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Everything posted by wfitg

  1. For those searching the web for an answer to: "Logicboxes + mobile device, iPhone, Android, not registering, domain name" An upgrade to the most recent Blesta beta fixes the problem. If you do not want to upgrade Naja made a workaround: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $('input[name=domain]').keyup(function() { this.value = this.value.toLowerCase(); }); }); </script> Add the above code to the head section of the structure file of template. Hope this helps
  2. As with any business once you included their module in your software package the buying public (your clients) think it is part of your overall software package. They will want you to fix it. Unfair, but true. This is not really a bug. It is more of an oversight on the people who wrote the plug in. I found it only because someone told me it did not work. It never occured to me to verify if it works with mobile devices. The plug-in may have been written well before the handheld market got so big. So no one cared if it did or did not work with mobile devices. In my Google adwords account I see that those people shopping to start a small business on line ---more than 60% will use a handheld device to make the purchase. With numbers like those we can't afford to ignore them. Software products (including any plugins they use) have to be written and verified to work with mobile devices.
  3. Well, I get it on MINE, and so do the people who went and bought their domain name elsewhere.
  4. I read through your link and the others, thanks.
  5. I use logicboxes. No one can order a domain name when they are on a handheld, iphone, android (and connected to any isp). Everything works fine from desktops on various ISPs. The page returns "that domain is not available" on every name entered and on every extension entered on the form. Anyone else have this problem or has solved this?
  6. ok, i think I know which one it is. I was not sure if Blesta inserted it in the module or not since that feature is added by the order form.
  7. Wow. That looks good. I need to learn how to do that. What kind of code editor did you use? I use notepad++ Is there something better?
  8. wfitg

    Release 3.3.0-B1

    Your opinion is good enough for me. I'll install it too.
  9. wfitg

    Logo Not Scaling

    My logo is not scaling. It is not responsive to the screen size on hand held devices either. The rest of the page items are fine. See attachment. Can anyone make suggestions on how to get it to scale with the rest of the items on the page? Or point me to the right files to edit or a howto? thanks
  10. wfitg


    I responded in the ticket , thanks I only want to run a local copy at home, on a WAMP STACK, to get more comfortable making edits before they are implimented in production. I'm not that good at coding. I know enough to get in trouble at times so I want to do edits locally first. Can one of the mods kill this thread?
  11. So cool
  12. wfitg


    Normally i would not, but the ticket has been open since last thursday. i know ,, i know,,, it was a holiday weekend!!
  13. wfitg

    Release 3.3.0-B1

    I read that. Wow, that is a lot of changes! I was hoping for some personal experiences too Anyone has it running and want to comment?
  14. wfitg


    When someone has time, please respond to my support Ticket #5006403 thanks
  15. wfitg

    Release 3.3.0-B1

    How is it everyone? I have not tried it yet! No time maybe this weekend what is new? what is different? what is fixed? Share please
  16. I like it. I signed up for updates. Post more on it. Where is your blog?
  17. How can I relocate Relocate "domain privacy" chk box? See attachment
  18. wfitg


    I found it in the root dir, not the Blesta installation folder. Just wanted to make that clear. I have several wordpress plugins. never seen one make a cookie jar though. I'll keep an eye on this and thanks for everyone's responses.
  19. I love the features and layout of this plugin. Only one issue. My logo does not resize to fit. Any way to get it to scale properly?
  20. wfitg


    I'm trying to figure out how it got there
  21. wfitg


    # Netscape HTTP Cookie File # http://curl.haxx.se/rfc/cookie_spec.html # This file was generated by libcurl! Edit at your own risk. wfitg.com FALSE / FALSE 0 blesta_sid xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx found this in blesta root dir
  22. This sounds great NaJa. When do you think we can test drive it?
  23. wfitg


    Does Blesta add any text file cookies to / dir ?
  24. wfitg

    Dkim And Spf

    I found the problem. When using a contact form on a website always specify a "From" address. Otherwise Hotmail/Outlook will reject it. Hotmail seems to be the only one doing this. feh...
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