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  1. I got customer-id error as well when not populating namerservers manually... once populated worked fine.
  2. Thanks! Will try this...
  3. We haven't tried it yet but will be soon as we are building our rebrand on WP and intend on Blesta integration. I am also not an iframe fan and will research some other methods such as api.
  4. Internetbs URL forwarding Is anyone currently writing the api for Internetbs URL forwarding to integrate into Blesta? We have a fair amount of domain only customers that require a domain to forward to various other websites. Currently using AWBS for this but want to migrate everything over to Blesta. If anyone else is writing this we will gladly test on our system.
  5. We too are looking for AWBS migration solutions with 2 installs running. It's been good to us but time to move on to Blesta!
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