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iNode Cloud

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iNode Cloud last won the day on October 22 2014

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  1. Hi Keiro, I use the Tasty Interworx Module as well - bit nervous about its future now that Modulesbakery has closed their doors.
  2. This fixed it. thanks Paul.
  3. Hi Guys, I changed the password for the database user for the blesta database. When i changed the DB username password and updated the /config/blesta.php file i now get an error -- how can i fix this? SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user 'icadmin_blesta'@'localhost' (using password: YES) on line 267 in /chroot/home/icadmin/inodecloud.com/html/manage/lib/model.php Printing Stack Trace: #0 /chroot/home/icadmin/inodecloud.com/html/manage/lib/model.php(278): Model->makeConnection() #1 /chroot/home/icadmin/inodecloud.com/html/manage/lib/model.php(117): Model->lazyConnect() #2 /chroot/home/icadmin/inodecloud.com/html/manage/components/record/record.php(669): Model->query('SELECT `value` ...', Array) #3 /chroot/home/icadmin/inodecloud.com/html/manage/components/session/session.php(249): Record->fetch() #4 [internal function]: Session->sessionSelect('p8sdcin4s0od8ab...') #5 /chroot/home/icadmin/inodecloud.com/html/manage/components/session/session.php(186): session_start() #6 /chroot/home/icadmin/inodecloud.com/html/manage/components/session/session.php(38): Session->sessionSet(1800, 'sessions', 'id', 'expire', 'value', 'blesta_sid', true) #7 [internal function]: Session->__construct() #8 [internal function]: ReflectionClass->newInstance() #9 /chroot/home/icadmin/inodecloud.com/html/manage/lib/loader.php(211): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #10 /chroot/home/icadmin/inodecloud.com/html/manage/lib/loader.php(85): Loader::loadAndInitialize(Object(Main), 'component', Array) #11 /chroot/home/icadmin/inodecloud.com/html/manage/lib/controller.php(117): Loader::loadComponents(Object(Main), Array) #12 /chroot/home/icadmin/inodecloud.com/html/manage/app/app_controller.php(0): Controller->components() #13 /chroot/home/icadmin/inodecloud.com/html/manage/plugins/cms/cms_controller.php(14): AppController->preAction() #14 /chroot/home/icadmin/inodecloud.com/html/manage/plugins/cms/controllers/main.php(17): CmsController->preAction() #15 /chroot/home/icadmin/inodecloud.com/html/manage/lib/dispatcher.php(102): Main->preAction() #16 /chroot/home/icadmin/inodecloud.com/html/manage/index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/') #17 {main}
  4. Thanks guys got it sorted!
  5. Oh noes! endif tag doesn't exist on line 148 in /chroot/home/icadmin/inodecloud.com/html/manage/vendors/h2o/h2o.php Printing Stack Trace: #0 /chroot/home/icadmin/inodecloud.com/html/manage/vendors/h2o/h2o/parser.php(89): H2o::createTag('endif', NULL, Object(H2o_Parser), 778) #1 /chroot/home/icadmin/inodecloud.com/html/manage/vendors/h2o/h2o.php(106): H2o_Parser->parse() #2 /chroot/home/icadmin/inodecloud.com/html/manage/vendors/h2o/h2o.php(142): H2o->parse(' #3 /chroot/home/icadmin/inodecloud.com/html/manage/plugins/cms/controllers/main.php(79): H2o::parseString('#4 /chroot/home/icadmin/inodecloud.com/html/manage/lib/dispatcher.php(111): Main->index()#5 /chroot/home/icadmin/inodecloud.com/html/manage/index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/') #6 {main}
  6. Hi Guys, I was editing the html in the portal and now cant see my site Can you please let me know what i am missing? <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="thanks"> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 portal-box"> <a href="{client_url}login/"> <div class="well"> <i class="fa fa-cogs fa-4x"></i> <h4>My Account</h4> <p>Have an account with us? Log in here to manage your account.</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 portal-box"> <a href="{client_url}plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/"> <div class="well"> <i class="fa fa-info fa-4x"></i> <h4>Knowledge Base</h4> <p>Have a question? Search the knowledge base for an answer.</p> </div>{% endif %} </a> </div>{% endif %} {% if plugins.order.enabled %}<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 portal-box"> <a href="{blesta_url}order/"> <div class="well"> <i class="fa fa-shopping-cart fa-4x"></i> <h4>Order</h4> <p>Visit the order form to sign up and purchase new products and services.</p> </div> </a> </div> </a> </div>{% endif %}
  7. Hi, I tried to do some testing on the sign up process and noticed the emails with the service creation email template with the {package.email_html} tag is not shown. Below is the email template: <p> Hi {contact.first_name},<br /> <br /> Your service has been approved and activated.</p> <p> <span style="font-size: 12px;">Please keep this email for your records.</span></p> <p> {package.email_html}</p> However the received email shows (display images and no security configured on email): Hi , Your service has been approved and activated. Please keep this email for your records. How do i fix this?
  8. Hi, how do i reorder the packages in blesta by package ID?
  9. I want the box to be checked to save CC details for clients when they make payment, i need to edit the template - i just dont know which one.
  10. which template file am i updating?
  11. If you want the box to be checked to save CC details for clients when they make payment, you can edit the template. >> which template file am i updating?
  12. Hi Guys, I want to enable auto-charge via credit card and save details - how do i do this?
  13. Hey Guys, there is development currently happening on this with Paul Battaglia, we will be funding this and testing the module, if anyone else is interested let us know here
  14. Not sure what the issue was, but we've got it fixed when we upgraded to the 3.5.0 beta. weird stuff, might be a missing file some how.
  15. Had a chat with Modules Bakery and he is developing both Xero & Quickbooks Plugin and will sell it at a price <$50 which is affordable! Anyone interested just reply with +1
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