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Everything posted by JadonM

  1. Personally, it should be like this. You can set (up to 30 days or so) how many days after a server goes into the suspended state it is terminated. If its 10 days, if they don't pay after this period of time, then it is automatically terminated.
  2. I really like the bottom one, they could all be collapsed to begin with too.
  3. I prefer the bottom one.
  4. See post below.
  5. Glad to see a few support this idea!
  6. I see, if it would cause problems then its fine. Was just a bit concerned in regards to the security.
  7. As I said, to test things (Though, this would be the same as if you had a staff member who then left the company). It seems like it would be simple to just remove them off the system. I'm wondering if there is another way to do it..
  8. Figured they can't do anything, but I don't want it there at all - that's the thing. Just strange that there is no option to totally remove it.
  9. It seems that I can only 'deactivate' staff accounts - which is a bit worrying. I made someone an account to test a few things and see if they could figure out how to do some stuff for me and then I wanted to remove it but I can only 'deactivate' it. This seems a bit unsafe and ideally I want to completely remove his account from the system. Is there a way to do this? Couldn't find anything by looking online. :/
  10. It's one of the key things that WHMCS has and that we really would like to have in Blesta, as it's how we intend to pay our staff and monitor if our staff are working at all. Its a really easy way to monitor / pay people, rather than paying per hour or something. I understand a minority will require this, but, I do think more hosting companies are likely to use Blesta if its added - as its how a lot of them pay their staff.
  11. Thanks for the help (via email too from Tyson). Seems I'd completely overlooked moving them within the Groups bit, I was looking at the Options thing. Silly me. Can't thank you enough for the support, the community and the Blesta team. Second to none.
  12. Move it where? The bottom image is how I want it to look, but in reality, a few refreshes and it moves on its own accord.
  13. This is not possible. I click on them, it brings down a drop down menu. I can move things within the Options. Example: I can move Canada (Location) above France (Location) but I cannot move Location under Dedicated IP (for example) to lock it in place.
  14. Anyone else interested in something like this being added?
  15. For some reason the Configurable Options we have set up seem to freely move. The order they should be are as follows: Server Name Location Dedicated IP Address Set Your Own Player Limit Start a BuyCraft Trail Start an Enjin Trial In reality, they move to various spots (with exception of Server Name) upon refreshing. This means clients will see it differently to how it should really look. The only thing I can find to move is the options within the option, example being the Location I can move Canada to the top of bottom (same with France). But when looking at the Options list, there is no way to move them and fix them into position How do I "lock" them into where they should be? Example of how it looks when its moving around itself Example of how it should look
  16. Okay, I would assume that if they do not pay for the Dedicated IP (with it all set up) they will just get a different port other than 25565? Last thing we want is to accidentally give free Dedicated IP's away!
  17. Hello, We noticed the Dedicated IP option within the module. If we set this up, will it automatically assign a Dedicated IP upon ticking the box and paying for it? Couldn't quite figure that one out whether its manual or automatic. Automatic will save a lot of time! Thanks Side Note: Apologies for all the threads I seem to make, it's just I find the Blesta documentation a little confusing and sometimes missing information about the smaller details. I assume it's because updates add new things so the documentation can become oudated.
  18. JadonM

    Upgrading Plans?

    Thanks, I think we'll be okay for now as I was more concerned for when we launch - at which point we will be paying monthly anyway and I assume that gives us access to the updates
  19. JadonM

    Upgrading Plans?

    Thanks, we're still trialling it and will most likely buy it towards the end of the trial .
  20. JadonM

    Upgrading Plans?

    Ah, the free trial on site is still 3.2.2 as well. Weird.
  21. JadonM

    Upgrading Plans?

    Running 3.2.2, it's the trial version. Is it possible to upgrade the trial? If so, how? Thanks
  22. JadonM

    Upgrading Plans?

    Hello, Me again. Is there a way for clients to upgrade their plans? Lets say I have a Minecraft plan and its called Stone Plan and another called Iron Plan. The Iron Plan has 2GB RAM and the Stone Plan has 1GB RAM. They'd like to upgrade to the Iron Plan, is this possible? Upgrading is quite a big thing for hosting, people like to have ease of upgrading and paying the difference. Can this be done by the client? Thanks
  23. How odd, they were all set in the order we wanted. I moved one up and then down and it sorted the problem. Thanks Paul! EDIT: Any reason two of them are ticked automatically?
  24. Also, is there any way to lock them in place? Currently we have three but the order of them seems to move around everytime I refresh. Pretty annoying, we'd like to be able to "lock" them into a set order rather than having them display differently each time.
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