessary.
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