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Everything posted by wfitg

  1. Wow, thanks guys. Thanks Potato and domaingood! I thought I was hacked. I could not find that url anywhere. I'll head over to resel.bz and go over the settings again. Thanks again!
  2. when My clients sign up they are sent a nice Welcome email from me with the WRONG log in location Login Details: URL:http://mail541129.srsportal.com/customer this is a URL in India How can I fix this
  3. cron works fine. Thanks mate.
  4. There was only one bug but naja fixed it. Closing a ticket from the user panel did not work. Naja fixed. Everything works great and looks fantastic! Thanks NaJa
  5. Thanks naja
  6. ok, i get it. The key is used only when the cron is run manually in a web browser. thanks!
  7. I switched back to Blesta template and the tickets close OK. Must be a browser issue when using the other template? Too bad, because i really liked it. Can the mods move this thread to the right topic?
  8. Thanks. I'll remember this. Nonetheless, in my travels to solve this problem i found out all i needed to do was run: pecl install mailparseThe error vasished. For some reason pecl was not configured for my version of PHP. This did the trick.
  9. IS it necessary to add extension="mailparse.so"??All I did was pecl install mailparseand it worked.If it is necessary I must fix.
  10. Can I enter this in the cpanel cron? Or does Blesta run cron? So far blesta has not run cron automatically, so I assume I have to add a cron in cpanel. So in my case all I should need to add to cpanel cron is: < /usr/bin/php /home/wfitg/public_html/backend/index.php cron (with no key?) > Is that correct? Thanks for the reminder about the key. I will change it.
  11. wfitg


    I went over there a few times but did not like the atmosphere. I suppose it is easy for some people to play God when they get some power.
  12. Where in the URL does the key go? < http://www.domain.com/blesta-folder/cron?cron_key=123456']http://www.domain.com/blesta-folder/cron? cron_key=123456' the back end suggests: /usr/bin/php /home/wfitg/public_html/backend/index.php cron > using cpanel x3
  13. This is some really good work. Thanks!!!!!!
  14. AdminLTE is a great improvment. Thanks! I will surely donate once I get a paying customer. But I have 2 problems. 1)Users can't close tickets. They click the button and nothing happens. 2) The logo does not scale See attachment screenshot. help anyone?
  15. Thanks. This worked for me on Centos: Install PECL if your server does not already have it. complie PECL for your version of PHP using this on the CL: pecl install mailparse done The error: "PHP Mailparse PECL extension is required for parsing email tickets" is gone. Yes, it was that simple.
  16. I had one for testing. But the only way to delete invoices, services, and the like is through the database.. So I cleaned up the database and deleted the user.
  17. Check the conf is using local host Try changing the host to: localhost
  18. wfitg

    Paypal Not Auto Billing

    I wanted to make this solved too but the website would not allow 2. For anyone searching for answers, this is also part of the solution.
  19. I do not want to test on an existing user's account because that will change their FTP pass Email pass too. I will take your word that you know.
  20. Excellent. Only the user's existing cpanel user name is needed. The rest is handled by API. But wouldn't requiring the existing cpanel name make it difficult to write a mass import module of existing cpanel users? Why not make the connection using the user's email instead?
  21. OK Thanks, i'll try this. Actually i use WHM to manage apache. And yes, x3 is the cpanel version. I'll try this over the weekend since it sounds like I may have to recomplie the server when i am done. Is there a reason not to use IMAP?
  22. wfitg


    wow, that is rude of them to ban you after being a member for so long. sheesh....
  23. I'd like to second that "high level of support". These guys are always here to help. Thanks Blesta Team
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