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  1. I was hoping there was already a way, but glad it is already a feature request. Thanks. Curious if the answer to this was ever discovered: {% for invoice in invoices %} Invoice #: {invoice.id_code} Previous amount due: {invoice.previous_due | currency_format invoice.currency} Amount due on this invoice: {invoice.due | currency_format invoice.currency} {% endfor %}
  2. lori

    Wrong Dates In Invoice

    Ok. Thank you.
  3. I would like to make a request that the client's name be shown on the invoice lists. I know it would take up more space, but even if the names were truncated, it would really make working with these lists much easier than hovering over the client #s. Thanks very much.
  4. Hi, I have a client who is signed up for a monthly web hosting plan. For all of her invoices before the last one, the dates are one month apart, but in her last invoice, the dates were Jul 01, 2014 - Nov 01, 2014, when it should have only been for Oct. 1 - Nov. 1. The amount was the usual amount for one month. She still has an unpaid bill for Oct. 1 to Nov. 1 that is unpaid and which she just received a reminder for. Any idea how this could happen? Her only service is the one web hosting account. Not really sure where that jul-nov invoice was even generated from. Thanks, Lori
  5. Hi, Is there a way to include the full total that client owes in their invoice emails and/or reminder notices and allow them to pay their full balance all at once? My clients have been consistently paying for one invoice only, even when they have 2 or 3 outstanding. They then get annoyed by the reminder emails because they think they already paid. Is there a way to make this process smoother and easier for them? Maybe add an option for them to pay all of their outstanding bills when they click the 'Pay now' link? Curious how other people handle this. Some of my older clients are low tech, regularly pay late, and get confused if the process of paying their bill isn't seamless. This did not happen when I was using WHMCS, but I can't remember what was different. Thanks, Lori
  6. Top items for me would be the ability to create and send the quote, a way for client to accept the quote, and converting the quote to an invoice when accepted or manually. If it can not be converted manually, it would be nice if there was an option to not send the invoice as soon as it is created because the project may not be starting at the same time as when the quote is accepted.
  7. I love this idea too
  8. Thanks Cody. Definitely makes sense not to send draft invoices to clients. Would probably work better to have a third option for quotes, so regular invoices and quotes could be emailed, but drafts could not. The only difference needed would be the text on the email that is sent to the client. That would also make it easy to convert a quote directly into an invoice.
  9. If you do that, how do you email the quote to the client?
  10. No changes were made to the server, vhosts, etc. Going to do some tests now to try and get more details.
  11. Ok, I will see what I can do, but the email links used to be correct. Not really sure why the are not anymore.
  12. Thanks. I answered in post #4 that my root web directory is set correctly. I am finding this problem hard to troubleshoot. I am going to try again later using a test client. Hopefully I can figure it out.
  13. Any other ideas about why I may be having this problem? I have hard coded the client account link into the email template so that people would get to the right place, but can not hard code the Pay Now (no login required) link, which still leads to the wrong place. Thanks.
  14. I changed this sentence: <p><strong>If you have already paid this invoice or use autopay, there is no need to do anything else.</strong> You will receive a receipt when your payment has been processed.</p> to add the words 'or use autopay'. The rest of the email is exactly the same as before the problem started.
  15. I have already searched an did not find a solution. That is why I posted here. I have also noticed that {invoice.payment_url} is having the same problem. This just started happening yesterday after changing the text of a sentence containing no variables/tags.
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