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Everything posted by nereliz

  1. Thanks for your response. But I was unable to figure out how to build keys for configuration file like you have if my controller is in plugin. I can't set in the form as this is used via curl. I can't use APIs for this because i need this to be without authentication. It should do very specific task.
  2. Hi, I know this topic is old. But is there a possibility to remove CSRF from plug-in form. Let say my form is located in: https://example.net/admin/plugin/test_plugin/admin_products/add Regards, Nerijus Barauskas
  3. nereliz

    Custom Reports

    Hi, Activa you can get company_id in controllers or modules using Configure::get( "Blesta.company_id" ) or there $this->Session->read( "blesta_company_id" ). So this bit kind of already there, just then you build the SQL report you have to hard code it and do it for each add-on company. I understand you need to add all necessary JOIN statements to be able to use the company id as not all tables have this field. I thought I am missing something I can't relate. Thanks for your responses.
  4. nereliz

    Custom Reports

    So company_id should be manually looked in company list. It would be better to introduce :company_id tag which when will take company_id from the session to reduce human error factor. As you still have company id to load custom report itself and the SQL could be copied and pasted between different companies easily. I have quite allot add-on companies to look after. Regards, Nerijus B.
  5. nereliz

    Custom Reports

    Hi, I would like to built custom reports related to invoices. I do have multi company version so the problem is how to define that the query would return only current company entries? Is where predefined fields for that? Kind Regards, Nerijus Barauskas
  6. I found a work around that's fine. Just a suggestion then, it might be a good thing to have function in Record component just to say if transaction is open then it would be easier to debug your own plugin actions as they might be wraped in a bigger method. Anyway thanks for your time
  7. Hi, Thanks for quick response. In that case you logic fails as the Package::add, PackageGroup::add doesn't have transactions inside. So it has a lack of consistency. Ok I will look for work around thanks anyway. Regards, Nerijus Barauskas
  8. Hi, I have an issue then I'm trying to install my plugin. On installation process I have to create some package option groups and the problem is that plugin installation method opens a transaction which is fine, but PackageGroupOption add method opens a transaction as well. And that leads to an exception that transaction is already opened. So as adding package group option is smaller action and might by a part of the bigger process probably removing transaction creation in that level would be a not a bad idea. While you can always start your transaction manually. Kind Regards, Nerijus Barauskas
  9. nereliz

    Bcc Privilegies

    Hi Linecart, Thank you for your quick response. Yes I was missing second part. I had a bad understanding that if I check that on Staff Group level it will automatically include all group's members to BCC list. Thanks, Nerijus
  10. nereliz

    Bcc Privilegies

    Hi, I was looking ad Staff Group / Email BCC Notices settings. Then those BCC emails are send. For example I create a group and make Invoice Delivery (paid/unpaid) active. But after invoice was generated and delivered my BCC staff member didn't get any email. How could it be configured properly what I'm missing here. Thanks Nerijus Barauskas
  11. I understand that bit But In the module I do related changes to my own system and i need to show extra information for staff member.
  12. Hi, I'm wondering maybe it already exists but i just can't figure it out. The problem I faced is then I'm editing a service, lets say changing the package. And then package is changing in module I do some extra work wich later need to be check by staff member and he must confirm that it is ok. But where is no way to set extra message beside the success wich will tell staff member to check / alter other stuff regarding the changes has bean made. Maybe where is away to overwrite a success message by custom one? P.S. Also i notice that flash message overwrites previous message in appController. Lets say if i do $this->flashMessage( "message", "Success user was created" ); and add after that you call $this->flashMessage( "notice", "User password need to be changed"); You will see only notice but not both of them. I think it would be better to allow to set more then one flash message.
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