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Everything posted by MineHarvest66

  1. That I gotta admit should be a feature that at least can be turned on/off. As I agree it should automatically do this when a staff replies to the customer by defualt. Then if another status is used (say "In Progress") then it wouldn't do anything. With that said maybe you should consider putting in a feature request for this?
  2. I see but why it refuses to work on the portal "home" page? It does work for the ticket department selections but not the portal "home" page selections.
  3. I see well since it was just in WHT sometimes people are less than "smart" to say the least (which is why I quit being there)... So it being a "hoax" is entirely possible. I was just wondering if this actually a "thing" or just that.
  4. I see that is understandable but what I "heard" that genuine bad reviews could be removed by paying TrustPilot a sum of money. I don't know if TrustPilot offers this for a "fee" or if they fall into "brides" to score some "quick cash".
  5. Isn't that platform is known to remove bad reviews under companies "brides"? Or are the people on WHT don't know what they are talking about?
  6. Awesome, the colors even allow me to do a "semi integration" out of the box. Anyways is there any ways to tune the "hover" color of the items on the portal? Like how you can with the departments on the client side?
  7. If the VPS and your box have enough resources then PHP may need more RAM for processing an active Blesta install. My is set on 64M but I have zero "active" clients on it so if your install is active and/or have a bunch of active plugins/modules that yours may be needing more RAM than even 128M. Otherwise I would be blaming the latency.
  8. Hello, I would check... That you applied the 7.1 HotFix when you installed/upgraded Blesta. And finally if you allocated at least 64M of memory to PHP processes under your Blesta install path. If you have this amount allocated you may want to try to up it and see if that helps as well.
  9. Hello I am sorry but I am very confused on how to do this. As my installation is displaying the "Blesta" as text instead of my logo https://clientarea.humanehosting.com As I replaced all of the stock images with my and simply renamed my images to the stock ones. That works for the Favicon but not for this logo on the upper left. Thank you very much in advance!
  10. Furthermore it would make it simpler on the client side as well. As the client will be advised "hey we need to see from you in order to help you further if you requires it".
  11. I would like to provide a big thanks to @blesbill for not only fulfilling the website's requirements but also taking into my conditions into consideration in order to provide the much needed help further to assure the quality of the finished website. Of course this wouldn't be possible at all if the Blesta Community didn't exists as well so I would thank the people who maintain and are activity involved this platform too.
  12. Unfortunately while that may not logically correct, it is industry correct. Even in your example. Think of it more like this and maybe you will be able to understand why it set like that... In your example (1.1.2018-12.31.2018) that only gives the client 364 days of service. While by the way it done now it would give the client 365 days of servicing. Does this help you understand why it likely like this?
  13. Of course I can understand that.
  14. I am little confused so even under configuration options under the main product there nothing there? I used to do configurable options all of the time for Multicraft instances just fine for RAM changes. Though there not many modules that have automation... For manual services though like paid SSLs and backups this could works equally well.
  15. You are always welcomed! Good luck with getting a resolution to this error and upgrading!
  16. I am sorry that your still having difficulty with this but I am sure within a couple of hours or so someone who able to help you out with this error will attend to this.
  17. I am sorry if I was confusing you, maybe this will help you understand what I meant. 1. Overwrite with 4.2 2. Overwrite the hot fix (in your case the 7.0 one) 3. Run upgrade
  18. I agree a option list like how @Paul stated would be very helpful. In addition it should either auto detect and/or be configured what PHP it should do when an upgrade is done so the right "hot fix" can be applied if applicable.
  19. For your second go at this you can ensure that you apply the hotfix beforehand. That will hopefully resolve this problem for this retry.
  20. Hello, thank you for taking the time regarding this matter. To reply to this requirement of yours... Basically the last developer that I had provided me the works he was able to do before he had "too much on his plate". I am simply asking if anyone would be willing to help me finish it if I provide those files and such. Thank anyone in advance who would be willing to hand me this helpful favor in advance.
  21. Hello, I am seeking in the Blesta Forum's community to help me out of a deep hole with recent misfortunes with getting my website development done. Without going into too long of details basically I had lost 3 developers in about a month's time due to... The paid one had basically "half butt" my design even when I requested it to be revision ed. While the remainder had fallen due to their personal reasonings (which is completely understand able given both were going to do it at no cost to me due to my problem with the paid developer and the fact that life does sometimes hit us to the fans...). Would someone here be willing to help me out on finishing either as a friendly favor or at an alternative agreement? Please do PM me if you think you could help and then we can discuss there on an alternative agreement if required. Otherwise if you have any general questions feel free to post it here. Thank you very much in advance.
  22. I was told that an error from the logs of this application splitted out... PHP Fatal error: The file /home/username/mydomain.com/app/app_model.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.6 an d cannot run under PHP 7.1. Even though that the application's sub domain is configured to run on PHP 7.0 with Cpanel internal multi PHP.
  23. Well if Blesta could improve their WHM password detection then that wouldn't be really a problem. Because as it stands WHM passwords are often too weak to pass password policies. That why the core had to be adjusted on my end.
  24. Hello, I just saw that 4.2 just came out. I am just looking to know if I need to overwrite everything? Or could I overwrite everything except the few files that I changed for my own changes?
  25. I am sorry about the confusion. That how it turns out on my end due to zoom accessibly feature. However the issue at hand is actually the scrolling issue that I mentioned.
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