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Everything posted by kikloo

  1. Hi, My server team said that they created a custom php.ini file which has fixed the issue. I wonder why a custom php.ini file was required !! Thanks.
  2. Hi, I found that why it happened it was a wrong date issue and blesta created a bunch of invoices for that also. Had to delete them manually. Thanks.
  3. Hi, Exactly why I am desperate to leave WHMCS, it sucks, hackers coming in time and again to register domains and causing loss. Just a feature I thought would be helpful. Oh btw that happened becuase the smart search is not working properly in blesta. I have 2 clients who's first name is Abhishek and I searched for the client and it took me to wrong Abhishek, i quickly added the order to that one and thats why I need the move service feature. I hope it gets fixed soon as if there are multiple results in smart search it should list instead of moving to first available record. Thanks.
  4. Hi, Please add feature in blesta which simply changes client ID of the service from one client to another. Very basic feature but very important. Thanks.
  5. Hi, Actually no, its a very basic feature in WHCMS which just changes the client ID. Though you are correct about login details but when you're dealing with resellers this is a must have feature. As a reseller would order a domain / hosting for his / her own client and ask us to put that into his personal account which he will get transfered later to client's own account. This has happened with me several times. Sometimes friends who are clients register a domain for their friends and use their personal account but later the friend of friend wants to move that service to his own newly created personal account. This feature is available with all domain registrars, they call it: Push, Move etc. Thanks.
  6. Hi, Please check the attached screen shot. Blesta suddenly suspended the services when they are not due or anything. The client has no invoices etc. Thanks.
  7. Hi, Thanks it worked. How can I change the header of blesta ? Also I uploaded my company logo but its not coming in emails etc. Thanks.
  8. Hi, Please tell me its coming in next version. Blesta lacks very basic features, please add them ASAP to make it even powerful. Thanks.
  9. Hi, I added a service for a wrong client due to matching names. How do I move services from one client to another ? Thanks.
  10. Hi, Okay its working now. I was padding the exchange rate which was causing the issue. Thanks.
  11. Hi, The default currency is INR but price specified for that product was USD as I want Blesta to convert to INR everytime someone orders and show the new price but that is not happening. Thanks.
  12. Hi, I just get login page and nothing else: http://avissoft.com/billing/ Thanks.
  13. Hi, How is blesta converting currency ? Earlier 9.89 USD to INR was 578 by Blesta But today 1 USD to INR is 60.38 But Blesta is still showing 578 for 9.89 USD when I am trying to order. It does'nt apply the new price to services / products ? Thanks.
  14. Hi, Right now I get a login page as a client when I goto blesta. I don't want that, I want the order page which people can use to lookup domains, add hosting packs to cart and then login / reg, and purchase. How to have that ? Thanks.
  15. Seems everything is coming in 3.3...when that is coming ???
  16. Hi, I recorded a payment for a client and later a invoice was created manually. I clicked the Pay button but it asked me to create payment account. How can I apply the payment I added earlier to the invoice created ? Thanks.
  17. Hi, My server team says its installed but blesta cannot see it. My server team gave me this also: --- root@host [~]# php -m | grep mailparse mailparse --- Thanks.
  18. Hi, I am using cPanel. Thanks.
  19. Hi, Okay its coming now. Thanks. But when I try to add a deptt. it says: The PHP Mailparse PECL extension is required for parsing email tickets. Thanks.
  20. Hi, 1. When I goto /settings/system/staff/groups/ and edit the group to give permissions I am presuming that there should be checkboxes for the support system that I need to tick in order to grant access but sadly there are no checkboxes coming for support manager at all. Only: Billing, Clients, Home, Packages, Search, Settings, Tools are coming and e-mail bcc, email subs notices are coming. 2. When I goto plugin/support_manager there is only uninstall option coming and nothing else. I tried removing the plugin and re-installing also but nothing happened. Its same. Whats the issue ?
  21. Hi, Its enabled and I added a staff also but when I login as staff I do not see any link etc. It says you're not authorized or something. How do I configure support system also ? I need to configure pipe. In admin I do not see anything regarding support configuration either. Thanks.
  22. Hi Licensecart, Charging $3 per $100 or deducting $3 per $100 means that $3 are gone I know paypal's license but i need to know what can i do about it ? Can I deduct like resellerclub and credit rest of the amount ? Thanks.
  23. I wonder how its illegal coz when I add funds to my ResellerClub account through PayPal they gladly deduct the amount charged to them by PayPal and I am sure everyone is aware about it.
  24. Hi, Okay thanks. Got it. Its clean One more important question: I charge my clients via paypal and 2co. I want to charge a surcharge for that. For eg. if their order total is $10 and if they use paypal to pay then it should add 2.5% + 0.30 cents to $10 . And if they want to pay via 2co then it should add 5.5% etc. How do I achieve this ? However this should not reflect in their invoice and extra amount I charged them should not be credited into their account when IPN is done by paypal or 2co. This is the most important feature I want which I was unable to get / do in WHMCS. I am shifting to blesta for this reason only. As if i don't charge surcharge I get in loss. Thanks
  25. Hi, I manually added a service for a client who's renewal date I set to 19-06-2014. And cron has run but even after the cron, invoice has not generated for it. Why ? Also I have only configured 1 single cron which says: index.php cron ... is that correct ? Do i need to have more cron or this is the only one I need ? Please help. Thanks.
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