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Everything posted by JadonM

  1. When selected we want to send a separate email with the trial. Would love this sort of thing to get added where you can link it up to an email if selected.
  2. This doesn't cover suspended services, does it? Just pending orders, unless I read it wrong?
  3. Not sure where to add it but will fiddle about and try.
  4. Hello, There is no obvious way for a client or staff to change the image and so everyone has the Gravatar image. It's pretty annoying, and as I say, there is no obvious way for staff or clients to change this so I wonder if we have to install a module or if its simply not possible? If its not possible, is there any way to disable images showing up in the first place? Thanks
  5. Hello, Something we noticed but never really looked into is the order link, its extremely long. Not sure why and not sure if it can be fixed. We set up an Order Form and the label is simply "order" but the link is this: "/billing/index.php/order/main/index/order", why is it so long and how can we make it shorter? Not sure why "order" and "index" are their twice. I did try putting nothing in 'Label' but that doesn't work, it forces you to put something in. Thanks
  6. After speaking with NameCheap I think this has been fixed. Feel free to remove this thread.
  7. Thought I'd figured it out after managing to find a guide but getting the following error: ""-":3: bad command errors in crontab file, can't install."
  8. Hello, I'm curious to know if the cron can run automatically each night (for example), as it seems a pain and slightly old fashioned to do it manually all the time. I've been looking around for a guide on this but couldn't find one as yet, if anyone has a guide for setting it up automatically or knows how to - let me know. Of course, it may be that it can't be done automatically, but I struggle to believe that given a lot of things are automated these days. Thanks
  9. That's true. Is there a way to set one up (when checked) to send an email?
  10. Okay, given its not possible, I will do it like that. Nice wording! Any chance this will be added in?
  11. Apologies, I'm not sure how I am supposed to do this?
  12. This is all done via the plans and everything, not the configurable options there. Memory etc is done plan by plan and I have already set up a test plan. However, I want to be able to have addons like this but it seems to all be coming out one by one which is a bit messy.
  13. This is something I've already looked at, is there a section on there I am missing completely?
  14. Hello, After a few hours of trying, looking around and asking someone else to take a look I've decided to come back to the forums for help with this. We are planning to sell Minecraft Servers to begin with and expand from there, so we installed the Multicraft addon. The lovely feature of this is, you can set it up (that I have understood) so they can choose to have something like Unlimited Slots and it'll do it automatically, providing they tick the box. I didn't see a way to do this with the normal slot count (if there is a way, let me know). Anyway, we did that and have a check box with a little bold bit of text that reads "Minecraft Server Options". However, we cannot add any more things to this, so it's simply just that and if we want more we'd have to make another one. This will look messy and unprofessional as it would be like the following.. Minecraft Server Options [CHECKBOX] Unlimited Slots (£0.00) Buycraft [CHECKBOX] BuyCraft Trial (£0.00) Enjin [CHECKBOX] Enjn Trial (£0.00) Ideally we want them all under 'Minecraft Server Options' and if BuyCraft/Enjin is ticked they will get an email with the link for the trial - which is something (if possible) I will need to figure out. Is it possible to have multiple things under the same checkbox and do this? As I cannot see a single way to do this currently, which is rather frustrating. By choosing Radio or Drop-down for the 'Type' I get a button "Add Additional Option". However, with Checkbox, the one I want to use for this, it doesn't work. I want them to be able to select as many addons as they wish, without having to have it looking like the example above as that makes it look a bit messy. It would be nice, if within the 'Update Package Option' you can add more options within the same 'Minecraft Server Options' (in this case). So you could have different checkboxes do different things, one set Unlimited Slots in Multicraft, one send an email for a trial link and so on. I'm aware there is an 'Add' button but I'm not sure what this does, it certainly doesn't allow me to add what I want with additional checkboxes. This is quite an annoying thing and I'm hoping there is a way around this or something like I'm suggesting can be implemented rather soon. Hopefully I've described this to make sense, but if its confusing in parts, let me know and I will try to explain better my aim with this. You could move the 'Label' and 'Type' to be with each other in 'Basic' and then 'Name' would go in 'Options'. Though, that could get confusing as there is two 'Name'(s) so one may need to be re-phrased to avoid confusion. Then you could have the option to 'Add Additional Option' and it will create a new box-area where you can input the details for the next addon. Below is an image of what I am trying to explain here, which hopefully puts what I am saying into a picture to make it easier to understand.
  15. Thanks, that didn't work as with our plan we don't have WHM access. Figured something else out, right through Blesta and its sorted the issue out.
  16. Indeed, this will be stated. Either way, parents may be concerned about it too. Though, this doesn't stop people faking their age and such, something most companies suffer from.
  17. For game hosting, a lot of them are young and will get worried about things like that. Having the option to disable it would be great.
  18. Hello, Currently using the trial for Blesta. Made a client account, to see how it all works from the client-side. Noticed that when I got the email to my personal email it was from "futurenqs@server108.web-hosting.com on behalf of Billing Department <sales@futurenode.net">. How do I stop it from saying the futurenqs and on Behalf of? I don't want clients seeing our CPANEL username or anything like that. That seems very odd. Simply "Billing Department <sales@futurenode.net" would be fine. Any way to change this? Thanks
  19. +1, I can see this causing a lot of confusion for clients any may put some off. Would love to be able to disable it.
  20. +1, Would love to see this added.
  21. Yeah, I'm sure a plugin could, but I don't think one exists and I have no idea how to create/code one. Having it within Blesta by default would be nice, I'm sure others would find it useful too.
  22. Hello, I'm currently working for a hosting company and they use WHMCS, which has a handy feature for ticket reports. This is that you can see how many tickets staff do each month. I've already contacted the Blesta staff and have now been advised to make a feature request. This is the way, for my new company, we will work out how to pay staff - once we start hiring. We will pay per ticket. We want to be able to see, similar to the WHMCS one, how many tickets/replies staff do each day, each month. Purely to see how much to pay them but also to see how active they are with tickets and replies. It's a lovely feature and one that I feel would be beneficial for Blesta. It's a big tipping point for us and one we may choose a different billing panel over if its not something that can be added within the next few months. One thing to add, it would be nice, if this is implemented into Blesta that you can have an option as to which staff groups can see the ticket reports. Personally, I'd want all staff to be able to see it but I figure not everyone would want that so a permission for it would be great too. Other than that, I love Blesta. I've attached an image of what I mean by this, all names, except mine have been blurred out on purpose.
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