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Everything posted by MineHarvest66

  1. Hi, I had installed and activated the module but having trouble accessing the remote Cpanel server and I cannot understand why your module is not able to. Since it not outputting any logs that I can refer to on my admin side of Blesta. http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/5836-how-to-troubleshoot-adding-cpanel-server-invalid-information/#entry41061
  2. Thanks you, I will forward this on the dev's thread to hopefully help me solve this as it not outputting to the logs at any rates.
  3. Hi, how can I figure out what information is invalid/why Blesta cannot connect to the remote Cpanel server? Like for instance is there a error log of some sort that can be refereed to or something? I am also using the Cpanel Extended so I am not sure if that have to do with anything with inaccessibly or not.
  4. Yes you are a correct, either via "A record" (preferred and more reliable at the cost of a dedicated IP address) or "SRV record" which can be tricky to hook up and can lead to unreliability. In either case you would have to implment something that would make changes to your DNS setup to add/remove records as needed.
  5. Thanks you and I will vouch that it was indeed reissued to my expectations.
  6. Hi, because of unforeseen happening I had to move YET another provider and so my trial won't work because of this. Is it possible that I can get reissued again?
  7. Looks like an awesome module, however how do I install this on my Blesta installion? As I have no idea on installing a "non out of the box" module that I have to upload to the web hosting space manually.
  8. Okay I have the following.. "*/5 * * * *" via the Cpanel's schedulor and "/usr/local/bin/php /home/CpanelUser/public_html/dirofinstallion/index.php cron/?cron_key=mykey >/dev/null 2>&1" as the command in Cpanel. Okay now it working! Thanks you very much.
  9. Thanks so I would put that in Cpanel along with the schedule (separate of course) and edit the existing one in Blesta itself as such? If so how do I actually edit and update it in Blesta?
  10. Hi I cannot get the cron to run in Cpanel no matter what I tried, from manually entering it, the default one that Softalious installed, and the altervative the manual suggested.. Can someone please help me find out why a Cron won't runs automatically in Cpanel? It works like a charm when it ran manually.
  11. Hi, I am looking for any inputs I can get for this project. I simply wish to resell VM disk space and bandwidth for file storage servicing. For instance if I were to go and resell 50GB of disk space and 100GB of bandwidth into smaller packages and etc. Say for example 5x10GB accounts and each having 20GB of monthly bandwidth. Do you guys have any suggestions on what software I can use that does these and provide the end user access to either a web GUI for their file operations and/or simply create them a FTP account and for me simple to install on a low end VM (512MB RAM+1x2Ghz CPU core) then be able to admintrate the accounts and limits via a web GUI? As far as pricing I would prefer if it can be pulled off for nothing (open sourced free software or whatever), but if it paid I will accept it BUT the vendor HAVE to have good support and cheap.
  12. No I was making sure it's wasn't the other way around.
  13. Okay so that would reflect on the billing cycle of the package itself, in your example if I order for one month I will only have the one month option for the IPs or would it displays both? Because if it does then it would be problemic.
  14. Hi, we could use a more configurable Longer Term cycling thing, currently you can only do it for the "base price" but not the add on. For example you can set the price for the base dedicated server to say 1 month 100 bucks 3 months 290 bucks 6 months 570 bucks and etc but not the drives/RAM/RAID card/ and etc because they are add ons. If possible it should have both fixed AND % pricing options so if you wanted to give 5% for a 6 months term you should be able to do this $95 or x0.95 to retain 95% of the base price or total pricing. For example if the total was 200 bucks then by applying the x0.95 it will only turns out to be 190 bucks. My system administrator said that WHMCS already have such things so he said Blestsa should seriously have such a thing.
  15. +1 nice idea, so for instance we could explain what a configuration option is for, what it does, and/or how to configure for that option.
