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  1. This is what I get in the tools - logs - cron tab http://prntscr.com/qbomqf Login credentials are fine as well.
  2. Hi, The automation service seems to be running fine, only it's not able to import tickets it shows this: https://prnt.sc/qbmbqf the loading icon keeps rolling, the rest of automation working fine as i said: http://prntscr.com/qbmt90 any idea, what can be wrong here?
  3. Hi i'd like to order, but i guess your website is undergoing maintenance... how can i order?
  4. Hi BlestaStore, are these themes only working with blestacms or they work with blesta without blestacms as well?
  5. Hi, If i would want to buy one, do i need a coupon or something to add this during order or how does it work?
  6. hello, i'm thinking of purchasing blesta with blestacms, is there any demo available for blestacms (apart from screenshots, like live example)?
  7. KrisA

    change http to https

    hi how can i change all the links in blesta from normal http to https so by default it loads https
  8. KrisA

    Php Warning

    fixed this... sorry! please delete this topic.
  9. KrisA

    Options (Addons)

    i have modified like this, but still the price of the add-on is not being added. am i doing something wrong?
  10. KrisA

    Options (Addons)

    thanks here is what i have now, the price of the add-on is not calculated in the total.
  11. KrisA

    Options (Addons)

    here is updated version, but it's not accepting it. i just want to give option of either selecting dedicated ip (for extra money) or just use simple shared ip which is free please help.
  12. KrisA

    Options (Addons)

    It's not one time, it's monthly
  13. where should be the folder adminlte be uploaded? how can this be installed?
  14. KrisA

    Options (Addons)

    screenshot 2 of the order form:
  15. KrisA

    Options (Addons)

    screenshot 1 of admin panel:
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