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Everything posted by iAlex

  1. Adding onto the above, when trying to manually activate it (after changing the country code) I'm getting; And in the logs.. Input: my@email.com|ssl-activate i:59266; Output: my@email.com a:3:{s:5:"error";b:1;s:7:"message";s:34:"The requested method was not found";s:11:"description";s:19:"Unknown API method.";} Although the order does seem to come through to my email and my GGSSL account, but if I try to reissue for instance I get: "Invalid order ID: 0 for customer 2914." Seems like there are a few quirky bits with this module
  2. Found it I think Response: a:3:{s:5:"error";b:1;s:7:"message";s:19:"Failed to add order";s:11:"description";s:60:"Please specify a valid 2 character long ISO country name: 14";} The country field is an open text field, which you'd expect to put the whole country name, maybe making this a selection instead would be better?
  3. Is anyone else using the GoGetSSL module without problems? If I go through and fill out everything it all gets submitted, but the SSL never gets generated on GGSSL's side, and nothing is taken from my balance. I'll copy some logs over if other people are not having any problems with it. Also another note with the module is that it returns numbers instead of values for some email options like; {service.gogetssl_webserver_type} returns a number and so does {package.gogetssl_product}. Which does not make much sense if I were to use it in an email. Thanks!
  4. Haha, after I posted that I actually decided to see how hard it would be to add and found the same thing.
  5. Namecheap also resell SSL certificates as well as domains. It would be great to include these in the Namecheap module. Their website: https://www.ssls.com/ I believe they also use the same API for both, would something like this be possible? Thanks.
  6. Hi, I made a coupon for 100% to test with Blesta 3.2, I went through to order hosting and got the the page where I'd selected the package. Before: http://tbx.me/9izGZr.png I then enter the coupon and click 'Redeem' to see this: http://tbx.me/uzO0m.png and http://tbx.me/r2o.png to show it's applied, but it seems to mess with the design a bit.
  7. Yes, it has been made by BlueVM, they use it in production and it's talked about quite a lot of LET
  8. It would be good to have a simple cut-down roadmap, not set in stone objects, just so we know.
  9. A quick thing, your inputs seem to be bleeding over the edge of the container for me. Win 7 in Chrome.
  10. As said above, you will probably have to go through each template. Would be useful to mass update this if you install on a subdomain. I had to do the same as I was on manage.*.co
  11. iAlex

    Moving To Bootstrap

    Was going to have a look, but it seems the password has been changed?
  12. Yeah I wasn't sure either, but otherwise it means you will have to go in to top the quantity up now and again.
  13. You set how many packages of each service you have when setting up Blesta with cPanel/WHM, this decrements when a user signs up for said package, but when that user account gets cancelled, I would expect that package amount would increment by one again as you now have one more space.
  14. Doesn't the inactive status do this though? I understand the wording is slightly different, but I'd just set them to that
  15. I just had to cancel a service, and realised that the quantity of the package did not increase once I had cancelled it. I think this would make sense to have, as you're freeing up a package. I'm using 3.0.5 with the cPanel/WHM plugin.
  16. This will be a great addition. Is there a date for 3.0.5? Thanks for adding this in.
  17. Are you using the latest version 3.0.4? Edit: Just seen your other thread, I see you're using the latest version of that and the module.
  18. Thank you, I'm very glad to hear!
  19. Is there any possible way to modify the current ones that easily, so could just do this; User chooses the domain name they want Domain is available, so it's added to the cart Transferred to hosting packages User picks the package, and either fills in the domain or it's filled in already Check out for both products As for me this is the logical way of an order form for at least Web hosting. Is this easily possible to modify currently, or is it looking easier to wait?
  20. I used it as a coupon on the order form, and I believe it was 100% originally before I changed it. I will try and give you better steps tomorrow.
  21. Did this ever get seen?
  22. Mine also works the same as Cubics, the only way I can make mine say it's available is by pressing transfer, but even then I get a different message than you. http://tbx.me/0HLK.png Have you changed the code for the buttons at all?
  23. iAlex

    Removing From Cart

    I seem to be able to remove things from mine without a problem - odd.
  24. iAlex

    Release 3.0.3

    I have registered one successfully without any faults myself.. Although having a problem with coupons (as put in the bugs section)
  25. Since I upgraded to 3.0.3 if I use a coupon (in my case 100% off domains to test) it does not count as used? So far this coupon has been used 3 times successfully: http://tbx.me/7b_.png Just wondering if anyone can reproduce this?
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