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Everything posted by ModulesBakery

  1. Thank you, let me know if you need any help with it.
  2. Hi Guys, We have released a new version of our Tasty cPanel Module, it have been completely re-written, we've also made some improvements to the client UI, and most important as many clients requested it, we've built an Importing script, which allows you to import your existing services from using the Blesta's default cPanel module to use our module, we have as well added a new feature which allows your customers to purchase custom defined disk space and bandwidth as well as dedicated IP address, and all get provisioned automatically. Pricing: The price now is $44.99 / was $69.99, and 10 days money back guarantee is offered. Screen Shots: - Account Usage - FTP Accounts - Install Web Applications (Softaculous, Installatron Integration) What's Included: - 1 Year of updates. - 1 Year of support. Have a question or need more information: Send a ticket to our sales department.
  3. Hi Guys, We have released a new version of our Tasty InterWorx Module, it have been completely re-written, we've also made some improvements to the client UI, and most important as many clients requested it, we've built an Importing script, which allows you to import your existing services from using the Blesta's default InterWorx module to use our module. Pricing: The price now is $44.99 / was $69.99, and 10 days money back guarantee is offered. Screen Shots: - Account Usage - Email Accounts - Install Web Applications (Softaculous Integration) What's Included: - 1 Year of updates. - 1 Year of support. Have a question or need more information: Send a ticket to our sales department.
  4. Yes it is possible.
  5. thats absolutely right for the database and by the way you got me wrong about updating the database (i did not mean that the module itself directly make the call), however, for the module returning the API response, i would disagree with you, in such modules, it would be very hard to take all the cases into account in which might return an error response, such as the one described in this thread, so instead of setting a lot of rules in the modules for each input, it would be much more simple and handy to parse the API response and return it to the view, e.g: "statusmsg":"Sorry, the password you selected cannot be used because it is too weak and would be too easy to guess. Please select a password with strength rating of 60 or higher."
  6. I would agree with LicenseCart as it is not a bug, however, an improvement is a must here IMO, if you looked at the module's code, you would see that it does not check or return the response of the API request in the first place, so the module is functioning correctly here, it sends the API request and then saves the new value in the database.
  7. Your support tickets links are wrong: http://dev-blesta.netpublica.com/plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/departments/plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/add/1/plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/add/1/plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/add/1/ instead of : http://dev-blesta.netpublica.com/plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/add/1
  8. 1- That would require additional effort to be put in to accomplish this since the "getClientTabs($package)" method does not have the access to $service object, which means i will need to access the database directly to check the service status, while any tabs method (e.g actionTab method) have the access to the $service object where we can check the service status from the module, the tabs links will still be shown on the sidebar. 2- The case you mentioned is a special/odd case, and although Blesta might be used by many non-hosting providers where this would not be an issue at all but an advantage, Blesta's main targeted clients are hosting providers, and in the hosting industry this is very uncommon.
  9. I don't think that there will be any case where showing them would be useful (it might not be an issue to non-hosting businesses like me and LicenseCart) but for hosting providers i think it is critical, when the service status is not active, the only thing i would want a client to be able to access is the service information page, but other tabs should not be there in the first place.
  10. Interesting software, but not sure about free: http://www.freeagent.com/pricing
  11. I tried it once in the past, it's good.
  12. Hi Guys, I am wondering what do you guys use for accounting is it Xero or QuickBooks, or may be something else ? let us know !
  13. Thank you guys for your suggestions! In order for us to create a module/plugin we need to get at the very least 3 votes for each module/plugin from people who are going to purchase it when it is released, for the Netim, if you can bring at least 2 more companies (who are going to purchase it) to vote for it here we would definitely be doing it, as for the Rackspace DNS, a couple of weeks ago we received some suggestions for it so we have it in mind but no ETA, and so is the case for the Runabove module.
  14. Looking For a custom plugin or module for Blesta - Contact Us Now

  15. That is great ! waiting for it, in the meantime however, i have made my own temporary solution.
  16. Yeah 1+ , i think that is necessary, and also i think the placed orders should be shown in the client area, because it might be confusing if the order is set to in review status, the service won't be even shown as pending in the client area, therefore, a client might think that the order has not been placed successfully and then submit a duplicate order.
  17. A note as many people asked about it, the release of DNS Manager plugin is going to be next week.
  18. Hi All, I am glad to announce the release of our new product Blesta Mobile Plugin. Blesta Mobile plugin allows you to manage the most common tasks on your mobile phone such as accepting orders, replying to support tickets and many more. - Price: $24.99 USD - Order Now Screen shots are attached. - Have a question or need more information: Send a ticket to our sales department.
  19. I see no problem of modifiying the core files (if needed), in fact, if the users of a certain software aren't going to modify the core files to make it fit with their needs (since there is no software that can fit all businesses) in my opinion there would be no point of having the source code open, yes you will have to replace the files every time you upgrade your blesta, but how often Blesta team releases an update? not often.
  20. - You can remove the payment accounts link from the client template - Cannot really see the reason to have an online page for the invoice when there is a PDF version of it, if your client needs to print it, a pdf version would have a better format for printing than the online invoice page.
  21. the images cannot be loaded. The page isn't redirecting properly
  22. It's 8:21 PM here, almost there! .... happy new year to everyone.
  23. The download manager is what you need: http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Download+Manager
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