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Everything posted by iAlex

  1. iAlex

    Release 3.0.3

    Upgraded fine, activated a pending domain completely fine also. Will try registering a new one tonight and let you know how it goes!
  2. I'm also still having this, working live with ResellerClub - might be able to try sandboxing when I'm home from work later on.
  3. Just checking up on this to see if you were able to replicate this?
  4. Chrome on my desktop and at work, then Safari/Chrome on my Mac
  5. You are able to use the LogicBoxes module for ResellerClub.
  6. iAlex


    No problem, hope it is helpful.
  7. iAlex


    I've used something like this before; http://codecanyon.net/item/php-simple-cache/4169137 It basically saves the page as a HTML page and you can set how long that cache lasts, after that it will read and save the page again over the last one. Therefore it won't call the API every reload, it will just read what was on the page at the time of the cache, you can set the expire from anywhere between an hour, or a month.
  8. iAlex


    This would be the best option, caching it to a file in php is the easiest way, would only take a few minutes to implement, shouldn't use cookies when you don't need to.
  9. iAlex


    You seem to think that by using 'require_once' it won't need to keep including it after a refresh when it does.. With the script in that post you linked, using just 'require' instead of 'require_once' would do exactly the same thing. No need to act childish with sarcasm, when I'm just trying to state a point.
  10. iAlex


    What do you mean it is a require_once? That still requires it every page refresh, require_once just makes sure that it only includes the file once in a single page, not for every refresh. http://php.net/manual/en/function.require-once.php It looks nice, it just loads pretty slowly.
  11. So you're making them do work, they wouldn't of done normally, even if they were releasing it for free, it still would have been work they wouldn't have been doing - so it's understandable that they are charging for it, I would have done the same..
  12. Couldn't you of just waited until they released it free then? I don't understand, because making them create it quicker, will obviously cost you?
  13. Was it just because of a higher price or something else? If it was just the price, surely that's their choice what to charge, if not then I'd like to hear the reasoning.
  14. iAlex

    Blesta Baby

    Congrats Paul!
  15. There will always be people who disagree with updates When they get to as many users as they have they cannot please everyone! haha I like that one better than the one I still have too
  16. I like the website look! Although there are a few spelling errors on there.
  17. Yes, I'm using /clients/
  18. I can't seem to find anything in my logs about it. Will have another try.
  19. I thought this, as surely the point of the token is that it changes?
  20. I also get this when going to Add a new payment from the client area '/client/accounts/add/cc/' http://tbx.me/r1q.png
  21. iAlex


    Sounds exactly what Spotify/Rdio/Deezer/We7/Grooveshark/Last.fm/mFlow/Musicovery/Soundcloud and RadioPlayer kind of does. (There are a few options)
  22. Thank you
  23. Yes, as said I haven't really done anything client side, just my main front page of my website is done. Integrating Blesta is next for me.
  24. Just thought I'd show what I'm working on! Just redesigned my whole site in the last week or so here; https://tinyhost.co And will be slowly integrating Blesta more into the same design shortly, mostly the same so far; https://tinyhost.co/clients/
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