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Everything posted by MiikaaQC

  1. Raise a ticket to him, he's really fast !
  2. Blesta is now for GSP's ! =) Good job mate, happy to worked with you on this one !
  3. happy to see its not an issue my end.
  4. I have remove error reporting within blesta.php. Oh noes! An unexpected error occurred. Please contact the site administrator for help. I double check the setting in server config.
  5. Hey, i'm having this issue once i finish to create the order. Oh noes! Trying to get property of non-object on line 411 in /home/**/public_html/b2/components/modules/cpanelextended/cpanelextended.php
  6. Directly within blesta should be great. Blesta can't handle directly all sort of game server within his panel. Lot of customer have lot of trouble to make differance between panel manager and billing manager. i have lot of request on "how to I manage my server" . Support from API tcadmin is limited on manager function. Create, start, stop, restart, suspend, delete, change package, terminate
  7. Hey, another integration request for blesta http://mspcontrol.org/ thanks !
  8. +1 for this here !
  9. Hey, i think it should be good to see an integration with TeamSpeak 3 and Blesta. A big up for all GSP who want to move from wh**s API : http://forum.teamspeak.com/threads/54132-API-TS3-PHP-Framework Thanks ✌️️
  10. MiikaaQC

    Tcadmin Module?

    Any dev or news for us ? merci !
  11. MiikaaQC

    Tcadmin Module?

    Do you have any ETA ?
  12. MiikaaQC

    Tcadmin Module?

    V2 is currently the best from TCA. We use it for TS3, TS2 (yeah), mumble, and all game server (both linux and windows).
  13. Still waiting before moving
  14. Looking for TCA module also :/.
  15. Please see below. I have posted this into bug, because i don't know if it's a bug, or myself. Php extention enabled. : http://prntscr.com/4r6l14
  16. http://prntscr.com/4r1ecs
  17. Hey, I give a shot to blesta before buying it, just for looking how is work. I have created a "test" user account and adding Cpanel as module. Please take a look into this http://prntscr.com/4r1ecs%C2'> i'm getting this into some page inside Blesta. I don't know if it's my server setup... but i dont think so.. Regards.
  18. Thanks for your answer Mike =)
  19. Hey, Before planned to migrate, i want to know if Blesta support the "Sequential Paid Invoice Numbering". For example : Invoice #123 will be "2014-123" after payment. Thanks
  20. Hey, A small up for this request. We are waiting for this to move out our communauty to Blesta ! Regards,
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