  16. Okay that would works for my example however we will be offering RAID 1 and 10 as well.
  17. Hi, I don't know why I didn't think of submitting my feature request eailer today but here what's our current issue is. Anyone who know what RAID is and all that knows that RAID can only works with certain conditions. Right now the customer could orders something like this.. HDD 1 500GB HDD 2 250GB HDD 3 750GB RAID 5 OR even like this HDD 1 250GB RAID 5 Both are invalid configurations for a RAID 5 array, anyone who doesn't know RAID 5 is it's requires 3 of the SAME drives (every RAID will need the SAME exact drive size and type). So I am asking if something that allow us to set requirements that prevents the customer from placing an order for example an invalid RAID 5 array could be added? Right now we will have to just play it as is and the ones that don't read the descriptions will get their orders processed as is. But it would be nice to have something like this for us to be sure a incompatible order cannot be processed.
  18. You guys are not going to believe me but it's was/is true, one of the most "reliable" hosts made a "typo" in their ads. Thinking I am lying? Well a picture is worth a thousand words right? Here you go! Really I went on their chat and the guy took like 3 minutes to reply back to me (probably saying to himself ho crap..) and said that's was a "typo". How can you really put a GOOGLE ad that's probably worth $xxxxx or even more into production by "typoing" GB instead of MB??
  19. Ahh nice to hear that as I looked and noticed all the good this billing system is such as the support is said to be nice as well and I liked the demo side of it as well. Also being able to try it out for 30 days is also nice to be sure we can actually getting working properly as currently one of the reasons of shifting gears is because our reseller is taking forever to fix a domain registration issue with our current billing panel it came with. Yea I was shocked at all what happened yesterday as I thought to myself as "really? I can't beleive this is ACTUALLY happened" with this guy.. But I like to dump not only that idiot but the whole thing and move on. I will be getting the trial as soon as I can move ships for our virtual system and hopefully goes well.
  20. I could not believe on what the bucketing is going on here about WHT. A another trashing about WHMCS had happened yesterday morning in a bizarre way.. I had just published my first ad on the shared hosting section of WHT (because at this time we are selling just shared hosting), of course I included our company email address so potential customers could contact us if they didn't wanted to file a ticket. So I just woke up yesterday and noticed a 4AM email about someone wanting to work for the following, Co company owner, Sales, billing, or support representative. So me and my partner looked at the email and attached resume and it was really legitimate looking so we talked to him. He seemed at first just wanted to change our site because he said it's looked plain so I thought "cool a web redisgning and a support technician at once!". Like an idiot I created him a account for everything before I even talked to him (because I thought he was good after talking to my parnter and the email was really good).. This is where the whole WHMCS "overage" comes in play.. He just informed me that the site and our billing system was not goo and suggested that I go and rent out WHMCS. I explained to him that we are on a reseller plan and that what we have to work with but yes we could use your help. INSTEAD of letting WHMCS thing GO he was BSing at ME about it and that our current billing panel "sucks and doesn't works at all". Okay I thought I would explain in detail about how we operate and etc and then he would probably follow our lead with this (after all it's just a billing system right?). Oh no.. he kept on going on that you 'have" to have a lot of money to success in hosting industry.. Anyone with a half amount of common sense would know it doesn't matter how you setup your infrastructure, it's just matters if you can deliver a reliable service to your customers and please them in the end. Now after reading this garbage and having the chat logs from Skype about him economically threatening to either act as a skrill or post bad "reviews" about us. I "understand" this crap better and it's just WHMCS just trying to cover their fat butts. Ugh.. it's the 21th century and I cannot believe people like this guy cannot tolerate differences. After looking around here and seeing the features of this billing system, since it is cheaper than the three other options (I would NEVER go for WHMCS any day now after my and everybody else getting trashed) I am going to pick it up once our reseller package expires and we are able to move to our own virtual system. At least I caught his stupidly soon enough to lock out all accesses and because I did it so fast I never saved the password to WHM again.. so I had to ask for a reset and fortunately we are now back on track (at least we all got locked out instead of the old password still working hehe).
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