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Everything posted by MineHarvest66

  1. Let's me go down the list one last time... 1. He had REPEATEDLY asked for a "project completion" despite the fact telling him at least once that I would inform him that I would let him once I am ready. 2. He then proceed to question my ability to pay despite the fact the product was not going to be rendered at the time. 3. He then stated terrible thoughts regarding me in the PM 4. Then he proceed to posting these information INCLUDING CONFIDENTIAL information! I am sorry but these characteristics spells out "I want my money soon/now" rather than "I will wait right here and just make sure your okay from time to time" like EVERY NORMAL freelancer/company would!
  2. I expect the same regardless. Being salty like this is not going to win them "awesome points". It just shows that they value materials more than ever... And since when I did ripped them off? I will say it again... I told them when I am READY I would let them know. If they want to check up on me that would be fine. But asking for project deadlines and if I would be paying are questions that shouldn't been asked. Given that I already responded to the first and the latter is very inappropriate. You wait until billing THEN if they still won't pay then you question them. Not prior to work completion.
  3. By default anyone who I work with is REQUIRED to keep such information confidential unless I says so. So my college cannot share this information even though I already left, my older hosting companies can't do it either, and so on.
  4. I said I didn't have one on me. I always just updated people when I am ready or when I THINK I will be ready. But I cannot work with someone who will want one, asking question about payments when it not even time yet and now? releasing medical information? Yes he had, that still medical information.
  5. I had already said that I would be NOT be using it. No way that this guy is worming his way for money for the reasons I stated on the messages AND now that he leaked MEDICAL data without my consent as well.
  6. I said that I would supply that when I was ready...
  7. While the messages were in line this is NOT true. You sent a live demo but not the files themselves. I will NOT be using your product and I made a early discharge on this as quoted in the messages. You NEVER EVER question a customer's ability to pay up. That is handled at BILLING time and BILLING time ONLY.
  8. The 300 bucks version basically I BELIEVE works just like most "lifetime" licenses works. You pay a lump sum then every year AFTER that you pay $40+/year to keep support and updates. But if you wanted lifetime features too you can get that for a literal 500 bucks payment (the last time I check" which would include lifetime support and updates.
  9. Indeed it's the business's responsibly to either... 1. Pay for support/updates as needed OR 2. Arrange for "managed" updates to be pushed out for them a flat fee per month/year/lifetime/etc. For custom works that is.
  10. Since Yesterday? If so that is indeed odd. But I would give it the rest of today too and then failing that then I would be concerned.
  11. Hmm... How long did you wait before posting it here? Also when did you submitted the ticket?
  12. Awh thanks you! Let's hope this time for good.
  13. I also see what you means, it's the internal working that counts at the end of the day.
  14. I would kindly like to explain why I feel there more to this rather than "throwing more money at it". For simplicity stakes... Let's pretend that... Car A: $10,000 it's can speed up to 50MPH and gives you on average of 16MPG Car B: $16,000 it's can speed up to 80MPH and gives you on average of 20MPG Car C: $8,000 it's can speed up to 24MPH (slow moving vehicle) and gives you on average 10MPG According to what you said it is said that Car B is ALWAYS the "best way to go". While it boasts the "highest" specs does that means that Car B is worth the higher cost per unit of specification? Meaning that unless you value something else of Car B for the extra over-headed costs (for example it's MAX speed) rather it's value. Then I would buy Car A any day. Since it only a $2,000 different and that $2,000 extra gives you SO MUCH more than the $8,000 version (car C). See what I means?
  15. Ahh I see what you meant now absolutely. That how one of them did much work on a site and beside minor errors it was "ready" and thus he said he would be fixing it while I make the payment. Then 30 minutes after I made said payment I got the files and there was like 2 "odd balls" and he gave it the final "whack" it needed.
  16. Not it comes out half butted that it required previous works. I want PROOF that the design was done to functioning and satisfaction. Just like being able to test drive a car on the lot or at least the dealer willing to drive it with you in it right? Despite the dealer may be wasting their time, mileages on the vehicle, wear and tear and so on.
  17. I had two (they left and I am not even in that community anymore for other reasons) not paid until I saw the finished product on their test location. Of course your not getting the files until it's paid in full but to see the finished product AND agreeing to pay for that? That should be in reach. Just like "test driving" a car or getting a trial license before paying for either of these. Seems like a plan. Thanks in advance.
  18. I tried that before but I ended up getting short changed. I would prefer if it came with a guarantee that I will like it or my money back. Or "you don't need to pay for it until it completed to your expectations". Given that when I paid for that over at Fivver I needed another whole 2 MONTHS to find TWO people to help me repair it... But thanks you for the thoughts regardless.
  19. Thank you for your contribution, if you or anyone else knows such a person who can probably fulfills this well for me on a budget then feel free to let me know.
  20. Hello, I am looking to setup a small website hosting business however while I am quite versed with the IT aspects in order to support myself and eventually my clients. I am not so well with making the website itself. Does anyone know of a company or a developer that can do this for me? All without the seemly demands of paying his/her monthly rent in full? Thanks in advance!
  21. It may only validate every now and then so it may be possible that it just been not been "audited" yet. Regardless buying it is not going to kill any serious company wallets. Unlike someone....
  22. Ahh I see, looks like coin payments just take in the coins? But doesn't let you auto convert to USD in a bank account automatically? Thus you has to manually exchange them for such?
  23. BitPay support is honestly trash with that said does Blesta have that yet for the other one?
  24. Hello, I been looking for something like this but I am confused if this works with all countries banks (including USA) regarding payouts, and frequency as well as any fees for being paid out via bank? Finally if so what stipulations are in place? Do I just need to enter "regular" personal information and like my last four SSN. Or will I be required to present ID, full SSN, and all of that "jazz"?
  25. Any status updates on the site's problem? Thanks in advance.
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