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Everything posted by multibyte
Hello everyone, Thought I would show a little of what we have been working on. This is by no means near completion but there is enough now there to show you all. Yes this did start off as a website template however we are customizing the look etc to try and make it look unique whilst still keeping the graphics that we love. Any feedback would be brilliant and I look forward to hearing from you all. I would also like to thank every single one of you on this forum you have all be amazing! This integration and customization includes custom register and login pages, custom theme for Cpanel and Blesta, Website Customization, Email Customization as well as much more to come!
Hello Tyson, Please see below details after following your request:- Input: https://httpapi.com/api/domains/details.json a:4:{s:8:"order-id";s:8:"60457884";s:7:"options";a:4:{i:0;s:24:"RegistrantContactDetails";i:1;s:19:"AdminContactDetails";i:2;s:18:"TechContactDetails";i:3;s:21:"BillingContactDetails";}s:11:"auth-userid";s:6:"595870";s:7:"api-key";s:32:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";} Output: https://httpapi.com/api/domains/details.json {"isImmediateReseller":"false","classkey":"thirdleveldotuk","isOrderSuspendedUponExpiry":"false","classname":"com.logicboxes.foundation.sfnb.order.domorder.ThirdLevelDotUk","registrantcontact":{"emailaddr":"james.wallace@multi-byte.co.uk","country":"GB","contactstatus":"Active","contacttype":["thirdleveldotuk"],"name":"James Wallace","parentkey":"999999999_314815_595870","address2":"Chester-le-street","company":"Multibyte Web Services","city":"Durham","address1":"*FIRST LINE OF MY ADDRESS*","contactid":"44010858","telnocc":"44","zip":"*MY POST CODE*","telno":"1111111","state":"DUR","customerid":"12934360","type":"UkContact"}}
Hello Please see below as requested:- There was no domains/details but there was a domains register please see below input and output for this:- Input: https://httpapi.com/api/domains/register.json a:12:{s:11:"domain-name";s:21:"multibytestatus.co.uk";s:5:"years";s:1:"1";s:11:"customer-id";s:8:"12934360";s:14:"reg-contact-id";i:44010858;s:16:"admin-contact-id";i:-1;s:15:"tech-contact-id";i:-1;s:18:"billing-contact-id";i:-1;s:14:"invoice-option";s:9:"NoInvoice";s:15:"protect-privacy";s:5:"false";s:2:"ns";a:2:{i:0;s:20:"ns1.multi-byte.co.uk";i:1;s:20:"ns2.multi-byte.co.uk";}s:11:"auth-userid";s:6:"595870";s:7:"api-key";s:32:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";} Output: https://httpapi.com/api/domains/register.json {"actiontypedesc":"Registration of multibytestatus.co.uk for 1 year","actionstatus":"Success","entityid":"60457884","status":"Success","eaqid":"296480572","actiontype":"AddNewDomain","description":"multibytestatus.co.uk","actionstatusdesc":"Domain registration completed Successfully"} I am using Blesta 3.4.2 and LogicBoxes 2.1.2 Thanks again.
Hello Tyson please see the top two from the logs for Logicboxes, hope this helps Please note words with *word* is stuff I have hidden:- First Input: https://httpapi.com/api/customers/search.json a:5:{s:8:"username";s:30:"*EMAIL*";s:13:"no-of-records";i:10;s:7:"page-no";i:1;s:11:"auth-userid";s:6:"595870";s:7:"api-key";s:32:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";} Second Output: https://httpapi.com/api/customers/search.json {"recsonpage":"1","recsindb":"1","1":{"customer.username":"EMAIL","customer.name":"James Wallace","customer.totalreceipts":"0.000","customer.resellerid":"595870","customer.country":"GB","customer.city":"*MY CITY*","customer.websitecount":"0","customer.customerstatus":"Active","customer.company":"Multibyte Web Services","customer.customerid":"12934360"}}
Hello Licensecart, no this was a fresh Install, thanks
Hello, I have just installed the Logic Boxes module for Reseller Club. I have managed to get everything to work and taken my first order. I do however have 1 question when going into manage the domain on blesta client. I am unable to access the Whois tab or the Settings Tab. Has anyone come across this and know how to fix it. Thanks
Hello, I just tried to add the service via the admin panel and it shows the oh no! command below which I do not understand, thanks.
Hello Tyson, Have just been checking over the system and noticed the following error (picture attached) hope this helps. Also with reference to the firewall is there a tutorial on how to do this at all? Thanks for all of your help!
Hello Tyson, I have completed the above as requested please see below. ] I created a test service and ran manually but it froze saying.. Attempting to provision paid pending services However as stated the cpanel log shows it as being successfully created and I can confirm the account was created on WHM. Hope this helps.
Does anybody have any ideas what this could be please? Thanks
Hello licencecart i didn't explain clearly after deleting the nul entries i also deleted the pervious hosting signup then after running the cron manually i signed up for a brand new hosting package. Thanks
Hello Tyson, I turned on error reporting, then went to mysql and deleted the NULL values. I then ran the crons manually (~the way you have stated) which worked no problem. I then tried to add a service for my test account which went threw ok as the same in the first post but now caused the Provision of paid services to freeze again. Hope this helps
Have also deleted all queries with Null Value as requested run the cron manually and added a new service which I am waiting for it to provision
Hello Tyson, I have done as you have asked but were do I find the error report after enabling it? Thanks
Any ideas how to fix this?
Very Strange I have managed to get the Invoices to work however the Provision of Paid Services is now playing up. It creates the account (see pictures) but the cron is sticking. However I can login to the account Via Cpanel Any advise?
Thanks Licensecart how long does this take as I have now been waiting 30 hours?
Hello everyone, Really hoping someone can help as this is driving my crazy I am facing problems with the "deliver invoices" cron. The circular diagram has been spinning round now for the past 24 hours with no option to stop it. I tried changing the cron to /local/ in cpanel but this has made no difference ( Other Crons are working as normal) This is a brand new installation of Blesta with just one test account and the tested invoice which has not sent. I can not re-install Blesta as we are working on custom look and feel which is taking up alot of my time. Also the logs for Cron are not showing any information regarding this either. The invoice can also not be downloaded, but strangely the reminder emails for it are sending as normal. I really hope someone can help Thanks
Hello Mike, I hope this is what you mean cron Job: */5 * * * * /usr/bin/php /home/public_html/account/index.php cron All over crons are working as they should except the provisional one Thanks
Good evening to you all, Really hoping someone can help. I'm in the process of installing Blesta. Everything on the install and configuration has run smoothly no problems at all. However I have just made a test client and signed up for a service which worked fine. Now the service has activated on my server via the CPANEL module and I can log into it via cpanel however on Blesta its still showing as PENDING and also the cron job "Provision Paid Pending Services" is sticking. Any help would be gratefully appreciated and like I have already said this is a brand new install and I have not changed any core files Thanks Jamie
Thanks Tyson very correct thanks!
Thanks Tyson that was the problem any ideas for question 2 ??
Hello Tyson I don't seem to get that option in client is there something I need to enable?