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Everything posted by MiikaaQC

  1. Sure, i'll pm you
  2. an update is on the way ?
  3. Hi, An idea concerning deleting products in Package browser. I have more than 100 product to delete, 1 by 1 We should be able to select in browser and mass delete them. Thanks
  4. Any date for that release ?
  5. This what I guess too. !
  6. I downloaded the GitHub version, teamspeak 3 should not be considered like a "game server" like mumble does. i can provide you a teamspeak 3 server for testing with any admin environment. all log are reported above.
  7. Hi, I have a suggestion about that. I know you have mentionned "at least for now", but it should be great to also put a "Future Log". I mean, all future action of the system will do on an account (Rel: automation). Eg: In 3 days, Create the invoice of service ID : 1 (cpanel) In 5 days, Send a reminder email for the due invoice in 6 days, Send a late warning for service id. in 7 days, Suspend the account of service id. In 7 days, release an email for suspend service. In 9 days, release late fee. In 12 days, termination of the service. In 16 days, put the account closed (if no more service or what ever). All of this account should show 30 next day. Thought ? Sorry for my bad english.
  8. any news about that ?
  9. In Canada, we can modify an UNPAID invoice.
  10. Same here ! Got this when i try to build a package. INPUT: 167.**.**.111|listnodes a:1:{s:4:"type";s:4:"qemu";} OUTPUT: 167.**.**.111 // IP OF THE NODE
  11. I just finished the game side. All is fine. Just voice server is still buggy.
  12. a little up for that, blesta still missing that plugin
  13. Any clue!?
  14. i tried but its not uptodate. the plugin isn't working for me, unless i miss-configured it.
  15. Any News?
  16. I installed the "github version", fixed my problem. Also, we have a bug with voice_id. We have to put "TEAMSPEAK3" somewhere... ? I see that you call the server like " see capture 1 attach", so i select "teamspeak 3 linux x64" this is what we have install on server, up and running. When we process the module command tcadmin return the following error (Debug LOG). Determine game server location (Master) 4/29/2017 1:09:22 AM Using API settings for user id 1. Servers: * Selection: LessSlots 4/29/2017 1:09:22 AM Checking server... id: 1 name: Master 4/29/2017 1:09:22 AM Teamspeak 3 Master (64bit) (107) is selected in the server's API configuration. Selected games: * 4/29/2017 1:09:22 AM Server is available: id: 1 name: Master Slots: 0 of 0 Services: 0 of 0 4/29/2017 1:09:22 AM Number of servers available: 1 Selection method: LessSlots 4/29/2017 1:09:22 AM Checking for files and ports on server Id: 1 name: Master 4/29/2017 1:09:22 AM Ports for TS3 Master - Linux are not available. 4/29/2017 1:09:22 AM No Linux servers were found in datacenter '1' with the files for Teamspeak 3 Master (64bit) 4/29/2017 1:09:22 AM System.Exception: No Linux servers were found in datacenter '1' with the files for Teamspeak 3 Master (64bit) at TCAdmin.GameHosting.Automation.AutomationProcesses.չ () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at TCAdmin.GameHosting.Automation.AutomationProcesses.Start () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at TCAdmin.TaskScheduler.ModuleApi.StepBase.Start (System.Object arguments) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Create user 'MigaelVe' (Master) TS3 Master 6 slots I just check on tcadmin setting, the Linux Server is assigned to the DC. Here is the Code from Module Log in Blesta. Input:|AddPendingSetup a:24:{s:9:"client_id";s:3:"236";s:10:"user_email";s:21:"m.magnan90@icloud.com";s:10:"user_fname";s:6:"Migael";s:10:"user_lname";s:6:"Vezina";s:13:"user_address1";s:0:"";s:13:"user_address2";s:0:"";s:9:"user_city";s:0:"";s:10:"user_state";s:2:"QC";s:8:"user_zip";s:0:"";s:12:"user_country";s:2:"CA";s:9:"user_name";s:8:"MigaelVe";s:13:"user_password";s:4:"****";s:16:"voice_package_id";s:18:"236_wx1cbyrxqckovf";s:8:"voice_id";s:3:"107";s:11:"voice_slots";s:1:"6";s:13:"voice_private";s:1:"0";s:18:"voice_upload_quota";s:3:"512";s:20:"voice_download_quota";s:3:"512";s:14:"voice_priority";s:6:"Normal";s:13:"voice_startup";s:9:"Automatic";s:16:"voice_datacenter";s:1:"1";s:14:"voice_hostname";s:14:"ts2.migael.com";s:19:"voice_rcon_password";s:4:"****";s:22:"voice_private_password";s:4:"****";} Output:|AddPendingSetup a:1:{s:7:"results";a:5:{s:10:"returncode";s:1:"0";s:10:"returntext";s:8:"MigaelVe";s:9:"errorcode";s:1:"0";s:9:"errortext";a:0:{}s:6:"taskid";s:1:"3";}} Thanks
  17. Got this error when i tried to order.
  18. hmm... for game or voice that config options ?
  19. This pluggin is awesome You should try to update the livehelp to the new version.. any news on a new version ? Thanks
  20. Out of subject, you should change your forum signature to show new stuff / old stuff Nice release
  21. Yup, we use it already. If we can manage teamspeak through Blesta, it can be better !
  22. We have a multiply of API call with that ! http://ts3admin.info/index.php
  23. The tcadmin doc isn't available on Atlassian..
  24. I want to know also lol !
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