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Everything posted by Rodrigo

  1. I made a mistake on the title, this should work on Blesta 3.2.1, don't know if it works for earlier versions.
  2. Hi, As the current blesta spanish language pack doesn't include the order page translations (I don't know if it's a bug or the translation is just incomplete), I made a word by word translation for all the included order pages in blesta Requirements: -Blesta Spanish Translate Pack Installed (es_es) Translated Order Pages: ​AJAX Wizard Standard How to Install: Uncompress the archive on blesta root folder Download: orderpages_spanish_langpack.tar.gz Feel free to include this language pack onto existing blesta package or translation status. Maybe I'll release more goodies as I prepare my blesta install for production environment
  3. I think I will use the current way of making html mails then. The system starting with H...B.. uses a global html container, so you don't need repeat the mails content for a text and HTML version, at the cost of having the same html mail template for all (I think you can override the global container though).
  4. Don't know if it helps, but meanwhile you can try to set the base price at the price of the minimum configurable option setup, then put the first tier of each configurable option at $0, so they get the minimum options and get the base price at the same time. This should avoid order pages saying "Starting at 0.00" too. I'm doing this at the blesta setup that i'm preparing, where I have services that have their prices based only on configurable options (server capacity, slots).
  5. Hi, I'm sharing a quick method for making custom static pages in blest system without any additional plugin. Please consider that any future update would require to take care of the changes made as they can be erased. In this example I'll be doing a static page that will be located in your_blesta_location.com/services 1.1 Creating a static page with custom HTML 1. Open plugins/cms/controller/main.php Find: else { $this->redirect($this->base_uri); } Replace for: else { switch($uri) { case 'services': $this->structure->set("page_title", "*** INSERT PAGE TITLE ***"); $this->structure->set("title", "*** INSERT TITLE SHOWN ON PORTAL TEMPLATE ***"); // Placeholders won't work with this method, so let's use variables $url = rtrim($this->base_url, "/"); $blesta_url = $this->Html->safe($url . WEBDIR); $html = <<<EOT <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 portal-box"> <a href="{$blesta_url}services> <div class="well"> <i class="fa fa-cogs fa-4x"></i> <h4>Foo</h4> <p>Bar.</p> </div> </a> </div> EOT; $this->set("content", $html); break; default: $this->redirect($this->base_uri); } } You can repeat the php case for making all the static pages you want, putting HTML between the EOT marks (There should be no space or characters after EOT; mark). If you don't like the broken indentation you can try another methods for doing multi line strings in PHP, but I think using nowdoc is more easy when you need to insert html. 1.2 Adding custom meta tags to the new static page (optional) 1. Open plugins/cms/controller/main.php Find $this->set("content", $html); Add Before: $metatags = <<<EOT <meta property="og:title" content="foo"/> <meta property="og:description" content="bar."/> <meta property="og:image" content="baz"/> <meta property="og:url" content="http://www.example.com/services"/> EOT; $this->structure->set("metatags" , $metatags); 2. Open /app/views/client/bootstrap/structure.pdt (or in your own template) Find <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> Add after <?php echo $this->Html->ifSet($metatags) ?> Dev note: this could be easier if could find a way to get structure protected property values, then concat the metatags to an existing variable like $custom_head (Is there a method like $this->structure->get()?) Also, don't forget that the Portal plugin is being developed for being a fully functional CMS system, so this would not be needed in the future. Here is my result, I'm linking this custom static page from the blesta portal main page for linking to different order pages (currently in design and module coding process, blesta flexibility is awesome) Result: Setting what Facebook shows by modifying meta tags I hope somebody finds this useful Bye EDIT: fixed a detail in $url definition EDIT2: Added how to add custom html into <head> EDIT3. Confirming that this still works for Blesta 3.5.1
  6. Any word from blesta developers on this issue? I have done a clean install of blesta on a Debian VPS. After configuring SSL stuff and installing recommended apache mods for best page load times, Blesta included mod_rewrite rules to force HTTPS will catch Google Chrome in redirection loop, while Safari it's still working. Mods Installed. -mod_spdy (maybe google chrome it's using SPDY while safari isn't) -PHP FPM -FastCGI Solution: Add RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 before RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on Rodrigo P.S: found this thread by searching in google for this issue
  7. Hi, I've using another payment management system and it got a feature that allows to set a global mail HTML container, so it can wrap all mails with a design. Is there an alternative to this in Blesta? Thanks, Rodrigo
  8. Yup, I did it and it said that the upgrade was completed, I think it missed the plugin upgrade this time -Rodrigo
  9. Ok, I've found this: After upgrading blest through upgrade link, it's necessary to manually upgrade each plugin to make it work correctly. Now everything is working OK again. Thanks
  10. Hi, 1. I used main 3.2.1 files (blesta-3.2.1.zip), uncompressed it, then cp -Rf blesta/* . (to match the installation dir) 2. It's a pretty clear installation, I've only developed a payment gateway atm Thanks!
  11. Hello, I've upgraded from 3.1 to 3.2.1, and now I'm getting an incomplete page on admin panel only at "Order Forms" Tried different browsers and it's still the same Is this a known issue? Thanks! Rodrigo (sorry for large images)
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